INEBI 6. UNIT 1 The Body Machine: Part 3



The teaching and learning objectives of this part of the unit are closely related to medicine: illnesses, symptoms, treatment and prevention. The language work deals with searching and reporting specific information as well as interacting in a doctor-patient conversation.

Index of Activities

Name of the activity / Type of text Lang. function / How English works / Curricular links / ICT options / Learning Skills
1. Presentation / Planning list / ...going to...
First, afterwards, then, finally
have to ... / - Teacher guided conversation to gather prior knowledge
- Copying out sentences
2. Investigating and making surgery posters. / Scientific texts / Vocabulary related to medicine: symptoms, treatment, prevention / Science / Use of the Internet. / - Understanding scientific texts and reporting essential info
3. Presentation to the group / Oral presentation. / ... is an illness that affects to ...
Avoid ...
You have to ... / Science / Power Point / - Reporting information orally
4. Examination + diploma / Questionnaire
Personal data / Wh questions / Science / - Understanding short texts.
5. Role-play / Conversation / Greetings + voc+ structures.
How are you?
What’s the matter? / Science
Drama / Video recording / - Memorising.
- Speaking up.
- Pronouncing clearly.


Eusko Jaurlaritza. Hezkuntza Saila. Lehen Hezkuntzako Ingelesa Edukien Bidez Proiektua 03-04 ikasturtea

INEBI 6. UNIT 1 The Body Machine

Part 3. The Body Machine: Become a doctor in two weeks!
Activity 1: Presentation.


T presents the unit and Ss write Part 3 planning.

General objectives

To elicit previous knowledge.

To create interest on the topic and motivate Ss to learn more, both content and language.


  • Step 1: Explain to the students that after part 1 and part 2 learning about how our body works, now they have got the chance to attend a course on medicine and become a general practitioner in two weeks. These are the steps they have to follow:

-1st step: investigating illnesses and health disorders.

-2nd step: Sharing the results from your investigation with classmates.

-3rd step: Take your exam to became a doctor and get a diploma.

-4th step: Start your practice as a doctor.

  • Step 2: Ss copy this planning in their notebooks, as they did with the previous parts.


Classroom diary and notebooks


  • Teacher – Students interaction.
  • Instructions related to the activities to carry out in this part.


1 session.

Part 3. The Body Machine: Become a doctor in two weeks!
Activity 2: Investigating and making surgery posters.


Ss learn about several illnesses or health disorders, their symptoms, treatment and prevention.

General objectives

To look for specific information in a text.

To learn about an illness and how to prevent it.

To report the specific information in an organised and clear way.


  • Step 1: It can be presented as a group or pair activity, depending on the number of Ss in the group, or the level of help needed. T writes on the blackboard several illnesses or health disorders, reads them and asks if they have ever heard of them.
  • Step 2: T tells the Ss that they have to look for information about one or two of the words written on the blackboard. (Try to assign something to each of them in order to have information about every word on the blackboard. There is a lot of information on the Internet and they can use the dossiers.
  • Step 3: With the information they get, Ss will have to answer some questions and prepare some surgery posters that will be later presented to their classmates.
  • Step 4: Ss answer the questions required on the dossier instructions and they design their surgery posters in pairs or groups.


  • Dossier about different illnesses or health disorders. (Handout h.3.1)


  • Teacher – Students interaction.
  • Vocabulary related to the topic.

Illnesses or health disorders / Symptoms / Prevention
Anorexia nervosa
Ankle sprain
Sore Throat
Toothache / Backache
Skin infections
Substance abuse
Flu (influenza) / Swellings
Throw up
Cough / Avoid…
You have to…
Do not…


3 sessions.

Part 3. The Body Machine: Become a doctor in two weeks!
Activity 3: Sharing the results from our investigation


Ss design a data card and fill it in while their classmates present it.

General objectives

To communicate orally the main information required in the previous activity.

To organise this information in a short and clear way.


  • Step 1: T tells Ss they will have to present their information to the rest of the group but they are going to design a data card first so they can write down the main aspects about each illness. T shows them some data cards (h.3.2)and they model one on the blackboard.
  • Step 2: They copy the new designed data card in their notebooks as many times as they need for each presentation or T photocopies the model designed by themselves.
  • Step 3: In pairs or groups, they present the information they got to the others. The rest has to fill in the data card.
  • Step 4: T tell Ss that all these cards will be the material they have to study for the exam, to become a doctor.


Notebooks or sheets of paper.

(Photocopied data cards)


Encourage Ss to produce the following structures:

  • The ------is an illness/health disorder that affects to the ------system.

It affects to ...... (organs)

These are the symptoms…

To prevent this illness you have to...

To take care of yourself you have to...

  • Vocabulary already worked on.


2 sessions.

Part 3. The Body Machine: Become a doctor in two weeks!
Activity 4: Examination


Ss prepare and/or fill in a multiple-choice questionnaire about illnesses.

General objectives

To select the information required to answer the questions properly.

To self-assess own performance as GP General Practitioner.

To revise content previously dealt with


  • Step 1: Ss prepare a questionnaire. For example: each pair collaborate with their own question.
  • Step 2: Fill in the questionnaire. Ss can use their data cards or any other resource they want to.
  • Step 3: Ss check their examinations and mark them. If they pass the exam they get a diploma (h.3.4)
  • Step 4: Fill in some personal data in their diplomas such as date, name, signature ...


Surgery posters.

Data cards



  • Teacher – Students interaction.
  • Students interaction


1 session.

Part 3. The Body Machine: Become a doctor in two weeks!
Activity 5: Start your practise as a doctor (Role-play)


Ss in groups act in a role-play at a doctor’s surgery.

General objectives

To show general understanding of the illnesses..

To share information about the illnesses.


  • Step 1: T explains what a role-play is and tell Ss they have to think of the conversation a doctor and patient can have. Ss can write the dialogue if they want to (it can be good help for some of them).
  • Step 2: Ss act it out in turns. T can record it with a video camera.


Surgery posters


  • Language needed for the role-play.


-Personal data questions such as: What´s your name? How old are you? Any important illness in the family? Do you smoke? Do you abuse alcohol or any other drug? Allergic to any medicament?

-My ... hurts. I feel dizzy, sick, ...

-What´s the matter? Does your …….. hurt? Do you feel…?


2 sessions.


Eusko Jaurlaritza. Hezkuntza Saila. Lehen Hezkuntzako Ingelesa Edukien Bidez Proiektua 03-04 ikasturtea