Honors World History

Ch 23 – French Revolution Plus Calendar

Date / ACTIVITY / Reading & Homework
1/9 / How to write a DBQ, -- Absolutism and Democracy, HIPPO strategy
1/10 / Peer grade DBQ parts. Start the French Revolution movie, French Rev packet /activity / DBQ What I Know and Docs marked
1/11-12 / CHOICES / DBQ Thesis
1/16 / The French Revolution movie / Need FR packet, 651-655 wksht 23.1
1/17 / The French Revolution movie, go over wksht 23.1 / 656-661 Make a flow chart of major events in the French Revolution
1/18-19 / Star Power simulation and discussion,
hand out French Revolution DBQ / Extended Activity due
1/22 / Dog and the Wolf, Reign of Terror / DBQ What I Know and Docs marked
1/23 / Go over DBQ, thesis check, how to outline / DBQ HIPPO analysis
1/24-25 / Napoleon, wksht 23.3/23.4
Napoleon movie, compose Napoleon poem e.c. / 663-671, wksht 23.3/23.4
DBQ Thesis and outline
1/26 / Do Congress of Vienna + web, Thesis/outline / 672-675 and handout
1/29 / Other Revolutions / 681-686, Who/What chart , Essay
1/30 / Nationalism in Empires / 687, 692-693, 695-697 Cornell notes,
1/31 / TEST ---- read 717-722 start wksht 25.1

Objectives: World History Concept 6 Age of Revolution

PO 4. Analyze the developments of the French Revolution and rule of Napoleon:

a.  Separation of the classes into three Estates

b.  Enlightenment ideas

c.  Economic problem and weak leader. National Assembly, Tennis Court Oath, Storming of the Bastille, Great Fear.

d.  Reign of Terror (e.g. Jacobins, Robespierre,)

e.  Guillotine as the symbol of the Revolution.

f.  Rise and fall of Napoleon (e.g. Napoleonic Wars.)

g.  Analyze factors contributing to the spread of nationalism in Europe

h.  Importance of the defeat of Napoleon and Congress of Vienna

i.  Evaluate the role the estate system played in the French Revolution

j.  Identify key events and figures associated with the French Revolution

PO 5. Explain the revolutionary and independence movements in Latin America (e.g., Mexico, Haiti, South America).

Major Assignment s: DBQ and Extended Activity

Students will learn to answer a Data Based Question (DBQ). They will need to analyze documents as well as formulate a thesis and support it.

Students will choose one of four activities to complete as part of the French Revolution packet.