The minutes of the meeting of Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council held in the Committee Room above Staplefield Village Hall on Monday 20th January 2014 at 8.00pm.

Present: Brad Williams (Chairman), Bob Birthwright, Pete Bradbury, Crispin Salimbeni, Harry Lloyd Owen, Jon Gilley, Simon Stokes, Maria Fielding, Brian Wright
Also Present: Liz Bennett (Clerk), Elliott Fielding

1.  Apologies for absence.
Apologies were accepted from Pete Bradbury for his late arrival.

2.  Declarations of interest in items on the agenda and dispensations.

a)  Ansty Village Hall Trust matters.

Jon Gilley declared that he is a member of Ansty Village Hall Trust.

Pete Bradbury declared an interest in Ansty Village Centre because he is the next door neighbour.

b)  Neighbourhood Plan
Maria Fielding declared a prejudicial interest as the owner of land submitted for consideration under the Neighbourhood Plan.
Bob Birthwright declared a prejudicial interest as the owner of land submitted for consideration under the Neighbourhood Plan.

Harry Lloyd Owen declared a prejudicial interest as the owner of land submitted for consideration under the Neighbourhood Plan.
Crispin Salimbeni declared a prejudicial interest as the owner of land connected to land submitted for consideration under the Neighbourhood Plan.
Pete Bradbury, Jon Gilley and Simon Stokes declared that they have prejudicial interests because they live near to sites submitted to the Neighbourhood Plan. However, they have been granted dispensations and so can remain in the room and vote on Neighbourhood Plan matters.

c) Pete Bradbury declared that he is a County and District Councillor.

3.  Minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2013.
The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.

4.  Finance Matters

a)  Schedule of payments, receipts, and bank reconciliation.
The financial report was AGREED and signed by the Chairman.
(Pete Bradbury arrived)

b)  Agree quotes, budget and precept for the next financial year.
The budget recommended by the Finance Committee was AGREED. It was also agreed that the Parish Council reserves should be increased to at least the minimum level recommended by the National Association of Local Councils, which is 25-100% of annual expenditure. This is necessary because there has been a change in the range of services delivered by the Parish Council and projects such as the Neighbourhood Plan increase the risk of needing a buffer to draw on. After some discussion a vote took place. Pete Bradbury abstained from the vote, but the remaining members unanimously AGREED to increase the amount paid by the average Band D household by 10.2%, which is an additional £4.57 per annum. This equates to a precept of £41561 and will result in forecast reserves of just under 29% of annual expenditure. Compared to other similar parishes in Mid Sussex the precept is still below average.
Approval of quotes will be dealt with later in the meeting under item 6.

5.  Ansty Village Centre update.

The planning applications have now been submitted to MSDC and the project team is waiting for the decision.
(It was AGREED to combine agenda items 6 and 8a.)

6.  Maintenance of gardens at Ansty and Brook Street and item 8a, costs at Staplefield pavilion and cricket pitch.

The users of the cricket facility had been asked to contribute an additional £1500 per annum towards the running costs. Bob reported that the users had agreed that this could best be achieved through an increase in the hire costs. They also proposed that the Colts discount of 50% is too generous and should be reduced to 10%. The Clerk has calculated that a 20% increase in pitch and pavilion fees, based on the number and mix of cricket fixtures played in 2013, will result in an additional £1638 per annum. The percentage increase for the Colts is more significant because they are also losing some of their discount. It was agreed that these charges will be put to the cricket community, with a view to agreeing them at the next Parish Council meeting.
The grass cutting and garden maintenance quotes were considered and Seed Services were agreed as the preferred supplier. The Staplefield Review Group were given the authority to meet with Seed Services, next week to discuss the grass cutting and garden maintenance contracts in detail to identify any further reductions that can be made.

7.  Neighbourhood Plan
Harry, Maria, Crispin and Bob all declared their interests and left the room for the whole of this agenda item.
There is still a lot of work to do on the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal. The Clerk has secured another grant for £5900 that will enable the project to use a consultant to assist with the writing of the plan.

8.  Staplefield Matters.

a)  Update from cricket community regarding the maintenance and costs at Staplefield pavilion and cricket pitch. This item was dealt with under item 6.

b)  Operation Watershed.
Maria reported that the resident of 2 Dale Cottages would like to meet with the project team to show photographs and videos from the recent floods.
Crispin has spoken to two independent drainage engineers and it was agreed that GTA will be appointed to provide a flood relief report, drawings and surveys. The residents around The Victory will be asked to provide detailed information about their flooding over the years as part of the brief for the drainage engineer. Simon agreed to write to the residents.
WSCC Highways are due to clear some of the existing drains, but this work was delayed due to all the recent heavy rain. The project needs to wait to see the effect of this clearance and also for the ground to dry before any work can begin.

c)  Play park inspection report.
The latest report has been circulated and was noted. It is hoped that Operation Watershed will alleviate flooding in the park. Once the ground has dried out then the maintenance issues can be addressed.

9.  Reports from meetings attended, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
None received. Pete and Bob will be attending a Burgess Hill Northern Arc meeting next week.

10.  Chairman’s Correspondence.
The following correspondence was noted:
WSCC - Final report of the Joint Scrutiny task and Finish Group on Flooding

MSDC–note re mobile civic amenity collections

11.  Minor matters and items for the next agenda

i)  The Clerk has written to the contractor re finishing the work on the bus shelter roof. She has not had a reply. Crispin will check if the work has been done.

ii)  MSDC have ordered additional road signs for Cuckfield Road and Harvest Hill in Ansty following a request from Ansty residents.

iii)  The Clerk was asked to report the tree that has fallen down at the back of houses in Ansty on to Ansty Rec.

iv)  The Ansty Village Hall Trust AGM is to be held next week. It is expected that the Parish Council will be asked to nominate trustees, although a request has not yet been received. Jon Gilley is happy to continue in this role.

v)  Brad Williams gave his apologies for the meeting next month.



Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council Finances 20/1/14

Schedule of Payments
From December:

TalkTalk / 33.40
Mr Garman / 50.00

From January

EDF / 17.00
South East Water / 5.00
E.ON / 0.00
Mr Webster / 50.00
SALC / 21.12
WSCC / 4221.04
GB Sport and Leisure / 66.00
Staplefield Village Hall / 10.00
Elizabeth Bennett / 12.59

Receipts in December

Co-Operative Bank / 5.1
MSDC / 2527.88

Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council:

Bank Reconciliation 31st December 2013




Current / 67848.49 / Bal Fwd / 23240.40
Instant / 0 / Receipts / 89068.40
Deposit / 1.18 / Payments / -47531.63
Ansty village centre / 0
67849.67 / 64777.17
Uncashed chqs / -1307.50

Signed by Chairman of PC meeting 20/1/14