During the first half of the twentieth century, Europe was devastated by two world wars. Some of the most important factors behind these extensive wars were nationalistic tendencies and territorial conflicts, and after the latest war, Europe was basically torn into two: a Western Europe associated with the Western World with the USA as the leading nation; and a Central and Eastern Europe annexed to the Soviet Union. In the Western European bloc there was a strong division between the individual countries, and there was only very limited trade and economic cooperation between them. But the traumatic events of the wars gave rise to new visions and hopes of a better and more harmonious future for Europe. Particularly the Chancellor of the new Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer, and the Foreign Ministers of France, Robert Schuman, and Belgium, Paul-Henri Spaak, were central forces behind the process which, at the beginning of the second half of the century, became the starting point of the budding European Union (EU), an unprecedented cooperation between nation states.
The ultimate goal of these endeavors was to create a European identity based on common values and a common desire to develop a Europe free of wars. The philosophy was that lasting peace among the European countries was best furthered by economic prosperity. To achieve this goal, the founding fathers of the EU had to weave the countries of Europe into a fabric of economic interdependence; an interdependence that would eliminate conflicts by achieving mutual gains through specialization and foster economic growth by creating a dynamic framework for the European economies. The answer to this challenge was economic integration. In the strict sense of the concept, economic integration is the removal of trade barriers and the introduction of free movement of factors of production. But the concept is broader and also includes concerted efforts to address specific policy areas such as monetary stability, the survival of certain sectors, or assistance to underdeveloped regions.
Main Historic Events of The Formation of the European UnionInstitution / Treaty (year of ratification) / Year of implementation / Landmarks of economic integration
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) / Treaty of Paris
(1951) / 1951 / Common policy for coal and steel production. Members: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg
European Economic Community (EEC) / Treaty of Rome
(1957) / 1958 / Customs union. Free mobility of factors of production. Members: as ECSC
(European Atomic Energy Community) / Treaty of Rome
(1957) / 1958 / Non-military utilization of nuclear power. Member: as ECSC
First enlargement / Revised treaty
(1972) / 1973 / New members: UK, Denmark, and Ireland
Second enlargement / Revised treaty
(1979) / 1981 / New member: Greece
Third enlargement / Revised treaty
(1985) / 1986 / New members: Spain and Portugal
The Single Market / Single European Act
(1986) / 1986-92 / Formation of the Internal Market
The European Union (EU) / Maastricht Treaty (1992) / 1993 / Plans for establishing the Economic and Monetary Union from 1 January 1999
Fourth enlargement / Revised treaty
(1994) / 1995 / New members: Austria, Finland, and Sweden
The European Union (EU) / Amsterdam Treaty (1997) / 1998 / Obligations for increased efforts to improve employment
The European Union / Revised treaty
(1990) / 1999 / Establishment of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) with the main aim of introducing one common currency; the euro.
Fifth enlargement / Revised treaty
(2003) / 2004 / New members: the CzechRepublic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia
Sixth enlargement / Revised treaty
(2006) / 2007 / New members: Bulgaria and Romania
Turkey has been part of the history of European integration for the past half century. After the Second World War, when the Council of Europe was established, one of the first resolutions of the Council of Ministers was to invite Turkey to this European organization whereby Turkey became a member from its inception in 1949. In addition to the Council of Europe, Turkey has been, most of the time, the founding member of many European organizations. Turkey joined the north Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1952, three years after its establishment. The role turkey played in the south-eastern flank during the cold war period was certainly an important and substantial contribution when Russian missiles and Red Army troops were heavily deployed alongside the West German border not only in the DDR (Deutsche Democratic Republic), but also in all the Warsaw Pact countries.
On 11 November 1957, in Ankara, a new government was presenting its programme to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, where the establishment of the European Economic Community was discussed in great detail. Prime Minister Menderes, referring to the “common market” and “economic initiatives in Europe”, was bold enough to say that this new organization was expected to lead to a “Political Union” in Europe and Turkey could not stay outside this new formations Turkey was already a member of all the European Institutions, from the Council of Europe to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and OECD. On 31 July 1959 Turkish government applied to the community for the establishment of an Association. The response of the Commission was so swift that after receiving in Turkish application, expletory negotiations with the Turkish delegation started on 28 September 1959. “Agreement Establishing an Association Between the European Economic Community and Turkey” signed on 12 September 1963 was adopted by the Council Decision of 23 December 1963 and entered into force in December, 1964, after it was ratified not only by the Turkish Parliament (T.B.M.M.), but also by all the Member State Parliaments.
