Sustainability appraisal of Cannock Chase Local Development Framework

Cannock Chase Local Development Framework

Core Strategy Issues & Options

High Level Appraisal

For Cannock Chase District Council

Halcrow Group Limited

July 2008

SA of Cannock Chase LDF – Issues & Options/ High Level Appraisal/ July 08

Cannock Chase Local Development Framework

Core Strategy Issues & Options


The Cannock Chase Core Strategy Issues and Options provide eight key objectives:

·  Promote pride in attractive, safe, local communities

·  Create healthy living opportunities across the district

·  Provide for housing choice

·  Encourage a vibrant local economy and workforce

·  Encourage sustainable transport infrastructure

·  Create attractive town centres

·  Provide well managed and appreciated environments

·  Support a greener future

In addition to these, four strategic spatial options are provided for development in the region:

·  Concentrated development in Cannock, Hednesford and Heath Hayes

·  Concentrated development across all urban communities

·  Norton Canes expansion and reduced dispersed development across all other urban communities

·  New sustainable communities at urban edges

The following matrices provide an overview of sustainability issues that may arise from the implementation of these options and, where applicable, give recommendations on how policy wording could be changed or remedial action taken. The matrices are separated under the various spatial and policy options as they appear in the Core Strategy Issues and Options document. The key below shows how each option has been scored.

(Red = Action required, Amber = more information required, Green = adequately addressed, Blue = Not applicable)

