Safe, appropriate and affordable housing for Kansans


2015 Letter of Intent for the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Continuum of Care Program Funds

Continuum of Care Program funds are targeted to provide housing and supportive services to those experiencing homelessness throughout Kansas excluding areas covered by the Wichita/Sedgwick County CoC, the Topeka/Shawnee County CoC, the Overland Park/Shawnee/Johnson County CoC and the Kansas City/Wyandotte County CoC.

This Letter of Intent must be submitted by any agency interested in proposing a new or renewal project to be located in the Kansas Balance of State (BoS) Continuum of Care (CoC) 101 counties, for funding under the 2015 HUD Continuum of Care NOFA.

Projects eligible for renewal funds in the FY2015 COC Program Competition are projects expiring during the Calendar Year 2016 (Between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015)

Continuums of Care (CoC) and project applicants that need assistance completing the applications in e-snaps or understanding the program requirements under the CoC Program may access the CoC Program interim rule (24 CFR part 578),1 training materials, and program resources via the HUD Exchange at

Letters of Intent (LOI) are due to the Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition Executive Director’s office by 12:00 pm (noon), September 25, 2015. Completed forms should be e-mailed to or mailed to KSHC, 2001 Haskell Ave. Lawrence, KS 66046

Questions regarding the Letter of Intent can be directed to Cheryl at: 785-856-4960 or submitted via email

Safe, appropriate and affordable housing for Kansans

1. This Letter of Intent is for a:
___ Renewal Project Expiring Grant Number: ______

___ Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus (while all CoCs approved in the FY 2015 CoC Registration process may apply, priority will be given to those CoCs that have a high need in relation to chronic homelessness)

2. Please provide the following information for your project:

Name of Lead Agency/Applicant
Name of Project Sponsor Agency
(if different from lead Agency)
Project Name
Lead Agency Contact Person
Contact Phone Number
Contact E-mail
Address of Lead Agency
City, State, and Zip
Project Address (if applicable)
City, State and Zip
Alternative contact person
Project Operating Start Date
Project Expiration Date

3. For renewing projects: It is highly recommended that you have at least two registrants listed in esnaps for your Continuum of Care project. Instructions are available in esnaps. Please list the two registrants listed for your project.

List the names, phone number and email contact information for the registrants listed.



4. Please list dates of CoC Committee meetings that were attended from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015: ______


5. Please list dates of Regional CoC meetings that were attended from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015: ______


6. Did you attend the 2015 KSHC Annual Summit? ____ yes ____ no

7. Comments and concerns regarding the Renewal of your project funds:










8. By signing this Letter of Intent, I confirm my intent to apply for funds through the Continuum of Care program. Furthermore, I understand that my project application may be denied or I may lose points during the ranking and review process if my application is not submitted by the deadline.


Primary Contact Person Date


Executive Director / CEO Date