The Ankara Agreement envisaged the progressive establishment of a Customs Union which would bring the Parties closer together in economic and trade matters. In the meantime, the EEC would offer financial assistance to Turkey. Under the First Financial Protocol which covered the period 1963-1970, the EEC provided Turkey with loans worth 175 million ECU. The agreement envisioned three phases: a five-year preparation period, a transition period (two separate periods of 12 and 22 years as of 1973) and a final period. A Customs Union was planned to be completed by the end of the transition period. With the ending of the preparation period on 13 November 1970, the responsibilities of the two sides were determined in an Additional Protocol which took effect in 1973. According to the Additional Protocol, the free movement of goods, Turkey’s harmonization with the EC’s Common Agricultural Policy, the free movement of people and services, and harmonization with EC legislation on issues such as transportation and economy were to be realized. With the signing of the Additional Protocol, Turkey has accepted abolishing customs duties on the EU’s industrial exports and adopting the common external tariff of the EC. According to this a transition period of 12 years for lifting tariffs on industrial goods and a 22-year-long tariff removal calendar for weak industrial sectors were foreseen.
Turkey applied for full membership of the EC on 14 April 1987. In its avis on the application, the European Commission argued that priority must be given to achieving the aims of the Single European Act and that it was undesirable to start accession negotiations with any country before 1993. In addition, the Commission saw a number of specific problems in relation to Turkey:
(i) Turkey’s economic position was regarded as weak;
(ii) There were some political differences between Turkey and a member-state of the EC, namely Greece (which was openly opposing Turkey’s membership at this time), and
(iii) There were problems that might pose substantial obstacles to membership concerning human rights, minorities and the quality of democracy. Nevertheless, the Commission considered that Turkey might qualify for membership at some point and therefore advocated the strengthening of relations under the association agreement. The Council of Ministers endorsed the avis of the Commission on 3 February 1990. Commission opinion basically underlined Turkey's eligibility for membership, yet deferred the in-depth analysis of Turkey's application until the emergence of a more favorable environment. It also mentioned that Turkey's accession was prevented equally by the EC's own situation on the eve of the Single Market's completion which prevented the consideration of further enlargement. Although it did not attain its basic objective, Turkey's application revived Turkey-EC relations.
The Common Union covers the conditions where all production factors, including, goods, labor, services, and capital are in free circulation and the countries involved enjoy the advantages of being a MemberState in terms of political and economic stability. Whereas, Turkish case, only free movement of goods is achieved through the custom union, free movement of workers and services have not been implemented, in spite of the fact that a definite time-able for labor was provided in 1970 Protocol parallel to the provisions of customs union. Since Turkey is not a Member of the Union yet, the advantages of membership like credit facilities can not be realized. When Turkey’s situation is compared to those Member States which receive financial support, it can be seen that the disadvantages of Turkey faces wider. Taking into consideration all factors, together with development characteristic of the association, The European Community made solemn declaration concerning the financial co-operation during the Association Council Meeting where the Decision on Customs Union was taken on 6 March 1995.
The Community Declaration Concerning Financial Co-operation was made during the Association Council meeting where the Decision 1/95 concerning the customs union was taken.The Community Declaration makes it clear that in order to adapt its industrial sector to the new competitive situation created by the Customs Union and improve its infrastructure linkage with the European Union, as well as to reduce the difference between its economy and that of the Community, Turkey will need substantial financial resources, in particular long-term loans and technical assistance. Nearly three billion US dollars were involved as financial support to Turkey. The transfers envisaged within this framework have so far failed to materialize due to the lack of political will on the part of the EU.
In Summit meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union that a new and comprehensive enlargement process was launched on 12 and 13 December 1997 with the announcement that six countries, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia and Greek Cypriot Administration was going to start accession negotiations almost immediately at the end of March, 1998.
There was a second group of countries which would have to wait somewhat longer, but they would benefit from closer economic ties through accession partnerships. They included Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia. Accession partnership according to Luxemburg Conclusions of the EU Council, will mobilize all forms of assistance to the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe within a single framework which will cover each applicant, the priorities and the financial resources available for that purpose.
