Friends Of Oak Farm
(Oak Farm Schools Parent/Teachers Association)
April 2017
Summer Fair(Sponsored by Hunters Property Group)
Dear Parents
Summer Fair preparations are already well under way. The date has been set for Saturday 17th June, Midday to 3pm, so please add the date to your diaries!
We have lots of fun stalls planned - our popular go karts and fairground rides, as well as crossbows, coconut shy, hook the duck, tombola and bar-b-que, plus lots, lots more yet to be organised!
The Summer Fair is one of our main fundraisers, and these funds are used for essential extra equipment for the schools and Nursery. But to have a successful event, we need your help!
Are you able to have an advertising board outside your house? Hunters Property Group have once again kindly agreed to sponsor the Fair and they will also be running our Go Karts. The advertising boards will be put up approximately 2 weeks before the Fair, and taken down within a few days after – you don’t need to do anything other than let us know your address! PLEASE help if you can, as the number of boards ordered has dropped considerably in the last couple of years. The more adverts we have, the more people will come, and the more money we will raise! Please email us your address – or fill in the slip below and return.
Are you able to donate an item for the Fair? Perhaps you work for a company that could donate some items for either the raffle or tombola. It gets harder every year to find businesses willing to donate items.
Would you like to advertise your business in the programme? Please email to enquire and giving details.
Would you like to have your own stall at the Summer Fair?
Can you help run a stall at the Fair? We need LOTS of help, otherwise we will not be able to run some of the stalls we would like to.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please either fill in the slip below and return to school through your class teachers, in an envelope marked ‘FoOF Summer Fair’, by Wednesday 3rd May 2017, or you can email us at .
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I would like to have an advertising board outside my house Address: ......
I am able to donate an item for the raffle: Item to donate:......
I am interested in having a stall at the Summer Fair Details of stall: ......
I am able to help run a stall at the fair for 12 - 1.30pm / 1.30pm - 3pm / 12 – 3pm
the following times: (Delete as appropriate)
NAME: ……………………………… CONTACT NUMBER: ......
CHILD’S NAME: …………………… CLASS: ………