Mission Life #3

Founding of Mission San Gabriel (translated from Spanish by Amanda Marchand)

From the book La Vida de Junípero Serra by Francisco Palóu

On the 6th of August they left San Diego and headed north. Upon reaching the River of Earthquakes they began selecting the land for the new mission. There came upon them a great group of gentiles, all armed, with two captains among them. With horrifying yells they attempted to impede the founding of the mission by force. The fathers wanted to stop the warring and avoid misfortunes, so one brought out an artists canvas with an image of Our Lady of Sorrows, and showed it to the barbarians. As soon as it was done, they were all defeated by the beautiful image, and were caused to throw down their spears, bows, and arrows. They ran to their captains, and begged them to place their necklaces of shells in front of the image, to demonstrate their appreciation, and to demonstrate that they wanted peace. A great gathering of all of the villages was called, and more and more men, women, and children came to see the Sacred Virgin. They brought seeds and left them in front of the Most Sacred Lady, thinking that she ate as they did.

Once the gentiles had seen the image of Our Lady, they began visiting the holy fathers with more frequency, and showed their great contentment with our presence as their neighbors in their lands. The holy fathers tried to show their corresponding good will through signs of affection and gifts.

These natural people were now more contented, only to have one of our soldiers ruin said contentment for us, giving grave offense to one of their most important captains, and to God above as well. The captain wanted to take his revenge against the offense that had been given him. He called together all of the neighboring villages. Gathering together all the men capable of taking up arms, they presented themselves to the two soldiers, one of whom was the wrongdoer. When the soldiers saw the multitude of armed men, they quickly dressed themselves in their leathers and helmets and took up their muskets. The gentiles began to let fly arrows, all at the one insolent soldier. That soldier aimed at the captain, fired his musket, and killed him. Seeing the strength of our weapons, that they had never before experienced, and that their arrows did us no harm, they fled.

… Developed by Amanda Marchand Best of Yolo County History-Social Science Symposium Copyright  2008 Regents of the University of California 4