Vikas Bharati Public School
QUESTION PAPER (SAMPLE) First terminal examination
Subject: Biology
Time:3hours M.M -70
General Instruction:- (i) This question paper consists of four section A B C and D. Section a consist of 5questions of1 mark each, Section B is of 6 questions of two marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each and section D is of 1 question of four marks each. Section E iconsist of three questions of five marks each.(ii) All questions are compulsory. (iii)There is overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and three questions of 5 marks weightage.
1. / How is eukaryotic ribosomes differ from prokaryotic ribosome / 12. / What is Aestivation? / 1
3. / Define the term Taxon. / 1
4. / Differentiate in between triploblastic and diploblastic. / 1
5. / Which cell organelle is known as power house of the cell ? / 1
6. / Why virus is considerd as link between living and non-living. / 2
7. / A ball of snow when rolled over snow increases in mass, volume and size. Is this comparable to growth as seen in living organisms? Why? / 2
8. / What do the terms phycobionts and mycobionts signify? / 2
9. / Name the plant tissue present in following :
(i) On either side of node
(ii) In leaf stalk below epidermis provides elasticity. / 2
10. / Define the term Karyokinessis and Karyogamy. / 2
11. / (a) Name the arrangement of leaves as shown in the diagram below.
b) Give an example for each of them. / 3
12. / . Name the animal given in the diagram below. Write its phylum and describe the
general features of the phylum.
/ 3
13. / Explain the secondary growth in dicot stem. / 3
14. / Which cell organelles are known as the part of endomembrane system and Why? / 3
15. / What do you mean by floral formula? Write the floral formula of family Solanace.
Write the floral formula of family lillace with all symbols. / 3
16. / What are modifications that are observed in birds that help them in fly. / 3
17. / What is a flower? Describe the parts of a typical angiosperm flower. / 3
18. / Why are xylem and phloem called complex tissue? / 3
19. / Cell is the basic unit of life .Discuss in brief. / 3
20. / Why is mitosis and meiosis are named as equational division and reductional division respectively. / 3
21. / What are the significance of meiosis? / 3
22. / List common modes of reproduction in Algae? / 3
23. / On world population day Rohit and his friends arranged an awareness campaign
programme in their locality. Some elderly people rebuked the children and asked them not
to talk on such things in public. The children convinced the elders about the need for the
programme and on understanding their point of view, they also joined the campaign.
a) What values did the elderly people and Rohit show on the occasion?
b) Why is such awareness programme necessary?
c) What role has the government played in controlling population explosion? / 4
24. / Describe the life cycle of an angiosperm. / 5
25. / Explain the division of subphylum vertebrata. / 5
26. / What is peridem ? how does periderm formation take place in the dicot stems? / 5