SA of Cannock Chase LDF – Issues & Options/ High Level Appraisal/ July 08

Strategic Spatial Options

Options / SEA/SA Objectives / Score / Comment if required / Recommendations /
Option 1:
Concentrated development in Cannock, Hednesford and Heath Hayes / 1. Protect and enhance biodiversity, fauna and flora in both protected sites and the urban fringe / Green / High density development in urban centres (e.g. re-use of employment land for housing) will require less ‘land take’ and may therefore have fewer impacts on habitats / Avoid development close to green belt land
2. Ensure health facilities are accessible for those in need. / Amber / Concentrated development may improve the viability of health surfaces in urban areas but access to these facilities from rural areas should be improved
3. Ensure that increasing population in the district has a low impact on its sustainability / Green / High density development in urban centres (e.g. re-use of employment land for housing) will require less ‘land take’ and may therefore have fewer impacts on the natural environment / Avoid development close to green belt land
4. Promote Sustainable Water resource management in order to lower demand for abstractions. / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
5. Reduce Nitrate levels in the Districts rivers / Blue
6. Understand and adapt to the effects of Climate Change – including flooding / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
7. Improve roadside air quality/ reduce traffic emissions / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between the three settlements. Ensure that planning for Cannock’s strategic position near the motorway network is not to the detriment of public transport and cycle/ pedestrian routes.
8. Increase renewable energy production in the district and reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution from power generation / Amber / Exploit opportunities of concentrated development for energy efficiency and renewable energy, e.g. Combined Heat and Power
9. Protect, enhance and manage character and quality of the landscape and townscape, maintaining and strengthening local distinctiveness and sense of place / Amber / Could make positive contributions to the townscape, and local character. / Ensure new development is sympathetic to existing urban design and landscape
10. Increase the Greenspace Network through the use of derelict land, involving the decontamination of land / Amber / Urban development could protect rural greenspace but not allow adequate provision of urban greenspace / Require all new development to interact positively with the surrounding environment (e.g. making space for biodiversity and creating or enhancing pedestrian and cycle rotes). Ensure that all new housing includes adequate on-site provision of open space.
11. Tackle lack of public transport in rural and urban areas. / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between the three settlements and beyond. Ensure that planning for Cannock’s strategic position near the motorway network is not to the detriment of public transport and cycle/ pedestrian routes.
12. Ensure sustainable design and construction of all new developments. / Blue
13. Reduce the amount of waste produced and increase level of reuse and recycling taking place. / Green / Concentrated development may improve the viability of recycling services, e.g. kerbside collection
14. Raise educational aspirations and attainment within the district and support strategies to provide new educational facilities where they are required. / Amber / Ensure concentrated urban development does not affect the viability of rural educational facilities
15. Promote good design in new developments to reduce crime and fear of crime. / Blue
16. Help the continued regeneration of the local economy by protecting existing employment sites and ensuring there is adequate provision of new sites. / Green
17. Enhance the town centres in order to protect and improve their vitality. / Green / Re-use of employment land for housing will prevent urban decay
Options / SEA/SA Objectives / Score / Comment if required / Recommendations /
Option 2:
Dispersed development across all urban communities / 1. Protect and enhance biodiversity, fauna and flora in both protected sites and the urban fringe / Green / Development in urban centres will require less ‘land take’ and may therefore have fewer impacts on habitats
2. Ensure health facilities are accessible for those in need. / Amber / Urban development may improve the viability of health surfaces in urban areas but access to these facilities from rural areas should be improved
3. Ensure that increasing population in the district has a low impact on its sustainability / Amber / Avoid development close to green belt land
4. Promote Sustainable Water resource management in order to lower demand for abstractions. / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
5. Reduce Nitrate levels in the Districts rivers / Blue
6. Understand and adapt to the effects of Climate Change – including flooding / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
7. Improve roadside air quality/ reduce traffic emissions / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between the three settlements. Ensure that planning for Cannock’s strategic position near the motorway network is not to the detriment of public transport and cycle/ pedestrian routes.
8. Increase renewable energy production in the district and reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution from power generation / Blue
9. Protect, enhance and manage character and quality of the landscape and townscape, maintaining and strengthening local distinctiveness and sense of place / Amber / Could make positive contributions to the townscape, and local character. / Ensure new development is sympathetic to existing urban design and landscape
10. Increase the Greenspace Network through the use of derelict land, involving the decontamination of land / Amber / Urban development could protect rural greenspace but not allow adequate provision of urban greenspace / Require all new development to interact positively with the surrounding environment (e.g. making space for biodiversity and creating or enhancing pedestrian and cycle rotes). Ensure that all new housing includes adequate on-site provision of open space.
11. Tackle lack of public transport in rural and urban areas. / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between the urban communities and beyond.
12. Ensure sustainable design and construction of all new developments. / Blue
13. Reduce the amount of waste produced and increase level of reuse and recycling taking place. / Green / Further urban development may improve the viability of recycling services, e.g. kerbside collection
14. Raise educational aspirations and attainment within the district and support strategies to provide new educational facilities where they are required. / Amber / Ensure urban development does not affect the viability of rural educational facilities
