Travel With Mr. Ripley!

Travel the world with Mr. Robert Ripley through our Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum. See how many of the following exhibits you can find on your travels. Then, use the map to locate the city or country the exhibit came from. Write the number of the exhibit on the map. When you are finished, pretend that you are a “Modern Day Mr. Ripley.” Write about which country you would travel to and tell what amazing artifacts or cultural traditions you would find there. Explain why you picked that area of the world and why you chose it.

Exhibit #1 – Mummified Cat – The cat from Egypt is on display as well as x-rays of what lies beneath the wraps.

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Exhibit #2 – Moosehead stuck in window – This unfortunate fellow decided to break into an Alaskan home but couldn’t get back out and froze to death looking for a meal.

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Exhibit #3 – Russian Cosmonaut glove. These glove was custom made to fit the fingers of the astronauts for easy gripping.

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Exhibit #4 – Ceylonese Snake Mask – Cylon is not the most commonly used name for this country. You get bonus points if you find the exhibit and can name the most common name for this country.

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Exhibit #5 – The largest species of spider! This is one of only two of our live exhibits! Do they really eat birds?

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Exhibit #6 – Fiji Island Cannibal Fork – Cannibals on the island of Fiji used these forks for the consuming of humans! In 1932, Mr. Ripley dined with a chef who had eaten 932 people!

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Exhibit #7 – Genuine Shrunken Head – In Ecuador, the Jivaro Indians commonly shrunk the heads of slain warriors to act as trophies or symbols of bravery!

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Exhibit #8 – The American Alligator – The American Alligator is thought to be one of the most ferocious predators in America. This alligator was caught in St. Augustine, Florida.

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Exhibit #9 – “The Lighthouse Man” – A tour guide from Chungking, China, known as “The Lighthouse Man” guided visitors through the city streets by the light of a candle inserted into his head!

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Exhibit #10 – Indian sword with Khanda hilt – This sword is the national sword of Orissa but is generally used by both Rajputs and Mahrattas.

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