Jonathan Shapiro, Ph.D. and Patrick Pomfrey, Psy.D.

I.Imminent Danger to Self or Others –Call 911, then Security – 472-1115

In many cases of severe symptoms, it is best not to alert the student that you have called 911 as they may become more agitated or seek to run away. Ask police dispatcher to have officers without lights and sirens when they enter the campus.

A.Acts of violence

1.Violence includes physical or sexual assault, destruction of property, rage.

2.Serious violence - weapon or injury – call 911

3.Less serious violence – pushing, shoving or threat of violence – call Security


1.If fresh cut, call 911.

2.If noticeably scarred, call Student Support Services.

C.Suicidal or Homicidal ideation:

1.Any talk, threats or plans of suicide or homicide should be taken very seriously.

2.Look for behavior such as giving away all personal items or sudden change to carefree attitude after depression

3.If student has attempted or has a plan to attempt suicide or homicide, call 911.

4.If student talks about suicide or homicide, call Security.


1.Hyperactivity, incessant speech, agitated, grandiose ideas, severely disrupted sleep or not sleeping for days, bizarre behavior, occurring together in a cluster.

2.Call Security, unless behavior is extremely agitated, threatening or violent, then call 911.

E.Severe intoxication or drug overdose

1.Passed out or extremely sick

2.Call 911, then Security


1.Severe paranoia or highly unlikely statements, including hallucinations or hearing voices

2.These statements usually have a bizarre content to them and involve statements of persecution or imminent danger.

3.Look for signs for low functionality, e.g., poor personal hygiene, agitation, difficulty getting to class, somewhat incoherent

4.If the student is very agitated or fearful, call 911. Otherwise, call Security.

G.Student severely disoriented

1.Student does not respond to questions, does not know his or her name or current location.

2.It is possible this person is having a medical crisis, i.e., stroke or mini-stroke, or a drug overdose.

3.Call 911

H.Panic attacks

1.Person may fear he or she is dying or having a heart attack.

2.Symptoms are pounding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, dizziness, fear of losing control.

3.Speak reassuringly and call 911.

II.Mental Health Issues – Refer to Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

A.Eating issues

1.Extreme or unusual diets, extensive fasting or cleansing, skipping meals

2.Binge eating/over eating and then vomiting (Bulemia)

3.Refusal to maintain minimally normal body weight, intense fear of gaining weight even though under weight, denial of seriousness of low body weight, excessive use of laxatives (Anorexia Nervosa)

4.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

B.Sleep issues – insomnia or sleep deprivation

1.Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep for more than 2 nights (without the other symptoms described above under “Mania”).

2.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241


1.Repeated crying, sadness, grief, hopelessness or despair

2.Sudden major disinterest such as dropping out of class they were interested in and/or staying in dorm room

3.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

D.Obsessive compulsive

1.Recurrent or persistent thoughts that create marked anxiety

2.Repeated ritualistic acts – handwashing, rigidly organizing items, checking doors, windows, etc.

3.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

E.Over meditation

1.Additional meditating at times other than program times, especially for periods longer than instructed

2.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

F.Substance abuse

1.Frequent use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs – look for slurred speech, lack of coordination, glassy eyes

2.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

G.Anxious all the time

1.Anxiety, worry, restlessness, on edge, difficulty concentrating

2.Call Student Support Services: 641-472-1241

Please respect the student’s privacy. Only discuss the situation with the appropriate authorities.