15. Promote good design in new developments to reduce crime and fear of crime. / Blue
16. Help the continued regeneration of the local economy by protecting existing employment sites and ensuring there is adequate provision of new sites. / Green / Will assist town centre regeneration, e.g. in Rugeley where Retail Capacity Study showed need for retail expansion
17. Enhance the town centres in order to protect and improve their vitality. / Green
Options / SEA/SA Objectives / Score / Comment if required / Recommendations /
Option 3:
Norton Canes expansion and reduced dispersed development across all other urban communities / 1. Protect and enhance biodiversity, fauna and flora in both protected sites and the urban fringe / Amber / Some green belt land with biodiversity value may be lost through Rugeley expansion / Avoid or minimise development close to green belt land
2. Ensure health facilities are accessible for those in need. / Amber / Dispersed development may affect the viability of health surfaces in rural areas / Access to health facilities from rural areas should be improved
3. Ensure that increasing population in the district has a low impact on its sustainability / Amber / Some green belt land with biodiversity value may be lost through Rugeley expansion / Avoid or minimise development close to green belt land
4. Promote Sustainable Water resource management in order to lower demand for abstractions. / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
5. Reduce Nitrate levels in the Districts rivers / Blue
6. Understand and adapt to the effects of Climate Change – including flooding / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
7. Improve roadside air quality/ reduce traffic emissions / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between all communities.
8. Increase renewable energy production in the district and reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution from power generation / Blue
9. Protect, enhance and manage character and quality of the landscape and townscape, maintaining and strengthening local distinctiveness and sense of place / Amber / Avoid or minimise development close to green belt land
10. Increase the Greenspace Network through the use of derelict land, involving the decontamination of land / Amber / Urban development could protect rural greenspace but not allow adequate provision of urban greenspace / Require all new development to interact positively with the surrounding environment (e.g. making space for biodiversity and creating or enhancing pedestrian and cycle rotes). Ensure that all new housing includes adequate on-site provision of open space.
11. Tackle lack of public transport in rural and urban areas. / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between the urban communities and beyond.
12. Ensure sustainable design and construction of all new developments. / Blue
13. Reduce the amount of waste produced and increase level of reuse and recycling taking place. / Amber / Dispersed development should aim to allow for the viability of services, e.g. recycling
14. Raise educational aspirations and attainment within the district and support strategies to provide new educational facilities where they are required. / Amber / Ensure urban development does not affect the viability of rural educational facilities
15. Promote good design in new developments to reduce crime and fear of crime. / Blue
16. Help the continued regeneration of the local economy by protecting existing employment sites and ensuring there is adequate provision of new sites. / Amber / May assist regeneration of local economies
17. Enhance the town centres in order to protect and improve their vitality. / Green
Options / SEA/SA Objectives / Score / Comment if required / Recommendations /
Option 4: New sustainable communities at urban edges / 1. Protect and enhance biodiversity, fauna and flora in both protected sites and the urban fringe / Red / May put increased recreational pressure on habitats within or near the urban fringe
2. Ensure health facilities are accessible for those in need. / Amber
3. Ensure that increasing population in the district has a low impact on its sustainability / Amber / May put increased recreational pressure on habitats within or near the urban fringe
4. Promote Sustainable Water resource management in order to lower demand for abstractions. / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
5. Reduce Nitrate levels in the Districts rivers / Blue
6. Understand and adapt to the effects of Climate Change – including flooding / Amber / Refer to Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy / Consult with Environment Agency to ascertain where development would have least impact on water resources
7. Improve roadside air quality/ reduce traffic emissions / Amber / New public transport links will be needed
8. Increase renewable energy production in the district and reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution from power generation / Blue
9. Protect, enhance and manage character and quality of the landscape and townscape, maintaining and strengthening local distinctiveness and sense of place / Red / Urban edge expansions may adversely affect both townscape and landscape, depending on designand location, e.g. blocking viewpoints
10. Increase the Greenspace Network through the use of derelict land, involving the decontamination of land / Amber / Urban development could protect rural greenspace but not allow adequate provision of urban greenspace / Require all new development to interact positively with the surrounding environment (e.g. making space for biodiversity and creating or enhancing pedestrian and cycle rotes). Ensure that all new housing includes adequate on-site provision of open space.
11. Tackle lack of public transport in rural and urban areas. / Amber / Ensure good public transport links between the urban communities and beyond.
12. Ensure sustainable design and construction of all new developments. / Blue
13. Reduce the amount of waste produced and increase level of reuse and recycling taking place. / Amber / Urban edge development should aim to allow for the viability of services, e.g. recycling
14. Raise educational aspirations and attainment within the district and support strategies to provide new educational facilities where they are required. / Amber / Ensure urban edge development does not affect the viability of rural educational facilities
15. Promote good design in new developments to reduce crime and fear of crime. / Blue
16. Help the continued regeneration of the local economy by protecting existing employment sites and ensuring there is adequate provision of new sites. / Amber
17. Enhance the town centres in order to protect and improve their vitality. / Red / Urban edge expansions may adversely affect viability of existing centres / If this option is pursued do not allow existing centres to decline, e.g. ensure good transport links to centre, different services on offer in new centres

SA of Cannock Chase LDF – Issues & Options/ High Level Appraisal/ July 08