Abdus Salam Abdur Raheem
One thing that is sure is death. All other things are not sure. There are numerous references in the Noble Qur’an to buttress the inevitability of death. Allah says in Q.62: 8
“Tell them: "The death from which you are running away,
will surely overtake you: then you will be sent back
to Him Who knows the unseen and the seen; and
He will tell you all that you have been doing."
See also Q4: 78
Since it is acknowledged by all that death is inescapable, all our vain desires, wealth, positions etc should not constitute impediment from making necessary preparation for it. Wise men don’t delay any good act till tomorrow because, when the appointed time comes, it shall neither be delayed nor be quickened by a second.
Good end
A befitting burial can not be discussed without knowing what is good end. It has been clarified in the Qur’an that the good end is certainly meant for those who are conscious of their duties to Allah.
Though, it is a bit difficult to determine a good end, but there are signs that signify that some of which are enumerated below:
· Ability to pronounce the “Shahadah” testimony of Allah’s unity before death. It is recommended for Muslims surrounding a dying Muslim to prompt him without force to pronounce the statement. But it can only be possible for those who deserve it by their good actions when they were ail and healthy.
· Sweat on the forehead of a dying Muslim
· To die on the day or night of Friday.
· To die as a martyr. This is not only referring to those who die in the course of a holy war but it also include somebody that die as a result of plague, abdominal ailment, drowning, burning, tuberculosis. Others are the victims of a collapse building, a woman who dies as a result of complications in pregnancy or at childbirth, a man killed by a tyrant ruler because he confronted him with his inadequacies etc.
· Praises of other sincere Muslims on a deceased are other signs of a good end.
· A good end can also be determined by the way a burial rite is performed. When a deceased has the rear opportunity of getting 40 pure Muslims to witness his Salat Janazah. Allah will accept their intercession on his behalf.
On the other hand, signs of a bad end includes:
· Deaths at the state of disbelieve.
· Rejoicing of people at one’s death is another sign of bad end.
· Death at the state of alcoholic addiction, committing Adultery, backbiting etc
· Death at the time disobeying the parents.
· Sudden death that does not give room for repentance.
· Somebody that commits suicide.
· A woman that dies at the time she imitates man and the opposite.
· Performance of worship for worldly benefit.
· A stingy man that announces his little act of charity.
· A sinful old man / woman.
Death of a man on while committing any of the above-mentioned sins is a bad omen for such man.
What is a befitting burial?
A befitting burial means different things to different people. To some people, it means keeping the corps in the mortuary for a long time with a view to gets enough money to procure an expensive casket and big cows for celebration.
Islam does not reckon with all that as a befitting burial. It simply connotes conducting the burial in accordance with the dictates of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Anything contrary to that can not be regarded as a befitting burial.
To determine the lawfulness of an act, we should note these two principles:
1. Everything that has to do with Ibadah is “haram” (forbiden) until there is a verse of Qur’an or a Hadith to back it.
2. Everything that has to do social activities is “halal” until one finds a Qur’anic verse or a Hadith to make it unlawful.
Based on these two principles; we determine what is a befitting burial in a Muslim context.
What to do for a deceased Muslim
1. Urge him to say “Lailaha illa llah” (There is no deity save Allah). This should chanted repeatedly by his side without forcing him to say it.
2. When he gives up the soul while the eyes are open, we should assist him to close his eyes.
3. We return all trust in his care to their rightful owners.
4. Wash the body. This is better done by close relatives such as a wife, husband, child etc. under the supervision of the knowledgeable.
5. Cover up the body accordingly with white clothes.
6. Perform Salat Janazah on the body. This is a special prayer with neither Ruku’ (Bending) nor sajdat (Prostration). It consists of four “Takbiraat” pronouncement of “Allah Akabr”. After the first “Allah Akbar” we recite Suratul fatihat, Invocation of blessings on the Noble Prophet after the second “Allah Akbar”. After the third one a prayer is offered for the deceased and the generality of Muslims whether present or absent at the interment. The prayer is terminated with “Salama” after the fourth “Allah Akbar.
7. The body is carried to the Muslim Cemetery, if there is any, for burial. A flat plank should be used to carry the body and not casket. There are two ways of digging the grave. These are : Lahad and Shaqq
Lahad method: This is a grave in which a sort of small room is made at the side of Qiblah. While in the Shaqq method a sort of hole is dug at the center of the grave. Both methods are in accordance with Sunnah, but the former is better. The body should be placed in the grave in such a way that it would face the Qiblah. It is recommended that 3 handful of soil be poured on the body. We recite the following supplication while saying that: “Bismillah wa ala sunnati Rasulillah.” Meaning In the name of Allah and in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah”. Then, the grave is covered. The grave should be raised by a hand span above the ground level. There should not be anything built on it unless the erosion could expose the body, then it is allowed to lay some blocks to surround it. It is recommended to spend some times by the grave while the deceased is been queried about his faith. The scholars present at the graveside should remind him of the answers to the questions. This is prayer is called “Talqeen”.
What benefits the deceased after burial?
Almighty Allah says in Q36: 12
Surely We shall resurrect the dead, We are recording all that
they are sending ahead and that they are leaving behind. We
have recorded everything in an open ledger.
The Noble Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said:
The documentation of deeds of son of Adam seize by his death
except in respect of three things: A good deed of continuos benefit,
Knowledge that benefits others and a good child that prays for him.
Therefore, Children should continue to offer prayer and give Sadaqah (Acts of Charity) on behalf of their late parents. Surely this would benefit them. Sadaqah (Charity) in this context should not be mistaken for celebration and declaration of surplus that characterize today’s burial. Islam has nothing to do with all that. Charity does not call for a feast. It should be done as secret as possible. However, if the deceased has made a vow to carry out an act of Ibadah before death overtook him, it is incumbent upon his close relations to carry out such act on his behalf. At this juncture, we Muslims should take the affairs of our family very serious. We should make them well acquainted with the tenets of Islam so that they can benefit us in this world and when we pass on.
A deceased Muslim also benefits from the prayer of supplications offered by all Muslims. That is why we are urged to always pray for the dead Muslims.
This is what is called a befitting burial in Islam. Any other thing beside all these is not in accordance to the Islamic rites. A child should always pray for his late parents. There is nothing like 3rd, 8th,or 41st day prayer.