Minutes of the committee meeting held at 19 Roxburgh Road,
West Norwood
on 22nd July, commenced 7.15pm


Rob Andrew (chair), Dan Thorne (vice-chair), Graham Pycock (treasurer), Kate aan de Wiel (secretary), Sade Cole and Lynda Hayward (committee)

In attendance at Lambeth Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Noshir Patel and Irene Kimm


RB opened with a question as to whether the accounts needed to be audited – the committee can pass a motion to not require this. An audit was felt to be necessary as Lambeth Council may require this for CLIPS, and if NAG becomes a member of Locality then it would be a requirement. GP will provide all necessary bank information and statements. The vote for an audit was passed unanimously.

1) Update on Localism. GP said a report on Localismwith the title ‘Local by Default’ can be found on the NAG website. Although Lambeth have proposed an alternative there was no reason why we should not investigate joining both. We have defined ourlocality as the three wards of West Norwood and Tulse Hill. Under the 2011 Localism Act wecan develop a Neighbourhood Plan and have statutory powers to influence the Lambeth Local Plan plus control of 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to help implement plans. If we join Lambeth’s preferred scheme, this would have the same funding. All neighbourhood plans must conform to national, regional and local strategic plans.

What is important is to gain greater control of the processes by which developers achieve their designs. This is already the case in 14 local areas. Developers are required to go first to Localism groups to gain approval. These groups can take pressure off planning officers who are required to listen and advise, and councilsand local views should be better balanced. The next step will be to compile a ‘shopping list’ of issues, to decide on priorities and to set up working parties to consider the options. GP to action this.

2) Public Realm Works. These run from West Norwood Station toChestnut Road. It was reported that these are nearing completion though detail work is still to be done. Although partly controversial, NAG has contributed to gain modifications.

3) Tulse Hill Gyratory System. It is expected that the recommendation will be for a return to two-way traffic as has happened elsewhere. Although this usually results in improvements to the street scene it also usually results in worse traffic flows. This is a key junction on the South Circular and restricted traffic flow there could have major effects on the locality. RA has been in contact with MrBarkatoolahand funding is anticipated soon with ‘visioning‘ predicted to begin in September with consultation to follow. If this is confirmed, NAG will need to engage at the visioning stage to ensure a full range of options for consultation.

4) 1-3 Thurlow Park Road. RAand NP have met with NickMansfield, the representative for the developers Primedene, and have had sight of the pre-application plans. An outcome was that Primedene agreed to a public exhibition and ‘consultation’ on their plans. DT asked whether a summary of the issues could be put to the planners which RA confirmed has been done in two separate submissions. It was noted that due to its ‘gateway’ position the design should be of high architectural merit as required by the current and future local plans. Housing densities are now subject to ‘intensification’, aLondon-wide requirement.

5) Draft Lambeth Local Plan. RA and GP attended the Government Inspector’s public examination. No firm outcomes from this yet though the inspector was probing some of the key issues. In particular, planning officers are seeking to protect the moribund Key Industrial and Business Area (KIBA) even more stringently. NAG has so far achieved about 12 changes in the Plan of which two have been substantive: theremoval of the encouragement to high rise and the retention of Norwood High Street in the District Centre in the draft Lambeth Local Plan as a result of the ‘No to Local High Rise’ meeting sponsored by NAG and Forum.

6) Norwood Library / Cinema Project. Cllr J. Meldrum believes that the project will go ahead but there is still no clear idea of timings and the end result. There is said to be a conflict between the council and Picturehouse Cinemas over the matter of zero-hours contracts and there is still the matter of adequate space for the library. There was a suggestion that this might be found at an alternative site which many would consider a retrograde step.

7) KIBA. This covers a large area from the railway line at Knight’s Hill and Norwood High Street to Chapel Road to the south. Much is in non-industrial use (churches and housing) and much is empty. Lambeth Council has a policy of requiring it for industrial use, but no plan to achieve this. The site had been in limbo for over 15 years.The meeting felt that the south of the borough has been much neglected by the council and needs a dedicated planning officer (as could happen under Localism). SC proposed that a viable alternative proposal for the site should be drawn up and presented to the council. GP agreed to work with SC to compile a ‘shopping list’.

8) Site 18 / Waylett Place. Tesco, which owns the Brooks Laundry site, is currently proposing to sell it with planning consent to maximise value. Planning isnow aware of the situation but nothing is known about what might be put forward. NAG has already alerted key people and should keep a close eye on the situation. Waylett Place car park enlargement is being pursued by RA.

9) Public Transport. SC intends to continue pursuing the proposed Bakerloo and Victoria line extensions. The West Norwood / Streatham area is in urgent need of increased publictransport as well as new private investment which could trigger improvements to the area. Extending to Croydon could make it more financially viable as well as adding Croydon Council to the protagonists. GP felt thatCrystal Palace was the stronger area to concentrate on.

10) King’s College Hospital plans to move most or all elective (planned) surgery to other sites. The Committee will wait to hearthe report from NP and IK.

11) Local Traffic & Parking. ColinFenn had been working on thisand RA will contact him again to liaise with what he hasachieved. Further work should be done before the Norwood Road / Tulse Hill gyratory visioning begins, possiblyas soon as September.

12) NAG Website. RA felt that the website would benefit from a news thread. Twitter can be used for this as thepage has a Twitter link. However this is limited to 140 characters and spaces per Tweet and people don’t seem keen. SC noted that Brixton Buzz has a news blog but that this is run by professionals with little contribution from others.

13) AOB. DT will continue to be Planning Watch. He felt that changes in planning conditions should be flagged and given more attention. SC and DT to liaise. GP will continue to work on Localism. LH will explore the availability of alternative spaces for a community space, in particular, St Luke’s Church. LH and SC to worktogether on this. KW to investigate cycle provision in the area.

The meeting closed at 21.30