ANNUAL and TRIANNUAL reporting of data and information under Article 12 of the Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on POPs

1. / Member State / Czech Republic
2. / Name and title of contact officer / Alena Marasova, Waste Management Department
3. / Full name of the institution / Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
4. / Mailing address / Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Waste Management Department
Vrsovicka 65, 100 10 Prague 10, Czech Republic
5. / Telephone number / +420267122 062
6. / Fax number / +420267310 340
7. / E-mail address /
8. / Date of the report / 20.5.2013

Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on POPs

(Annual period of 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2012)

(Triannual period of 1/1/2010 to 31/12/2012)

Member State:

Czech Republic

May 20, 2013

A. Annual report on control on production, placing on the market (Article 12(2))

Section I: General information

1. / Member State / Czech Republic
2. / Name and title of contact officer / Alena Marasova, Waste Management Department
3. / Full name of the institution / Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
4. / Mailing address / Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Waste Management Department
Vrsovicka 65, 100 10 Prague 10, Czech Republic
5. / Telephone number / +420267122 062
6. / Fax number / +420267310 340
7. / E-mail address /
8. / Date of the report / 20.5.2013

Section II: Control on production, placing on the market

1. Production of substances listed under Annex I or II to Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 (hereinafter ‘Annex I or II’)

1.1 Year of the report:

Reporting period from 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2012

1.2.1 Has any of the chemicals listed in Annex I or II been produced in your Member State during the period covered by this report? (Yes/No)


1.2.1 If the answer to question 1.2 is ‘Yes’, please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) produced (in kg).


2. Placing on the market of substances listed under Annex I or II

2.1. Year of the report:

Reporting period from 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2012

2.2 Has any of the chemicals listed in Annex I or II been placed on the market in your Member State or exported from your Member State during the period covered by this report? (Yes/No)


2.2.1. If the answer to question 2.2 is ‘Yes’, please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) exported and/or placed on the market (in kg). In case of export or import, please specify the exporting or importing country(ies).

2.2.1 If the answer to question 2.2 is "Yes", please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) exported and/or placed on the market (in kg). In case of export or import, please specify the exporting or importing country(ies).


B- Triannual report on the application of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 (Articles 12(1) and 12(3)).

Section I: General information

1. / Member State / Czech Republic
2. / Name and title of contact officer / Alena Marasova, Waste Management Department
3. / Full name of the institution / Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
4. / Mailing address / Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Waste Management Department
Vrsovicka 65, 100 10 Prague 10, Czech Republic
5. / Telephone number / +420267122 062
6. / Fax number / +420267310 340
7. / E-mail address /
8. / Date of the report / 20.5.2013

Section II: Stockpiles

1. Are there in your Member State any notified stockpiles of any substance listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is permitted?


1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its content (% or mg/kg), its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.

There are several companies in the Czech Republic, which own equipment contains or may contain PCB. All equipment which are currently operated in the Czech Republic fully comply with Directive 96/59/EC i.e. content of PCB inside is not higher than 500 ppm of PCB.

All locations of equipment (or companies) are exactly known and all these equipment are disposed continuously by the decontamination plan.

Details can be found in the Annex - Questionnaire on PCB wastes (date of the Report 29.2.2012)

2. Are there in your Member State any notified stockpiles of any substance listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is not permitted?


2.1 If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its content (% or mg/kg), its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.


Section III: Release reduction, minimisation and elimination

1. Has your Member State developed an action plan on the substances listed in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 (hereinafter "Annex III") ?


- National Implementation Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention in the Czech Republic – Government Decision No. 1572/2005 from 7.12.2005

- Decree No. 205/2009 Coll., on monitoring the emissions from the stationary sources of air pollution and other obligations of the Act on air protection, as amended

- Act. No. 350/2011 Coll., on chemical substances and mixtures, as amended

- Act. No. 201/2012 Coll., on the air protection, as amended

1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please specify why.

1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s) for which you have release data. For each specified substance, specify for which compartment (i.e., air, water, land) you have release data. For each specified compartment, give the release in g TEQ/year (WHO-TEF[i] 2005) or in kg/year.


Emissions (kg/year) to Air Soil Water

PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) 0.05421 0 0

HCB 0 0 0

PCB 0.39693 0.39817 2.6751

PAH 1530.97 0.46202 113.512

Off-site transfer (kg/year) in Waste water Waste

PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) 0 0.04531

HCB 0 184465.822

PCB 0 24141.9

PAH 14.24 21916.35


Emissions (kg/year) to Air Soil Water

PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) 0.0611 0 0

HCB 0 0 0

PCB 0.15048 0.0254 2.796

PAH 2328.83017 0 14

Off-site transfer (kg/year) in Waste water Waste

PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) 0.00412 0.25837

HCB 0 452400

PCB 0 23799.63

PAH 61.52 29953.26


Emissions (kg/year) to Air Soil Water

PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) 0.042301 0 0

HCB 0 0 0

PCB 0.000001 0 0

PAH 1775.145 0 0

Off-site transfer (kg/year) in Waste water Waste

PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) 0.001836 0.592592

HCB 0 396888

PCB 0 9914.949

PAH 15.701 11254.636

Information sources:

2. Has your Member State developed measures in order to identify sources of substances listed in Annex III?


2.1. If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", please describe the measures developed.

The measures are parts of the National Implementation Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention in the Czech Republic. Other direct measures and obligation are included in national legislative documents implementing the European law:

