Cancer Assignment

Posted: September 21st 2012

We are going to start a new project on the topic of cancer. For this assignment you will:

A) Read the following website and answer the following questions about cancer: (write the answers in your lab book) (You can use any website, but this one is pretty good)


1) How many cells do we have in our body?

2) What is a stem cell? How does a liver cell differ from a stomach cell?

3) What is a cell’s main purpose in life?

4) How does cancer get started? (carcinogenesis?)

5) What is a mistake in a cell’s genetic information called?

6) How does a cell usually deal with these mistakes?

7) What is apoptosis?

8) What is the “perfect storm” that can lead to cancer?

9) What is the “secret” to cancer’s success?

10) What is the key to preventing and treating cancer?

B) You will chose a specific type of cancer that you will make a poster to present your research. The way to find a specific type of cancer is to do a search for “types of cancer” and see what you get. I don’t want too many people doing the same type of cancer, so you will have to tell me what type you are doing, and if it’s already taken you might have to chose a new topic.

C) Your report will include:

1) A Nice Looking Title (2 points)

2) An Introduction to what cancer is in general(4 points)

3) An Introduction to the type of cancer you are researching (8 points)

a) What part of the body does it affect?

b) What are the symptoms, how do you know you have it? What are the effects?

c) What are the treatments, what is the survival rate for people with this type of cancer?

4) What organizations, societies, or groups are there to support people with this type of cancer? Where can you find more information about it? (4 points)

5) Your sources. Paste the websites that you used to get your information. (2 points)