Will County Workforce Investment Board

214 N. Ottawa Street

Joliet, Illinois 60432

Economy Overview

Will County IL

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Report Info
Dataset Version / 2015.1 Class of Worker
Class of Worker Categories / QCEW Employees + Non-QCEW Employees + Self-Employed + Extended Proprietors
Timeframe / 2013 - 2014
Dataset Category / EMSI Complete
Region Name / Will County IL
Region Description / Will County IL
Will, IL (17197)
Will County IL

Population (2014) / 695,438
Jobs (2014) / 282,386
Average Earnings (2014) / $49,155
Unemployed (2/2015) / 20,154
Completions (2010) / 5,920
GRP (2013) / $26,202,559,340
Exports (2013) / $34,095,176,874
Imports (2013) / $42,408,246,305
Will County IL | Population
695,438 / 3.0%
2014 Population / Population Growth for the Last 5 Years
5.4% of State / State Growth 1.2%
Age Group / 2014 Population / % of Population
Under 5 years / 45,890 / 6.6% /
5 to 9 years / 52,430 / 7.5% /
10 to 14 years / 57,500 / 8.3% /
15 to 19 years / 52,333 / 7.5% /
20 to 24 years / 43,334 / 6.2% /
25 to 29 years / 38,409 / 5.5% /
30 to 34 years / 42,881 / 6.2% /
35 to 39 years / 47,498 / 6.8% /
40 to 44 years / 53,672 / 7.7% /
45 to 49 years / 54,804 / 7.9% /
50 to 54 years / 51,764 / 7.4% /
55 to 59 years / 43,911 / 6.3% /
60 to 64 years / 35,559 / 5.1% /
65 to 69 years / 27,353 / 3.9% /
70 to 74 years / 18,697 / 2.7% /
75 to 79 years / 12,424 / 1.8% /
80 to 84 years / 8,521 / 1.2% /
85 years and over / 8,461 / 1.2% /
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Will County IL | Jobs by Industry
282,386 / 53.7% / 46.3%
Total Jobs (2014) / Male / Female
(National: 52.7%) / (National: 47.3%)
NAICS / Industry / 2014 Jobs
11 / Crop and Animal Production / 1,068 /
21 / Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction / 243 /
22 / Utilities / 1,746 /
23 / Construction / 17,802 /
31 / Manufacturing / 20,534 /
42 / Wholesale Trade / 15,521 /
44 / Retail Trade / 31,531 /
48 / Transportation and Warehousing / 18,563 /
51 / Information / 3,484 /
52 / Finance and Insurance / 13,692 /
53 / Real Estate and Rental and Leasing / 10,444 /
54 / Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services / 15,217 /
55 / Management of Companies and Enterprises / 1,976 /
56 / Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services / 17,764 /
61 / Educational Services / 6,036 /
62 / Health Care and Social Assistance / 29,067 /
71 / Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation / 6,675 /
72 / Accommodation and Food Services / 19,190 /
81 / Other Services (except Public Administration) / 17,271 /
90 / Government / 34,156 /
99 / Unclassified Industry / 406 /
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Will County IL | Average Earnings by Industry
Avg. Earnings (2014)
92% of Nation Avg.
NAICS / Industry / Avg. Earnings (2014)
11 / Crop and Animal Production / $35,547 /
21 / Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction / $112,021 /
22 / Utilities / $159,325 /
23 / Construction / $64,676 /
31 / Manufacturing / $82,857 /
42 / Wholesale Trade / $74,205 /
44 / Retail Trade / $28,659 /
48 / Transportation and Warehousing / $50,907 /
51 / Information / $50,029 /
52 / Finance and Insurance / $49,765 /
53 / Real Estate and Rental and Leasing / $28,872 /
54 / Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services / $52,402 /
55 / Management of Companies and Enterprises / $86,680 /
56 / Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services / $32,607 /
61 / Educational Services / $34,202 /
62 / Health Care and Social Assistance / $52,150 /
71 / Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation / $26,672 /
72 / Accommodation and Food Services / $18,237 /
81 / Other Services (except Public Administration) / $28,117 /
90 / Government / $65,259 /
99 / Unclassified Industry / $34,663 /
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Will County IL | Unemployment by Industry
Total Unemployment (2/2015)
NAICS / Industry / Unemployed (2/2015) / % of Unemployed
11 / Crop and Animal Production / 28 / 0% /
21 / Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction / 38 / 0% /
22 / Utilities / 49 / 0% /
23 / Construction / 5,103 / 25% /
31 / Manufacturing / 1,238 / 6% /
42 / Wholesale Trade / 497 / 2% /
44 / Retail Trade / 1,845 / 9% /
48 / Transportation and Warehousing / 1,250 / 6% /
51 / Information / 111 / 1% /
52 / Finance and Insurance / 189 / 1% /
53 / Real Estate and Rental and Leasing / 166 / 1% /
54 / Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services / 459 / 2% /
55 / Management of Companies and Enterprises / 21 / 0% /
56 / Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services / 1,662 / 8% /
61 / Educational Services / 252 / 1% /
62 / Health Care and Social Assistance / 719 / 4% /
71 / Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation / 633 / 3% /
72 / Accommodation and Food Services / 1,369 / 7% /
81 / Other Services (except Public Administration) / 691 / 3% /
90 / Government / 1,044 / 5% /
