Welcome to 7th Grade, Sultans!!

Amanda Gupton: Math

Nicolette Anderson: Language Arts

Jessica Johnson: Science

Jeremy Livengood: Social Studies

Greetings from TJMS! We are so excited to get the school year started and can’t wait to meet our team! We will be working very closely with each other, parents, and students to ensure a successful year. In order to foster strong communication with parents and students, we plan to send out a monthly newsletter in the Wednesday team pack to let you know about what’s going on in class, team events, important dates and assignments, etc. We will also update our websites daily for homework, projects, notes, and other useful links. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via phone or email with any questions or concerns that you have. Like you, our goal is for all students to succeed and reach their full potential.

Team Make-Up/Late Work Grading Policy

If a student is absent, they have how many days that they were absent plus one to turn in their work. Please contact us immediately if there are circumstances that would prevent a student from completing their make-up work in the allotted time frame. Students will be responsible for checking the make-up work folders for all classes when they are out of school. Upon returning after an absence, students must follow up with their teacher on their own time regarding what they missed in class. If students are not absent and they do not turn in an assignment on time,points will be deducted from the assignment each day that the assignment is late. Students may make up missing assignments or tests during tutoring time Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:00. Students should always check with us before they stay after school to make sure that we are available.

Progress Reports & Parent Portal

Students are expected to write their assignments in their agendas. Please check it daily for homework assignments, upcoming tests, and project dates. Please make sure to check Parent Portal regularly. Progress reports are no longer printed regularly because our grade books are available to you at all times. If a student is making a D or F in one of our classes, we will print a progress report every two weeks for your signature.

If you do not have computer access, please send a note indicating you cannot access Parent Portal and we will send home progress reports on WS/FCS specified dates.

Team Wish List:

Kleenex, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, glue sticks

**Team Supply List for Students:

Two 2” three ring binders (one for morning classes, one for afternoon classes) Try to get different colors!

Loose leaf paper for each binder (this will have to be replenished throughout the year)

1 pencil pouch – pens, pencils, highlighters, colored pencils, glue sticks

Page dividers

Enrichment Period (E-Period)

This year at TJMS, our teams will continue to implement Enrichment Period in the mornings from 7:25 to 7:50. The Sultans will have three groups that will change throughout the year depending on what goals we have for our E-Periods. We will plan activities that offer opportunities from remediation and review to application and problem-based learning in all subject areas. It is important for students and parents to understand that the work produced during this time will be graded; therefore, if students are absent or late, they are responsible for making up the work and turning it in on time. We are very excited to continue this program that helps kick off our days and jump start students’ brains!

Bring Your Own Learning Device

TJMS is a school that embraces technology. Students are welcome to bring their own devices (smart phone, tablet, etc.) to school to use in the classroom. We will be using devices regularly, but students should understand that if a device is being used inappropriately, it will be confiscated. Students are solely responsible for the safety of their devices and should not leave them unattended. Our team does have a laptop cart available for students who do not have their own personal device.

Coast Trip!

The seventh grade coast trip is a highlight of our year. On April 27-29, 2016, we will be travelling to Camp Don Lee in Arapahoe, NC. From sailing, canoeing, camp fires, squid dissections, and so much more, this trip has a lot to offer for our students. We will have much more information coming to you soon in team packs. Seventh grade teachers will also be meeting with all TJMS parents about the trip at the first open house, so please join us!! We need parent volunteers to go with us, please contact Ms. Gupton for information if you are interested in coming with us.