Some GadsdenCountyDeeds
Of property near the VickersCemetery
Deed Book H. P. 285, 1884
Ephraim Vickers and Angeline to Eli Sanders 1884 for $40
undivided interest as heirs and children of John Braddy, deceased,
NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and 23 acres of the North side of the SE 1/4 of SW l/4, Section 24, T3N, R. 2 W, 63 acres.
Ephraim and Angeline Vickers to Eli Sanders- a strip of land 50 yards wife and 660 yards long (5 acres) lying along the Eastern side of land formerly owned by Mrs. Braddy and described as the NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and the North side of the SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 24
Deed Book H., p. 285, 4 Sept 1880
Benjamin Brady and Martha S. A. Braddy of Wilson County, Texas for $40 To Eli Sanders, undivided interest in and to
NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 , 23 acres and the North side of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Section 24, T 3 N. R 2 W, 63 acres
Received of Nathan Brady $10.50 for Benjamin Brady of Wilson County Texas for claims of land owed by the said Benjamin Brady of Gadsden County, Florida. Jacob Blount
Deed Book H, p. 290, 8 October 1879
Alfred Braddy and Margaret, wife
John Braddy and Sarah, wife
William Braddy and M. A., wife
Nathan Braddy
to Eli Sanders for $130, all their joint and several right and title and undivided interest in and to the following pieces or parcels of land:
NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 Section 24, containing 63 acres
Signed: Alfred Braddy, Maggie
John Braddy & Sarah (x marks)
William Braddy & M.A. Braddy, (x marks)
Nathan Braddy (X mark)
Witnesses: H. S. Reeves, D. Patterson
Deed Book H. P. 284 15 Sept. 1884
Adelia Sanders to Eli M. Sanders, for $500, her undivided interest in and to the lands formerly belonging to the Estate of Wright Sanders, late of Gadsden County, Florida, deceased,
The E ½ of the NW 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of Section 24, T 3 N. R2W and also the SE 1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 13 T3N R 2W, containing 40acres, containing in all 280 acres, more or less.
Witnesses: J. J. Sanders, D. Patterson, J. P.
Deed Book H. P. 282 16 Sept 1884
Eli M. Sanders to Adelia Sanders
E1/2 of NW1/4 and NE1/4 of Section 24, T 3N, R2 West. 240 acres.
Note: These are strange documents. It appears to be a corrective deed as Adelia deeded out 280 acres on the 15th and Eli deeded back 240 acres on the 16th, however $500 seems quite high for only 40 acres, especially since Eli bought 96 acres from the Braddy family for $130.