99 / No Previous Work Experience/Unspecified / 2,789 / 14% /
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Will County IL | Top Program Completions
CIP / Program / Completions (2010)
51 / Health professions and related programs / 1,282 /
13 / Education / 992 /
52 / Business, management, marketing, and related support services / 945 /
24 / Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities / 823 /
43 / Homeland security, law enforcement, firefighting and related protective services / 344 /
42 / Psychology / 249 /
44 / Public administration and social service professions / 177 /
12 / Personal and culinary services / 165 /
09 / Communication, journalism, and related programs / 125 /
47 / Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians / 91 /
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Will County IL | Gross Regional Product (GRP)
$13,804,910,528 / $10,245,546,876 / $2,152,101,936 / $26,202,559,340
Earnings (2013) / Property Income (2013) / Taxes on Production (2013) / Total GRP (2013)
NAICS / Industry / GRP (2013) / % of Total
11 / Crop and Animal Production / $72,142,421 / 0% /
21 / Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction / $101,127,001 / 0% /
22 / Utilities / $998,934,180 / 4% /
23 / Construction / $1,519,860,245 / 6% /
31 / Manufacturing / $5,516,743,136 / 21% /
42 / Wholesale Trade / $2,521,320,943 / 10% /
44 / Retail Trade / $1,387,584,363 / 5% /
48 / Transportation and Warehousing / $1,269,997,904 / 5% /
51 / Information / $631,724,946 / 2% /
52 / Finance and Insurance / $1,041,801,391 / 4% /
53 / Real Estate and Rental and Leasing / $1,269,036,640 / 5% /
54 / Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services / $928,405,913 / 4% /
55 / Management of Companies and Enterprises / $178,258,480 / 1% /
56 / Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services / $755,854,485 / 3% /
61 / Educational Services / $228,166,432 / 1% /
62 / Health Care and Social Assistance / $1,653,401,326 / 6% /
71 / Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation / $344,465,392 / 1% /
72 / Accommodation and Food Services / $501,967,744 / 2% /
81 / Other Services (except Public Administration) / $537,793,156 / 2% /
90 / Government / $2,433,603,011 / 9% /
Other non-industries / $2,310,370,231 / 9% /
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Will County IL | Region Exports
Exports (2013)
71% of Supply
NAICS / Industry / Exports (2013)
11 / Crop and Animal Production / $135,553,039 /
21 / Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction / $90,832,099 /
22 / Utilities / $1,103,783,226 /
23 / Construction / $1,807,865,740 /
31 / Manufacturing / $14,827,433,636 /
42 / Wholesale Trade / $2,912,369,927 /
44 / Retail Trade / $1,092,701,377 /
48 / Transportation and Warehousing / $2,001,715,235 /
51 / Information / $878,429,472 /
52 / Finance and Insurance / $1,343,624,621 /
53 / Real Estate and Rental and Leasing / $1,020,945,234 /
54 / Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services / $991,016,483 /
55 / Management of Companies and Enterprises / $237,401,254 /
56 / Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services / $710,699,056 /
61 / Educational Services / $210,860,470 /
62 / Health Care and Social Assistance / $1,155,465,599 /
71 / Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation / $472,249,328 /
72 / Accommodation and Food Services / $451,862,500 /
81 / Other Services (except Public Administration) / $520,869,858 /
90 / Government / $2,129,498,720 /
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Will County IL | Region Imports
$42,408,246,305 / $14,047,153,838
Imports (2013) / Locally Produced & Consumed (2013)
75% of Demand / 25% of Demand
NAICS / Industry / Imports (2013)
11 / Crop and Animal Production / $626,342,572 /
21 / Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction / $2,503,457,539 /
22 / Utilities / $465,813,835 /
23 / Construction / $956,928,332 /
31 / Manufacturing / $7,169,086,376 /
42 / Wholesale Trade / $1,803,496,931 /
44 / Retail Trade / $1,862,478,701 /
48 / Transportation and Warehousing / $1,189,904,286 /
51 / Information / $1,807,350,366 /
52 / Finance and Insurance / $3,062,174,797 /
53 / Real Estate and Rental and Leasing / $2,118,186,243 /
54 / Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services / $1,919,842,814 /
55 / Management of Companies and Enterprises / $804,856,250 /
56 / Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services / $687,597,541 /
61 / Educational Services / $501,488,508 /
62 / Health Care and Social Assistance / $2,663,007,090 /
71 / Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation / $381,775,035 /
72 / Accommodation and Food Services / $1,088,518,967 /
81 / Other Services (except Public Administration) / $629,801,447 /
90 / Government / $10,166,138,675 /
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Regional Trends
Region / 2013 Jobs / 2014 Jobs / % Change
● / Will County IL / 276,899 / 282,386 / 2.0%
● / Nation / 182,886,136 / 187,132,062 / 2.3%
2014 Educational Attainment

