Sunday 29th July

08h30 – 16h30 / The BHF/MHRM Golf Challenge and prize-giving
(The Golf Challenge kindly sponsored by Metropolitan Health Risk Management)
18h00 – 19h30 / Opening ceremony
(Opening Ceremony kindly sponsored by Sechaba)
Welcoming speech by Dr Zweli Mkhize: Premier of KZN
Opening speech:
Altering perceptions of the healthcare funding sector, one tweet at a time
Speaker: Andy Rice: Brand and communications strategist
Entertainment by the legendary Drakensberg Boys Choir
19h30 – 21h00 / Opening cocktail function
Background sounds by Chilli and Lime

Monday 30th July

Facilitator: Dr Humphrey Zokufa, BHF MD

09h00 – 09h45 / Session One
Setting the scene
Dr Clarence Mini, BHF Chairman
(This session kindly sponsored by Medscheme)
·  Reform of the private sector.
·  Lead change to ensure a seamless transition in NHI.
·  The role of the private sector in the pilot phases of NHI.
·  Supply side regulation and pricing.
·  Mandatory cover.
·  The constitutionality of the PMBs.
·  Unintended consequences of unrelated legislation having an impact on health policy.
·  Legal challenges being faced by the industry body.
09h45 – 09h47 / Announcement regarding the BHF Articles of Association
00909h47 – 11h00 / Session Two
Opening address by the Minister of Health
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi
11h00 – 11h30 / Tea
11h30 – 12h00 / Session Three
Regulatory impediments to achieving affordable healthcare
Part One: Contextualising affordability for the medical scheme member
Neil Nair: SAMWUMED P.O.
12h00 – 12h45 / Part Two: PMBs and the Constitution
Advocate Isabelle Ellis
·  Consistency of the PMBs with the Constitution
·  Principles for a reviewed PMB benefit and aligning the PMB with National Health Policy.
·  Does CMS have a responsibility to publish a tariff?
·  Are the Regulators doing what is provided for in terms of their responsibilities?
12h45 – 13h45 / Lunch
13h45 – 14h30 / Part Three: Getting from where we are to where we want to be
Mike Settas: Xelus
·  The unintended consequences of open enrolment; community rating; and, the PMBs.
·  What has caused the cost spiral?
·  The lack of supply side regulations.
·  The regulatory reforms needed to achieve stability and affordability.
·  A rethink on managing cost and introducing quality measurement.
14h30 – 15h15 / Session Four
The direction of specialized healthcare services in South Africa - time to change tack?
Dr Bettina Taylor: Group Functional Professional Specialist: Medscheme Managed Care
15h15 – 15h45 / Tea
15h45 – 16h30 / Session Five
Changing our business model for the future
Dr Anban Pillay, Deputy Director General: Health Regulation and Compliance Management. National Department of Health
21h00 / Monday Night Party with a Cause…check your inbox for more details!
(Party kindly sponsored by Medikredit, in Partnership with KPMG)

Tuesday 31st July

Facilitator: Dr Johan Pretorius, CEO Universal Healthcare

09h00 – 09h30 / Session One
Research in the funding industry – do we need it?
Professor Bongani Mayosi: Professor and Head of Department of Medicine: Faculty of Health Science, University of Cape Town.
·  Government has committed 2% of budget to research. Should the private sector be doing more than just financial modeling?
·  Could the research skills within the MRC be combined with resources and skills in the private sector to establish an industry research commission which would benefit the entire sector?
09h30 – 10h00 / Session Two
The use of research information in health risk management
Dr Buddy Modi: Clinical and Operations Executive, Bankmed
10h00 – 10h30 / Session Three
Applying predictive modeling to high-risk beneficiaries & financial outcomes of facilitated disease management
Lourens Walters: Advanced Specialist Modeling and Systems: Medscheme Managed Care
10h30 – 11h00 / Session Four
Reserve requirements - old problems need new thinking
Christoff Raath - The Health Monitor Company
·  Parallels with the short-term insurance industry.
·  If we carve out savings, what reserve ratio would be required?
·  How to assess the correct reserve ratio for the different schemes
·  The impact of the reserve requirement on contributions.
11h00 – 11h30 / Tea
11h30 – 12h00 / Session Five
The impact of mandatory membership on healthcare affordability
Barry Childs - Independent Actuary
·  What voluntary enrolment in a community rated environment does to costs
·  If mandatory cover were to be implemented now, what would the impact be to contribution levels?
12h00 – 12h30 / Session Six
Pharmacoeconomics and medical scheme benefit design
Paul la Cock – ISPOR
12h30 – 13h00 / Session Seven
The Health Portfolio Committee perspective on regulatory reform
Dr Bevan Goqwana – Chairman: Portfolio Committee on Health
·  The Health Portfolio Committee perspective of what legislative and regulatory reform is necessary to ensure viability of the sector into the future.
·  The Health Portfolio Committee role of oversight of the NDoH
13h00 / Lunch
Afternoon at leisure
19h30 / Sherry in the foyer
The BHF Gala Banquet
(Gala Banquet kindly sponsored by Stanlib)
Entertainment by The Duane Rockwell Band – back by popular demand!
Dress: Evening attire
24h00 / After-party in the Bar

Wednesday 1st August

Facilitator: Reg Magennis, EOH Health

09h00 – 09h30 / Session One
Learning from our SADC counterparts:
HMO models in Zimbabwe
Macdonald Chaora: CIMAS
09h30 – 10h15 / Session Two
Mitigating risks of fraud in the funding environment
Introduced by: Herman Havenga – Chairman, BHF HFMU
Jim Gee – Director of Counter Fraud Services PKF (UK) LLP and the Chair of the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies, University of Portsmouth, UK
·  What we can learn from the rest of the world
·  Minimising the cost of fraud
10h00 – 10h30 / Tea
10h30 – 11h15 / Session Three
Medical Savings Accounts – The impact of Circular 38
Roseanne da Silva - Independent Consulting Actuary
11h15 – 12h00 / Session Four
The Protection of Personal Information Bill – What
the industry should know
Esmé Prins-Van den Berg – Healthcare Navigator
11h45 / Conference Closure