Mining Proposal Scoping Document Template[1]
The purpose of a Mining Proposal Scoping Document (MPSD) is to:· provide a framework for pre-consultation with DMIRS to agree on the scope and key aspects of the Mining Proposal
· delineate regulatory agency responsibilities
· identify issues that are to be addressed prior to submission of the Mining Proposal and/or required studies/work that need to be carried out.
1. The Proposal
Key Proposal Characteristics[2]
Summary of Proposal
Proposal title
Proponent name
Short description
Physical elements
Element[3] / Location / Proposed extent
Operational elements[4]
Element / Location / Proposed extent
The purpose of this section is to discuss how the project will impact on the environmental factors and what further work will be undertaken.
2. Consideration of environmental factors and scope of work
DMIRS’ principal objective for environmental regulation is:
Resource industry activities are designed, operated, closed, decommissioned and rehabilitated in an ecologically sustainable manner, consistent with agreed environmental outcomes and end land-uses without unacceptable liability to the State.
DMIRS’ environmental objectives:
Environmental factor / Objective
Biodiversity / Flora /
Fauna / Ecosystem / To maintain representation, diversity, viability and ecological function at the species, population and community level.
Water resources / To maintain the hydrological regimes, quality and quantity of groundwater and surface water to the extent that existing and potential uses, including ecosystem maintenance, are protected.
Landforms / Mining will not result in appreciable land degradation, or the contamination or pollution of the land.
Mine closure / Mines are closed in a manner to make them (physically) safe to humans and animals, (geo-technically) stable, (geo-chemically) non-polluting/non-contaminating, and capable of sustaining an agreed post-mining land use, and without unacceptable liability to the State.
Environmental factors and scope of work
Environmental Factors / Studies undertaken / proposed / Comments
Biodiversity / Flora /
Fauna / Ecosystem
Water resources
Mine closure
3. Stakeholder engagement
The purpose of this section is to outline what stakeholder engagement has been undertaken, what further engagement is proposed and how this has affected the proposal.
Stakeholder Engagement Register
Date / Description of Engagement / Stakeholders / Stakeholder comments/issue / Proponent Response and/or resolution / Stakeholder Response
Stakeholder engagement to date indicates the post-mining land use will be:
4. Environmental Legislative Framework
The purpose of this section is to outline what other environmental approvals (or other relevant approvals) have been granted or will be applicable and what aspects of the proposal they will regulate.
Relevant legislation / Environmental factor regulated/affected / Relevant approval/requirement
Attachment 1 – Regional location
Attachment 2 – Proposed site plan
Attachment 3 – Proposed disturbance envelope
Attachment 4 – Processing flow diagram
ENV-MEB-219.docx / Mineral House 100 Plain Street East Perth Western Australia 6004Telephone +61 8 9222 3333 Facsimile +61 8 9222 3862
ABN 69 410 335 356
[1] This template can be drafted prior to a meeting and then modified/completed following the meeting.
[2] This table is aligned with the Key Characteristics Table from the EPA’s EAG1 – Defining the key characteristics of a proposal. Hence you can copy the table across from any existing EPA assessment documents.
[3] Use activity categories from Table 2 of Mining Proposal Guidelines (same as MRF categories).
[4] Include any operational elements that aren’t clearly explained by the list of physical elements