MATH 091 E05 COURSE #12468 ROOM: MCML 221

Basic Mathematics 3 Credits

January 2 – 18 Short Course

Mon – Fri; 1:30 - 4:30 pm


Instructor: Janie Kimble

Cell Phone:(775)-934-4413



Office Hours: N/A


The course introduces the fundamental operations of whole numbers, fractions and mixed numbers, decimals, percentages, measurement, and integers. The course is intended to provide a review of basics needed in later math courses and on the job.


This is the first developmental mathematical course. Students may register for the class without any prerequisite.


Textbook: Prealgebra, Mathematics for a Variable World, 3rd Edition, Bach & Leitner

Graph paper

Calculator would be helpful


Upon completion of MA 091 the student will demonstrate the ability to perform mathematical operations, formulate mathematical concepts, solve equations, convert units between the English and metric systems, and apply correct formulas for different geometric figures. This course does not fulfill the math requirement for any degree, nor will it count as an elective for any program.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Perform addition, subtraction multiplication and division with whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, percents and integers.
  2. Understand the meaning of fractions, decimals, and percents, as well as conditions for their use.
  3. Convert between decimals, fractions and percents.
  4. Identify numbers that belong to the different number sets: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers.
  5. Evaluate algebraic expressions.
  6. Solve proportions for an unknown, including proportions involving decimals and fractions.
  7. Solve linear equations.
  8. Be familiar with real life applications of ratios and proportions.
  9. Convert between units in the English and metric systems of measurement and between units within each system.
  10. Extract roots.
  11. Demonstrate appropriate formats for solving problems.
  12. Find the perimeter and area of a variety of basic geometric figures.
  13. Communicate mathematical concepts in writing and/or orally.


Instruction is lecture driven with encouragement of topic discussions.



Guided exercises are found at the end of each section of each chapter. I will take your assignments from those exercises. Homework must be kept in a notebook and will be collected on the days of the chapter tests.


Due to the nature of this class, there will bequizzes scheduled often


There are 3 exams throughout the class. Each exam is worth 100 points. Exams are based on homework problems, as well as examples used during class time. PLEASE TAKE NOTES - THEY ARE YOUR STUDY GUIDE! MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY WITH ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTATION FOR THE REASON OF THE ABSENCE. Except for medical emergencies, other excuses in general might NOT be accepted. In order to take the make-up exam, students must notify me, the instructor, within 48 hours after the absence for scheduling. If you know ahead of time of an absence, please let me know ASAP. Chapter exams and the final are graded for both content and form, so show your work at all times.

AssessmentPercentage of final grade

Required homework10%

Required quizzes 60%

Required exams 30%


Grades are distributed as follows:

100 - 90%A

89 - 80%B

79 - 70%C

69 - 60%D

Below 60% is not passing.

Consult the Great BasinCollege catalog for information on “I” and “W” grades.


The Math lab, located in the AcademicSuccessCenter in MCML 103, has tutors available to assist students on all homework assignments. If you need extensive help, please call ahead to 753-2149 for an appointment with a tutor, guaranteeing the attention needed.

Hours are: Monday - Thursday, 9AM – 9PM, Friday, 9AM – 5PM and Saturday, 10AM – 3PM.


Due to the nature of this class, it is IMPERATIVE you attend all classes scheduled. Please see me for extenuating circumstances. Please note that the syllabus is just a guide. Although every effort will be made to follow the syllabus, you may find that we get a little ahead or behind. This may affect the date of a homework assignment or exam. IF YOU MISS A CLASS, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE WHAT WAS COVERED AND IF A TEST DATE OR HOMEOWRK DUE DATE WAS CHANGED.


The University and Community College System of Nevada expressly forbids all forms of academic dishonesty, including (but not limited to) all forms of cheating, copying, and plagiarism. Students who are discovered cheating will be assigned zero points for the course, and will be brought to the GBC Academic Officers for prosecution.

MA 091 Spring Semester, 2007
ONE / Wed – Jan 2 / Chapter 1
TWO / Thur – Jan 3 / Chapter 2
THREE / Fri – Jan 4 / Chapter 3
FOUR / Mon – Jan 7 / Chapter 4
FIVE / Tues – Jan 8 / Test 1
Chapters 1 - 4
SIX / Wed – Jan 9 / Chapter 5
SEVEN / Thur – Jan 10 / Chapter 6
EIGHT / Fri – Jan 11 / Chapter 7
NINE / Mon – Jan 14 / Test 2
Chapters 5 - 7
Chapter 8
TEN / Tues – Jan 15 / Chapter 9
ELEVEN / Wed – Jan 16 / Chapter 10
TWELVE / Thur – Jan 17 / Chapter 11
THIRTEEN / Fri – Jan 18 / Test 3
Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11