Chelsea Phillips

POL 101

Key Terms Chapter 7

Political Party- a group of individuals who organize to win elections, operates the government, and determines policy

Realignment- a process in which the popular support for and relative strength of the parties’ shift and the parties are reestablished with different coalitions of supporters

Dealignment- among voters, a growing detachment from both major political parties

Primary- a preliminary election held for the purpose of choosing a party’s final candidate

Minority party- the political party that has fewer members in the legislature than the opposing party

Majority Party- the political party that has more members in the legislature that the opposing party

Coalition- an alliance of individuals or group with a variety of interests and opinions who join together to support all or part of a political party’s platform

Electorate- all of the citizen’s eligible to vote in a given election

Party Identifier- a person who identifies himself or herself as being a supporter of a particular political party

Party Activist- a party member who helps to organize and oversee party functions and planning during and between campaigns, and may even become a candidate for office

Solidarity- Mutual agreement among the members of a particular group

Patronage- a system of rewarding the party faithful and workers with government jobs or contracts

Ward- a local unit of a political parties organization, consisting of a division or district within a city.

Precinct- A political district within a city, such as a block or a neighborhood, or a rural portion of a country, the smallest voting district at the local level.

National Convention- The meeting held by each major party every four years to nominate presidential and vice presidential candidates, write a party platform and conduct other party business.

Party ticket- A list of a political parties candidate for various officers. In nations elections the party ticket consists of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Party platform- The document drawn up by each party at its national convention that outlines the policies and positions of the party.

National Party committee- The political party leaders who direct party business during the four years between the national party conventions, organize the next national convention, and plan how to obtain a party victory in the next presidential election.

National Party Chairperson- An individual who serves as political parties admin. head at the national level and directs the work of the parties national committee

Two Party System- A political system in which two strong and established parties compete for political offices.

Third Party- In the US, any part, other than one of the major parties