Act No. 69/2013 Coll., amending Act No. 76/2002 Coll. on integrated pollution prevention and control, on the integrated pollution register and on amendment to some laws (Act on integrated prevention)

Government Regulation No. 145/2008 Coll., on the list of substances and thresholds for the integrated register of pollution, as amended

Government Regulation No. 615/2006 Coll., on the definition of emissions limits and other obligations for the management of other stationary sources of air pollution, as amended

Government Regulation No. 354/2002 Coll., on the definition of emissions limits and other obligations for the incineration of wastes, as amended

Decree No. 205/2009 Coll., on monitoring the emissions from the stationary sources of air pollution and other obligations of the Act on air protection, as amended

Act. No. 350/2011 Coll., on chemical substances and mixtures, as amended

Act. No. 201/2012 Coll., on the air protection, as amended

3. Has your Member State developed measures in order to characterise sources of substances listed in Annex III?


3.1. If the answer to question 3 is "Yes", please describe the measures developed.

Government Regulation No. 145/2008 Coll., on the list of substances and thresholds for the integrated register of pollution, as amended

Act No. 69/2013 Coll., amending Act No. 76/2002 Coll. on integrated pollution prevention and control, on the integrated pollution register and on amendment to some laws (Act on integrated prevention)

Government Regulation No. 615/2006 Coll., on the definition of emissions limits and other obligations for the management of other stationary sources of air pollution, as amended

Government Regulation No. 354/2002 Coll., on the definition of emissions limits and other obligations for the incineration of wastes, as amended

Decree No. 205/2009 Coll., on monitoring the emissions from the stationary sources of air pollution and other obligations of the Act on air protection, as amended

Act. No. 350/2011 Coll., on chemical substances and mixtures, as amended

Act. No. 201/2012 Coll., on the air protection, as amended

4. Has your Member State developed measures in order to minimise sources of substances listed in Annex III?


4.1. If the answer to question 4 is "Yes", please describe the measures developed.

Government Regulation No. 145/2008 Coll., on the list of substances and thresholds for the integrated register of pollution, as amended

-  Act No. 69/2013 Coll., amending Act No. 76/2002 Coll. on integrated pollution prevention and control, on the integrated pollution register and on amendment to some laws (Act on integrated prevention)

-  Act. No. 201/2012 Coll., on the air protection, as amended

-  Act. No. 350/2011 Coll., on chemical substances and mixtures, as amended

-  Decree No. 205/2009 Coll., on monitoring the emissions from the stationary sources of air pollution and other obligations of the Act on air protection, as amended

Section IV: Implementation plans

1. Has your Member State developed a National Implementation Plan (NIP) in accordance with Article 7 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants?


1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please explain why.


1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, indicate the date(s) on which it has been communicated to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, to the Commission and to the other Member States.

The Czech Republic transmitted its Implementation Plan to the Conference of the Parties on 8. 5. 2006 and in parallel to the Commission and to the other Member States via CIRCA system.

1.2.1. Did you give the public early and effective opportunities to participate in the development of your NIP?

Yes. There was more than 3 years opened discussion with the broad public. If the answer to question 1.2.1 is "No", please explain why.

- If the answer to question 1.2.1 is "Yes", please describe briefly how.

During the process of preparation of the NIP there was the group of people, scientists, researchers, university teachers and NGOs members involved. All of them were asked to send their comments to 4 proposals of the NIP during 3 years preparation period. Final opened inter-ministerial discussion was also attended by representatives of NGOs.

The Government of the Czech Republic through the Government Regulation No. 1307 from 19 October 2009 was informed about the fulfilment of the short- and mid-term tasks and measures set in the NIP in September 2009. Based on that and currently discussed “new” POPs Regulation revision the NIP will be revised shortly.

Section V: Monitoring

1. Has your Member State established a monitoring programme on the presence of dioxins, furans and PCBs in the environment?


1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please explain why.


1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please specify the name of the substance(s) for which you have monitoring data. For each specified substance and each monitoring programme, specify the period and objectives of the monitoring programme, the type of sampling point (e.g., hot spots, accidents, background situation), the geographical location, the analytical method applied, the compartments in which the substance was sampled, the values found (mean, median, maximum, minimum, number of samples) and how to access these data.

Data is collected every year as a fulfilling the obligations of the EU Directives and Regulations. Mainly the Integrated register of pollution and air protection databases ( are filled by data from Another source of monitoring data is the Centre for Toxic Compounds

Section VI: Information exchange

1. Has your Member State established an information exchange mechanism?


1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please explain why.


1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes" and if the information exchange mechanism is not part of your NIP, please describe it.

Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (

Centre is an independent department at Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, with its own research and development, educational programmes and expert activities within the field of environmental contamination. Centre focuses on persistent organic pollutants (POPs), polar organic compounds, toxic metals and their species and natural toxins - cyanotoxins. Centre is formed by research divisions, service laboratories and technology-transfer centres:

-Environmental chemistry and modelling

-Ecotoxicology and risk assessment

-Trace laboratory

-Laboratory of data analyses

All the research programmes are supported by advanced research infrastructure, some of which has been centralized in three core facilities (Trace laboratory, GENASIS information system, ELSPAC database)

Joint Centres:

- National POPs centre

- Regional POPs Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

- National laboratory for cyanotoxins

2. Has your Member State taken any measure to promote and facilitate awareness programmes with regard to persistent organic pollutants?