Junior Expert (JE) Job description

Junior Programme / Junior Expert Job description – Administrative part (January 2018)p. 1


General information
Application date
Job title / Junior Expert (JE) in
(ex: digitalisation, gender, etc.)
Full denomination of the project/programme
Enabel / NGA
Navision code / Name
The job description has been discussed with an OPS/EST/COMM colleague / YES NO
(add name of colleague) / The job description has been discussed with the NGA HQ / YES NO
(add name of the HQ contact)
Is the project/programme directly linked to the priority sectors and themes (specific and transversal) stipulated in the Law of the Development Cooperation dated 19th March 2013?
If yes, please check here below the sector(s) and/or theme(s) concerned.
Agriculture and Food security
Basic infrastructure
Education and training
Healthcare (including the universal right to health and healthcare, sexual and reproductive health and fight against endemic diseases including transversal approach HIV/AIDS). / Consolidation of society
Decent and sustainable work
Gender equality
Human rights (including Children’s rights)
Protection of the environment and of natural resources, including the fight against climate change, drought and global deforestation
Administrative, logistical and budgetary aspects
Name of partner organization involved in the request for a JE
Only requiredwhen the JE is locatedwithin the infrastructure of a partner
Name of partner’s representative
An agreement in principle regarding the arrival of a JE has already been negotiated with the partner organisation / YES NO
Enabel / NGA
An agreement in principle regarding the arrival of a JE has already been negotiated with the Ministry / YES NO / Ensures to have the official status of NGA and VISAS arrangements needed for the Junior Expert to be working in its office on the field (work permit). / YES NO
Where will the JE’s working space be?
(select one option) / In an office that is currently wholly or partially unused, situated at the project/programme’s current premises
In a (rented) room located away from the current premises
Please specify:
Other, please specify:
The project/programme ensures to be able to cover the operational/functioning costs linked to the presence of the JEon the field (e.g. laptop, field mission expenses, purchase of special equipment, communication materials,…). / YES NO
Cost estimated at EUR
Remark:Each JE disposes ofa budget of 1000 € / contract year to cover training expenses and a budget of 200 € / contract year to organize networking/partnership activities. The budget is managedby the Junior Programme.
Contact information Supervisor (N+1)
Surname and first name
Duty station of supervisor
Ending date of supervisor’s contract
Office phone number
Mobile phone number
Other information
Any other comments, observations or other information that you consider useful?
Approval and signature
Motivation and approval of the supervisor (N+1) / Date & Signature
Motivation and approval of the representative of the partner organisation (only when JE is integrated in partner’s infrastructure) / Date & Signature
Motivation approval of the Resident RepresentativeEnabel / NGA country representative / Date & Signature
For more information, please contact the Junior Programme staff member support & follow-up in charge of your country.
(Burundi), (Democratic Republic of Congo), Morocco, Rwanda and Uganda / Staff member: Maureen DEBRUYNE
(s of 22/01/2018)
Skype : Maureen Debruyne BTC HQ
(Maureen Debruyne Enabel HQ as of 22/01/2018)
Office phone n° : + 32 2 505 18 86
Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Palestinian territories, Senegal and Tanzania / CES: Pauline BOURTEMBOURG
Adresse électronique:
( as of 22/01/2018)
(Pauline Bourtembourg Enabel HQ as of 22/01/2018)
N° de tél. Bureau: + 32 2 505 18 68

Junior Programme / Junior Expert Job description – Administrative part (January 2018)p. 1