The Luxemburg Summit, after deciding to launch accession negotiations with the Greek Cypriot Administration in Cyprus, in violation of the Treaties and the 1960 Constitution, argued that the accession negotiations will contribute positively to the search offer a political solution to Cyprus problem. Representatives of the Turkish Cypriot Community will be included in the accession negotiation delegation of the so called Government of Cyprus which has no constitutional legitimacy. Thereby, the EU reduces the Turkish side in Cyprus to a minority status, whereas under the 1960 Constitution of Cyprus. The fact that the Greek Cypriot Administration is recognized by the U.N and others does not remedy the constitutionality of the regime in the south. Thus, the Greek Administration in Cyprusdoes not fulfill the Copenhagen criteria as it does not have a legitimate constitution.
The Luxemburg Summit, in this comprehensive, inclusive and ongoing process of enlargement where all submitted states are destined to join the European Union on the basis of the same criteria and that they are participating in the accession process on an equal footing, created a totally different and indeed aninferior category for Turkey.
Turkey was excluded form the enlargement process, the Summit requested the Commission to draw up a strategy to prepare Turkey for accession by bringing it closer to the European Union in every field. These remarks were not only contradictory, but also could not hide the open discrimination displayed against Turkey. It was obvious that Turkey was not evaluated within the same framework; the same well intended approach and objective criteria as the other candidate countries.
Turkish Government’s evaluations of the Luxemburg Council conclusions were well balanced. Every effort was made not to damage the existing association relations. In fact, whereas the Luxemburg Conclusions on Turkey was totally irresponsible, Ankara reacted in a responsible manner. It was announced that EU-Turkey relations was to continue with determination and confidence to advance on the path drawn by Atatürk and its will for integration with the EU despite the position laid out at the default of the Community in its obligations an commitments toward Turkey in terms of financial support.
In March 1998, the European Commission announced a European Strategy for Turkey to prepare the country for accession by bringing closer to the EU in every field.. This strategy is to consist of the following: development of the possibilities afforded by the Ankara Agreement, intensification of the custom union, implementation of financial cooperation, approximation of law and adoption of the Union acquis, participation to the decided case by case in certain programme and in certain agencies.
Six months after the Luxemburg Summit meeting, Heads of State and Government of the fifteen Member States meeting in Cardiff on 15 and 16 June 1998, welcomed the Commission’s confirmation that, t will submit at the end of 1998,its first regular reports on each candidate’s progress towards accession. In the case of Turley, reports will be based on Article 28 of the Association Agreement and the conclusions of the Luxemburg Council. With this reference to Article 28, it is understood that a report will be made, whether the Association has advanced far enough to justify envisaging full acceptance by Turkey of the obligations arising out of full membership.
Cardiff Council, having considered the Commission’s European Strategy to Prepare Turkey for Membership, according to the conclusions of the summit, declared that “taken as a package, this strategy provided the platform for developing our relationship on sound and evaluation basis”. The Council also invited Commission to carry forward this strategy including tabling of any proposal necessary for its effective implementation. Although this move was interpreted as an indication that it was fully realized that a serious mistake was made in Luxemburg, this strategy still constituted a separate treatment for Turkey which constituted an open discrimination among other candidates.
The European Council met in Cologne on June 3-41999 to consider issues after the Treaty of Amsterdam came into force.Romano Prodi presented his plan for the future Commission's work and reform program.The Council designated Javier Solana for the post of Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union (with Pierre de Boissieu as his deputy) and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). In relation to the European Security and Defense Policy, a major element of the CFSP, the council declared that the EU "must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed up by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and a readiness to do so, in order to respond to international crises without prejudice to actions by NATO."The Council also adopted the declaration on Kosovo, decided on a common policy on Russia (first use of the CFSP), and called for an EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Compared to the previous Government in Germany, the new Coalition Government which came to power in October 1998 seemed to have taken a more positive line regarding Turkey's quest for EU membership. However, the objections of some EU Member States prevented this initiative from being realized. As a consequence, the EU refrained from taking a decision to include Turkey in the accession process.
The European Council met in Helsinki on 10 and 11 December 1999. It adopted the Millennium Declaration. It has taken a number of decisions marking a new stage in the enlargement process. Steps have also been taken to ensure that the Union itself will have effective, reformed institutions, a strengthened common security and defense policy and a competitive, job-generating, sustainable economy.