Date: 19 September 2003
The Strategic Framework for Water Services, approved by Cabinet on 17 September 2003, sets the scene for a new phase of water supply and sanitation delivery over the next ten years. It puts municipalities firmly in the driving seat and will see the National Department of Water Affairs and Forestry focusing on support, monitoring and regulation rather than direct service delivery.
Commenting on the framework, Minister Kasrils said: “This is another milestone in Governments programme of delivery of basic services to the poor. It reflects the tremendous progress that has been made in establishing effective local administration. My Department will continue to provide support and assistance to Local Government to ensure that pace of delivery of services to the unserved is maintained and that the sustainability of services is ensured.”
The Framework, developed in close consultation with SALGA (the South African Local Government Association) and other key stakeholders, provides a comprehensive review of policy with respect to the provision of water supply and sanitation services in South Africa. It outlines the vision, goals and specific targets for the water services sector in South Africa as well as the changes in approach needed to achieve the country’s policy goals as a result of the establishment of democratic local government and the progress in the sector since 1994.
The Framework develops further the 1994 Water Services White Paper, which had been overtaken by progress in other areas. Most important were the Local Government elections in 2000, which established democratic Local Government across the country as well as last year’s assignment to Municipalities of specific powers and functions by the Minister of Provincial and Local Government.
In the new phase, Municipalities will assume full operational responsibility for water and sanitation services as required by the Constitution of South Africa.
Other key features are:
A comprehensive framework for all water services reflecting the latest municipal legislation;
Confirmation that Municipalities, as Water Services Authorities, have primary responsibility for the delivery of water services;
Focus of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry to change from direct service delivery to sector policy, support and regulation;
Provision for a process of institutional reform of water services provision focusing on a review of regional water service arrangements, including the role of Water Boards;
Consolidation of national government funding for water services through the equitable share of revenue, a single Municipal Infrastructure Grant and the Capacity Building Grant directly to Municipalities;
The vision of a “water ladder” which promises all people the opportunity to move up the ladder to higher levels of service beyond the current basic service level of communal taps.
Emphasis on sustainability, financial viability and efficiency;
Consumer protection, particularly to ensure continued access to a minimum free basic water supply and procedures to be followed by Municipalities before domestic water supplies are restricted;
Transfer of thousands of water schemes from the national Department to Municipalities together with the relevant staff and budgets.
Enquiries:Mike Muller
Tel: (012) 336-8726
Cell: 082 807 3531