Port Neches-Groves ISD

Unit Information

Grade: / 4-5 / Author(s): / Cyndy Voss
Spikes Sturdivant
Time Frame: / 2-3 Weeks / Subject/Course: / Mass T-ball
Unit Topic with Conceptual Framework:
To be able to play mass T-ball using all the rules and regulations set forth in our class guidelines. To be able to use teamwork and sportsmanship. To be able to hit a T-ball, catch, throw, aim and run the bases. To be able to keep score and understand the difference of how to score in T-ball. To learn the difference between a fly ball and a ground ball.

Unit Concepts and Objectives:

Unit Concepts / Objectives
Hit the T-ball / To be able to hit a ball off the Tee.
Foul Ball / To be able to understand where foul territory is located.
Catch / To be able to catch a ball, whether it is a fly ball or a ground ball.
Throw / To be able to throw a ball in the direction that the student would like it to go.
Aim / To be able to aim a ball at a target and attempt to hit that target.
Running the bases / To be able to run the bases in an effective manner and remain safe in the game
Outs / To be able to understand what constitutes an out in the game of mass T-ball
Scoring / To be able to keep score of runs and outs in the game
Force out / To be able to undertand and recognize what a force out is by tagging the base with the ball to get the runner out.
No Force play / To be able to recognize that a runner cannot be forced out by touching the base with a ball.
Tagging the runner / To be able to recognize that a player needs to be tagged for an out rather than touching the base.
Fly ball / Ground ball / To be able to recognize the difference between a fly ball and a ground ball.
Team play / To be able to recognize that it takes team play to play mass T-ball
Sportsmanship / To be able to conduct a students actions within the realm of good sportsmanship

TEKS Student Expectations:

Standard: / Unit Skills:
4.1 / (A) demonstrate changes in speed during straight, curved, and zig zag pathways in dynamic situations;
(B) catch an object while traveling such as catch a football pass on the run;
(H) create a movement sequence with a beginning, middle, and end;
(K) demonstrate key elements in manipulative skills such as volleying, hand dribble, foot dribble, punt, striking with body part, racquet, or bat.
4.2 / (A) identify similar movement elements in sports skills such as underhand throwing and underhand volleyball serving;
(B) identify ways movement concepts such as time, space, effort, and relationships can be used to refine movement skills; (C) make appropriate changes in performance based on feedback;
(D) describe key elements of mature movement patterns of throw for distance or speed such as catch, kick, strike, and jump.
4.3 / (A) describe and select physical activities that provide for enjoyment and challenge;
(F) identify opportunities for participation in physical activity in the community such as little league and parks and recreation.
4.4 / (B) participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis;
4.5 / (A) use equipment safely and properly
(B) select and use proper attire that promotes participation and prevents injury;
(D) identify potential risks associated with physical activities.
4.6 / (A) distinguish between compliance and noncompliance with rules and regulations; and
(B) analyze potential risks associated with unsafe movement and improper use of equipment.
4.7 / (A) follow rules, procedures, and etiquette;
(B) respond to winning and losing with dignity and understanding;
(D) demonstrate effective communication, consideration and respect for the feelings of others during physical activities such as encourage others, allow others equal turns, and invite others to participate.
5.1 / (A) demonstrate appropriate use of levels in dynamic movement situations such as jumping high for a rebound and bending knees and lowering center of gravity when guarding an opponent;
(B) demonstrate smooth combinations of fundamental locomotor skills such as running and dodging and hop-step-jump; (C) demonstrate attention to form, power, accuracy, and follow-through in performing movement skills;
(K) demonstrate competence in manipulative skills in dynamic situations such as overhand throw, catch, shooting, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick, and striking activities such as hitting a softball;
(L) demonstrate combinations of locomotor and manipulative skills in complex and/or game-like situations such as pivoting and throwing, twisting and striking, and running and catching.
5.2 / (C) choose appropriate drills/activities to enhance the learning of a specific skill.
5.3 / (A) participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that develop health-related fitness;
(C) explain the value of participation in community physical activities such as little league and parks and recreation.
5.5 / (A) use equipment safely and properly;
(B) select and use proper attire that promotes participation and prevents injury;
(C) describe the importance of taking personal responsibility for reducing hazards, avoiding accidents, and preventing injuries during physical activity; and
5.6 / (A) describe fundamental components and strategies used in net/wall, invasion, target, and fielding games such as basic positions-goalie, offense, or defense; and
(B) explain the concept and importance of team work.
5.7 / (A) follow rules, procedures, and etiquette;
(B) use sportsmanship skills for settling disagreements in socially acceptable ways such as remaining calm, identifying the problem, listening to others, generating solutions, or choosing a solution that is acceptable to all; and

Key Vocabulary:

Tee / Foul Ball / Foul Territiory / Fair Ball / Fair Territory / Bases / Non-forced play
Base runners / Fly ball / Ground ball / Striking / Homeplate
Out / Scoring / Team Play / Sportsmanship / Aiming

Unit Resource Materials:

Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies):

Mass T-Ball Rules:
*We play with three teacher classes attending each class. Each class is a team and will hit in alphabetical order according to their last name. When class ends, the next hitter for each team will be up first to hit the next day. Each team will be given three outs and will rotate to the following positions after an inning is over: One team is the hitting team, one team is the fielding team and one team will sit out on the first base sideline and wait for three outs to be makes. (Hitting team will rotate to outfield, outfield will rotate to sitting out and sitting out will rotate to kicking positions.)
1. Each team will hit in alphabetical order.
2. The hitter will place the ball on the Tee after a play has been made or a foul has been hit.
3. Each hitter is given two swings to get the ball in fair territory, otherwise it is an out.
4. Outs are: Fly ball caught, hitting the ceiling or anything above, tagging the runner off the base, two non-fair territory hits.
5. Classes must always WALK when they rotate to a new area of the gym.
6. Homeruns in T-ball will be hitting the backboards of the basketball goal, making a basket or hitting above the windows on the back wall of the gym.
7. Balls may be played off the walls of the gym in fair territory, however, balls caught off the wall are NOT outs.
8. There are no lead-offs.
9. There are no bunts.
10. The outfielders must stay even with the pitcher until the hitter makes contact with the ball. If an outfielder violates this rule, the hitter gets a free trip to the base.
11. The hitter cannot throw his bat, but must drop it or lay it down. Penalty for throwing his/her bat is an automatic out.
12. Runners must be aware of tagging up on a fly ball that is caught.
13. Runners cannot leave the base until contact with the ball has been made.

Instructional Modifications:

* For children that cannot incur contact, must either tag the base or tag the students.
* For children with difficulty hitting the ball, we either more swings may be "setup" for these individuals.

Enrichment/GT Activities:

Assessment / Evaluation/TAKS:

Teacher Notes:

*Make sure to make students WALK when rotating stations, otherwise you will have problems with students running into each other.
*Do NOT let a student play the same position two times in a row, in order to give others a chance to play a new position.
* There must be an awareness of "swinging the bat" as dangerous and some class guidelines for this danger.

Technology Websites/Resources: