Letter to the Institute HeartMath

Dear Sir:

I have learned about the scientific research you are carrying out at the Institute of HeartMath into stress, heart and its wave, which is a basis of good health for organs and viscera, from an article published in the Discovery Health magazine (published in Spain) and by searching the Net with Google.

I congratulate you since all I have read about your discoveries has been very interesting for me.

I would like to introduce myself: my name is Angels, I am almost seventy years old and I have been working for about 30 years as an acupuncturistusing traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), as well as a therapist releasing residual human energy, based on a therapy which is the subject of a book I have recently published.

Five years ago I was diagnosed as having left heart failure and ventricular dilation, following angina and heart attack. Three years ago I started suffering from a disorder of carbohydrates metabolism, that is, diabetes. Likewise, and I suppose due to my age, I suffer from degenerative osteoarthritis of lumbar and sacral vertebrae, slipped discs in L5 and S1, as well as three disc protrusions in the rest of them.Another problem was my impossibility of raising my right arm, making efforts or moving it backwards, sideways or rotating it, due to a sectioned tendon. According to the orthopaedic surgeon and the cardiologist, surgery was the only solution.

As you may understand, it is difficult to accept that your body keeps degenerating and you have to rely on other people to find a partial solution to these regressive physiological processes.

Before accepting that surgery together with medication for the rest of my life was the only solution, I started looking for less traumatic ones.

After a lot of searching, including books, Internet, other people’s experiences and, above all, looking into my inside, asking myself what I could do, I thought I could rely on traditional Chinese medicine and the meridians of acupuncture, particularly the bladder one, which is set on both sides of the backbone, as well as the vegetative nervous system (a chain consisting of 21-25 ganglions linked by interganglion nervous pathways), since both medicines agree that the plexus is the origin of fibres to the nervous stimulation of all organs and viscera.

How to get to the organ?

I took one year until I found a remedy for me and for many other people who have trusted it.

-Whenever there is an infection caused by pathogenic agents, besides the specific symptoms such as fever, shivers, heat, sweating, circulation disorders and others, it seems that the heart moves to the affected area, since its echoes can be perceived there.All of us have experienced a “strong pulsatile heartbeat”, like a wave which crashes against our exploring finger when suffering a cutaneous infection such as a whitlow, a furuncle oran abscess, which, besides causing pain, prevent our mind from ignoring the swelling due to the beat, even without touching the infected area.

-In order to help my heart, I “placed” the heartbeat on the postganglion fiber of dorsal vertebra 11, which corresponds to the spleen, which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is the organ that relieves the heart (it would not have been feasible to use D4 and D5, which “are in charge” of the heart for “what it is”, since I was not interested in controlling the heart).

-As for the inflammatory processes, I placedCorbatec (the name I gave this therapy) directly on the affected area.

-To cure the diabetes, I used the D9 vertebra, which corresponds to the liver. According to the traditional Chinese medicine, this organ controls the spleen and pancreas.

Timeof treatment

Every day, at least half an hour, during one to two years, until complete recovery.

What illnesses can we apply Corbatecto?

To all of them, on the condition the body accepts our pulsatile interference. To be perfectly honest, according to my experience and that of other people who have trusted this technique, it is practically always well accepted.

Why the Institute of HeartMath?

This coincidence between science and practice is what made me write to you. You are researching into a heart function and I have been using it for a long time almost arbitrarily.

According to Discovery Health, professor Rollin McCraty says that “the heart generates the strongest electromagnetic signal in the body, with a wave which is,in turn, modulated by information”.

May the heart accept another consistent signal, without its mediation, based on the self-healing attempt of an aching organ?

This is the question that made me want to write to you.

Why not emphasize that above the heart there may be an organ’s “desire” to survive?What I mean is that illnesses are caused not only by weakening but also by interferences between the ill organ and the heart wave which coordinates and synchronizes it.

Isn’t the fact that the heart accepts an impulse from the conscious mind (as in my case) just an evolutionary progress that all of us possess, that is,survival?The problem is that we do not allow ourselves to listen to our inner voice (unconscious mind, soul, Qi, mind, intuitive discernment) when this tries to give us advice. We usually seek outside for what we do not think can be achieved from inside.

The article follows: “the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated as measured by a magnetometer”. Is it possible that both the electric and the magnetic component increase when a pulsing wave is intentionally induced by means of the sympathetic nervous system to any body structure?

I am at your disposal if you want to check on me any increase of the field of pulsatile reception, as well as of the causal organ, points of its meridian, the hypothalamus, and specific areas of the brain,from the moment I send the pressure wave to an electric point in the backbone.

For a few months now, synchronized impulses, which I cannot control, move randomly, especially to different parts of my brain, some of which I distinguish as the hypophysis, the hypothalamus, the front area of the brain and in the area between the two hemispheres (the feeling of separation is permanent, which gives me the impression that there is a stream of air between one hemisphere and the other, though I do not mind it).

Sometimes, this beat is very strong, like the one I felt when I experienced tachycardia of more than 120 beats a minute but suddenly, a new rhythm appeared, a much slower one, in all the heart area, which slowed down the acceleration in less than two minutes. During this time I had the opportunity to listen to two desynchronized beats.

I teach my patients “Corbatec” to help them recover through heartbeat consistency. I also release residual human energyfor conditions such as degenerative illnesses, childhood illnesses, tumours, cysts, degenerative osteoarthritis, diabetes, bronchitis, endometriosis, iatrogenesis from chemotherapy, ante and postnatal malformations, recurrent colds, primary cancer, etc.

I enclose a summary of the book I have writtenon the therapy I have been using for 30 years now, Reflexoterapia y liberación de energía en base a la M.T.Ch. (Reflexology and energy release based on Traditional Chinese Medicine). If you would like to have a copy of it I can send you one, though it is written in Spanish.


‒ A reflex is a rapid response from an organ to the peripheral areas of the body, producing pain, pigmentation changes, itch, eczema, reddening, etcetera, which confirms the relationship between the inside and the outside and which scholars have been using for thousands of years to treat internal illnesses from outside, by means of all kind ofmassage systems: by muscular pressure, manipulations, by the introduction of thin needles in specific points on the surface or by using electric and electronic devices or laser.

The manual electricenergy stimulation by means of reflexes is the technique of transmitting impulses from a specific point on the skin to other distant points (reflexology).

‒ The foot is one of the reflex areas of the body and, due to its position at the end of the lower limbs and in contact with the earth, it is one of the areas where reflex responses are endowed with good curing effectiveness.

Like quadruped animals, human beings have developed and transmitted for generations a self-curing stimulation system thanks to the pressure that the feet exert on the ground.

‒ Likewise, we take advantage of the capacity of the Earth to absorb and transform residues (slag) from both the animal and plant kingdom, to release our own residual energies retained in small protuberances or granules, in the sole of our feet.

It is said that the skin has a detoxifying function, andwhen an organ has a functional failure, like the kidney, the body eliminates through it substances which are usually excreted by means of the urinary system. It is logical to think that the feet will play a prominent role in this process.

It’s been a long time since the man started using shoes, and if we take into consideration that in cities and towns the ground is covered with asphalt, it is understandable that this curing contact has been being lost, although the energy movement from an ill organto the feet, from the feet to the brain (connection with the vegetative nervous system) and back to the organ, establishescontact with the Earth in order to achieve physical and emotional balance and to eliminate tiny toxic particles.

The bumps and small stones on the ground stimulate different areas of the foot sole corresponding to reflexes of different organs and viscera, which are stimulated in order to keep functional.

‒ Thetherapeutic massage aimed at this foot microsystemstimulates this distinctive sensitiveness that is asleep in us (for lack of contact with the Earth)enabling our body to turntactile compression into sensory information, process it, stimulatenerve endings, and transmit signals to increase homeostasis (balanced physiological processes).

‒ A diagnosis can be established by means of the feet and the body can be helped to increase its curing capacity thanks to the process of collecting residual energy, which is released by the organs and viscera to the feet as a final energy product of metabolism, to stimulate self-healing of diseases of the digestive system, help our defense system against fungi, viruses, bacteria, food and air pollution, or due to trauma or disease.

This system of residual energy release is similar to what happens with blood circulation, where toxic blood from veins, lacking oxygen, is cleared of catabolic products and carbon dioxide thanks to the kidneys, which filter them, and to the exchange of gases produced in both lungs.

Pathogenic substances of tiny molecular weight,such as uric acidand energy residues of metabolism and the process of cell oxidation, are eliminated through channels that, following gravity, go down to the feet area, remaining inside small tissue elevations of the feet until the contact with the earth or the foot massage releases them, so that noble clean energy can circulate through meridians or energy channels, in the same way as arterial blood carries oxygen and nutrients to feed all the body.

‒ Residual energies accumulated in the feet are different depending on the organ that causes them, the illness, the age of the person and their capacity to react or vital force.Their assessment and release by means of L.E.R.H. (release of human residual energy) isa means of diagnosis and help in the treatment of any disease or dysfunction, and it is very effective as far as I know from my own experience.

The mechanism to stimulate self-curing consists in the elimination of the smallest particles (foot residual energies)caused both by the body's metabolismand by a dysfunction or traumatism,recent or chronic diseases, surgery (to help cicatrisation), muscle or joint pain, allergies, migraines, stress, etcetera.

It is also useful in increasing the speed of eliminating toxic residues from chemotherapy, radiotherapy, psychoactive drugs and others.

I have been able to identify, analyze and distinguish sixteen such residual energy components, which can be perceived by themselves or combined.In capturing them, they sometimes seem to become material, due to their dense structure.Their release enables new waste energy to be sent to its foot elimination valve.

Some of these energies are the same as the ones assessed by the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) such as: heat in the reflex area of the heart and small bowel, wind or intermittent fast energy in the liver and gallbladder area, humidity in the spleen and stomach area.

In this case, and according to this thousand-year-old science, we could say that residues are the result of cell metabolism.But that is not the same when an energy that does not correspond to the releasing organ is perceived, like for example, humid energy in the reflex area of the heart.Its perception is a sign of stagnation due tohumidity according to TCM, andsaturation of small coronary arteries, according to allopathic medicine.

‒ There are other residual energies caused by our present way of life, such as:air pollution, which invades the lung area of the foot with dirty humid energy, non-natural food, treated with hormones, pesticides, nitrates and nitrites, whose residual energy is dense and painful when captured in the foot reflex area of the stomach, spleen, bowels, thyroids, adrenal glands, appendix, font brain area, heart and urogenital system.

Continuous stress, lack of sleep, medicines for different chronic diseases, chemotherapy, and psychoactive drugs also produce toxic energy which can be captured in different reflex areas of the foot.

The energy from parasites (virus, bacteria, bacilli) and, above all, from candida is totally different and, from foot assessment, it is not situated only in peripheral parts of the body, in the urethra or the vagina, but can alsobe captured in such disparate organs as the liver, the bowels, the lungs and the brain areas, above all, its front part.

‒ When residual energy is saturated in its foot reception area, it sets due to lack of releasing stimulation (contact with the Earth) and cannot be expelled; for this reason, it is impossible for new energy detritus from cells to be absorbed, so energy toxicity is maintained in the above mentioned areas; as a result, the movement of noble energy and, consequently, that of the blood and bodily liquids, is hampered.

For all this, toxic residual energy is also collected in the meridians which carry noble energy, established by the TCM four thousand years ago, and its perception corresponds to the reflected organ, although in these channels it is not so toxic during elimination as the energy captured in the feet soles. Its release favours the circulation of energy (Qi) among the organs and viscera.

‒ Residual energies which are not released outwards are the basis for body disorders. Its saturation does not allow the free movement of noble energy, causing the stagnation of physical energy movements, which bring about acute, chronic and degenerative diseases of the body, the mind and the soul.

Some day, a device may be invented to be able to detect primary cell energy producedby illnesses and different disposable energies flowing from our organs outwards, in the same way as it is possible to perceive themthanks to our fingers’ sense of touch.

Meanwhile, we can only use the devices designed to seek acupuncture points, which detect energies and indicate them by means of light and sound signals, though they don’t reveal their NATURE.

Illnesses which L.E.R.H. (release of human residual energy) can be helpful for in the self-curing process:

-Sterility in men and women, when it is not due to a mechanical problem. Dysmenorrhoea, metrorragia, amenorrhoea, delayed or advanced period, endometriosis.

-Kidney or gallbladder calculus, diabetes mellitus.

-Allergic asthma, recurrent colds, asthmatic bronchitis.

-Conditions related to skin, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne.

-Rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative osteoarthritis, lumbago, fibromyalgia.Pain produced by traumatism or surgery.

-Tumour processes, cysts, myoma. Primary cancer, leukemia. Side effects (pain, vomiting, tiredness, destruction of erythrocytes and leukocytes).

-Chronic constipation, functional diarrhoea, hepatitis, difficult digestion.

-Depression, general tiredness, anaemia, insomnia or sleepiness.

-Bad venous or arterial blood circulation. Tachycardia, palpitations, thoracic tightness. High blood pressure.

-The release of foot residual energy is positive in newborn babies and in premature ones, to help ensure a normal subsequent development.

I have had very satisfactory experiences with foetal dysfunctions, by releasing the expectant mother’s foot residual energy and increasing their defences; I have also had positive results from treating certain structural handicapsin newborns.

Angels Elías Valls