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Largest Openings/Completions Gaps
Occupation / Related Completions (2010) / Annual Openings (2014)
Personal Financial Advisors (13-2052) / 39 / 329
Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents (41-3031) / 0 / 231
Physical Therapists (29-1123) / 18 / 88
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products (41-4011) / 9 / 74
Financial Managers (11-3031) / 39 / 99
2014 Age Demographics

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Growing/Declining Occupations
Occupation / Change in Jobs (2013-2014)
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (53-3032) / 339
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand (53-7062) / 273
Construction Laborers (47-2061) / 187
Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers (11-9013) / -52
Door-to-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related Workers (41-9091) / -63
Retail Salespersons (41-2031) / -131
2014 Race Demographics

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Growing/Declining Industries
Industry / Change in Jobs (2013-2014)
Employment Placement Agencies (561311) / 292
Investment Advice (523930) / 241
Residential Remodelers (236118) / 230
Commercial Banking (522110) / -130
Home Health Care Services (621610) / -181
Home Centers (444110) / -215
Top Regional Businesses
Business Name / Local Employees
Caterpillar Inc / 1,500
City Of Joliet Community & Economic Development Department / 1,040
Presence Saint Joseph Medical Center / 1,000
State Of Illinois - Corrections Dept / 950
City Of Joliet / 925

Source: Equifax Business-Level Data

DISCLAIMER: Business Data by Equifax is third-party data provided by EMSI to its customers as a convenience, and EMSI does not endorse or warrant its accuracy or consistency with other published EMSI data.

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Data Sources and Calculations

Input-Output Data

The input-output model in this report is EMSI's gravitational flows multi-regional social account matrix model (MR-SAM). It is based on data from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey and American Community Survey; as well as the Bureau of Economic Analysis' National Income and Product Accounts, Input-Output Make and Use Tables, and Gross State Product data. In addition, several EMSI in-house data sets are used, as well as data from Oak Ridge National Labs on the cost of transportation between counties.

Institution Data

The institution data in this report is taken directly from the national IPEDS database published by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics.

Completers Data

The completers data in this report is taken directly from the national IPEDS database published by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics.

Demographic Data

The demographic data in this report is compiled from several sources using a specialized process. Sources include annual population estimates and population projections from the US Census Bureau, birth and mortality rates from the US Health Department, and projected regional job growth.

Industry Data

EMSI industry data have various sources depending on the class of worker. (1) For QCEW Employees, EMSI primarily uses the QCEW (Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages), with supplemental estimates from County Business Patterns and Current Employment Statistics. (2) Non-QCEW employees data are based on a number of sources including QCEW, Current Employment Statistics, County Business Patterns, BEA State and Local Personal Income reports, the National Industry-Occupation Employment Matrix (NIOEM), the American Community Survey, and Railroad Retirement Board statistics. (3) Self-Employed and Extended Proprietor classes of worker data are primarily based on the American Community Survey, Nonemployer Statistics, and BEA State and Local Personal Income Reports. Projections for QCEW and Non-QCEW Employees are informed by NIOEM and long-term industry projections published by individual states.

Unemployment Data

The unemployment data in this report comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Local Area Unemployment Statistics and is updated every two months.

State Data Sources

This report uses state data from the following agencies: Illinois Department of Employment Security, Employment Projections

Educational Attainment Data

EMSI's educational attainment numbers are based on EMSI's demographic data and the American Community Survey. By combining these sources, EMSI interpolates for missing years and projects data at the county level. Educational attainment data cover only the population aged 25 years or more and indicate the highest level achieved.

Occupation Data

EMSI occupation employment data are based on final EMSI industry data and final EMSI staffing patterns. Wage estimates are based on Occupational Employment Statistics (QCEW and Non-QCEW Employees classes of worker) and the American Community Survey (Self-Employed and Extended Proprietors). Occupational wage estimates also affected by county-level EMSI earnings by industry.

Equifax Business-Level Data

Data for individual businesses is provided by Equifax ( which maintains a database of more than 20 million U.S. business entities. Note that in aggregate it will not be consistent with EMSI labor market data due to differences in definitions, methodology, coverage, and industry/geographic classification.

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