FultonCounty Family Violence Task Force Minutes
February 16, 2011
Sulaiman Nuriddin, co-chairperson, welcomed everyone and introductions were made. The following agencies were represented: FFCN/Oakhill, HITC/AMI, ALAS, SADV, PAP/DOC, Medlock Bridge Counseling Center FVIP, Grace & Growth Counseling Center, ANA, Johns Creek PD, JCS, Family Connection SC, Families First, Fulton County Solicitor General’s Office, City of Refuge-HEAL, FSC, Tangu, Kate’s Club, GA Intervention Alternatives, Raksha, PADV, MSV, AVLF.
The Agenda/Minutes were approved with the following amendments.
Motioned by Remco Brommet, Seconded by Vanessa Kinsey.
-Program Overview section – change to Fulton County Solicitor’s Office, presented by Amanda Planchard.
-Add “Spotlighted Community Resource” section – move Kate’s Club from Program Overview to this section.
-An “S” had to be added to “ALA”. ALAS represents Alanta Legal Aide Society.
Old Business
After identifying programs that have yet to present an overview, it was decided that the 2011 Program Overview Schedule will be as follows.
May 18th – Atlanta Legal Aid Society
August 17th – Sisters Against Domestic Violence
November 16th – HEAL Clinic of City of Refuge
As the Divorce and Annulment committee is now coming to a close, the Probation Committee will be activated in its place. Volunteer committee members include: Lisa Brown, Gary Byrd, Vanessa Kinsey, Pearline Davis, Casey Anctil, Janice Jerome. This committee is tasked with developing recommendations for increasing victims safety through probation.
Program Overview
FultonCounty Solicitor General’s Office presented by Amanda Planchard. Amanda introduced Carmen Smith as the Fulton County Solicitor. Amanda explained her own role as coordinator of the Victim Assistance Program. As described by Amanda, and the literature she shared…the program provides services to victims of crimes that occur in FultonCounty. They assist victims by notifying the victim about the status of the criminal case, court dates, court processes, safety planning, procuring TPOs, victims’ rights and other services that may be offered.
Spotlighted Community Resource
Kate’s Club presented by Jennifer Viehmeyers.Jennifer explained that Kate’s Club is an agency that caters to children ages five and up that has experienced a lost of a parent/caretaker to death. Once a child is applies to the club, he/she will have a one on one with a club rep and then attend age appropriate group activities twice per month. Kate’s Club provides a support network for families suffering from lost and provides kids with an outlet to talk with other kids having the same issues. Anyone can refer a child to Kate’s Club via there website
Committee Reports
Divorce and Annulment presented by Jodi Mount. Jodi confirmed that the committee’s task is complete. The recommendations were submitted to the Family Law and InformationCenter. As a result, there is an attachment already on the paper copies of the dismissals. The committee is awaiting to see the web version of warning.
Community Outreach presented by Amanda Planchard and Aparna Bhattacharyya. The Outreach Committee showed a practice version of the Teen Dating Violence Awareness PSA. Actual taping will be on Monday and will be shown on FGTV throughout Feb and March.
FVIP presented by Terry Parks. Last meeting was January 19th and had low attendance. The committee meets the month before taskforce meeting, next meeting will be April 13th at 2pm. FVIPs are encouraged to attend Taskforce meetings to fulfill state certification requirements. There are 17 FVIPS in FultonCounty alone and not all of them attend the Taskforce meetings. It was suggested that the board chairs reach out to the FVIPs and further encourage their participation.
Upcoming Elections
It is time to vote on the taskforce leadership. Nomination forms will come via email along with the minutes.
-April 10th-16th is National Crime Victims Week
- Feb 23rd, 24th, 25th Men Stopping Violence is hosting their Men at Work training
-Everyone should check out the new Verizon DV awareness video featuring Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback William Gary
- has good resource books and videos
-Feb 18th is the cutoff for commission conference proposal
-Please call your legislatures by Friday regarding budget and immigration issues
-Liz Whipple is here representing Altanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation as Jenni Stolarski is no longer with the agency or taskforce.
Submitted by Karria James