Sederunt of the three united Trades of
Masons, Wrights and Slaters in Dundee
Att Dundee the Sixth day of July One thousand
Seven hundred and Seventy years
Which day the saids three Trades being Convened within the old Church of the said Burgh their ordinary place of Meeting. there was laid before them a Minute of the Kirksession of Dundee Relative to the building of a fourth Church in the said Burgh Whereby the Kirksession unanimously Agreed and Resolved That they will provide a third part of the Expence for building the said fourth Church and raise Money for that purpose their own personal Security provided always that they Enjoy a third part of the direction of the building & of the property of the Church when built. As also a third part of the Election of the Minister and of the Management of the Church in all time coming. And further unanimously Agreed and Resolved that they will provide a third part of what may be thought a sufficient Stipend for an Established Minister to the said fourth Church and Bind their Successors in office to do the same in all time coming. They having recourse to the produce of the third part of the seats in the said fourth Church And such other funds or fund as are Solely in their Power to dispose of. And the Kirksession likeways unanimously Agreed and Resolved that they will give whatever further Security shall be found Necessary and in the power of the Session to grant. There was likeways laid before the Meeting a Minute of the Nine Incorporated Trades met within the Burial place their ordinary place of Meeting upon the fifth day of July Currant Relative to the building of the said fourth Church Whereby the saids Nine Trades unanimously Agreed and Resolved that they will provide a third part of the Expense of building the said fourth Church And Raise Money for that purpose on their own Security as a Body Provided always that they enjoy a third part of the direction of the building and of the property of the Church when built. As also a thirds part of the election of a Minister and of the Management of the Church in all time coming. And the saids Nine Trades further unanimously Agreed and Resolved that they will provide a third part of what may be thought a Sufficient Stipend for an Established Minister to the said fourth Church And Bind themselves as a Body and their Successors in office to do the same in all time coming. They always have Recourse to the produce of the third part of the Seats in the said fourth Church. And by the said Minute it appeared that the Convener Represented to the Nine Trades at their Meeting That the three Pedicle Trades of the Masons Wrights, and Slaters would take a fourth part of their third on the above Terms and Bind themselves and their Successors as a Body therefore Which the said Nine Trades agreed to.
Which two Minutes being Read to the saids three United Trades of the Masons, wrights and Slaters They unanimously Agreed and Resolved That they will provide a fourth part of the proportion of the Expence which the Nine Trades have Agreed to Pay for building the said fourth Church and Raise money for that purpose on their own security as a Body. Provided always That they Enjoy a fourth part of the Share which the Nine Trades shall Enjoy in the direction of the building & of the property of the Church when built. As also of the Election of the Minister and if the Management of the Church in all time Coming. And the said masons, Wrights and Slater Trades further unanimously Agreed and Resolved that they will provide a fourth part of the Share that shall be found necessary to be paid by the Nine Incorporated Trades for a Stipend to an Established minister for the said fourth Church And in themselves as a Body and their Successors in office to do the same in all time coming. The saids three Trades always having recourse to the fourth part of the produce of the Seats in the said fourth Church that shall be due and payed to the saids Nine incorporated Trades, and the saids Masons, Wrights and Slater Trades further Agreed and Resolved to execute a Contract with the Nine Trades of the above Terms when they shall think proper. And Appoint Thomas Baillie their present Collector to give Copy of this Minute Subscribed by him to the Convener to be Laid by him before the Deacons and other Members of the saids Nine Trades.
Masons / Wrights / SlatersJames Nicoll / Thos Baillie / George Marshall
Andron Auchterlony / Jas Wright / William Henderson
David Craik / Patrick How / Patrik McDougall
Robert Hamelton / James Dutch / William Stewart
Alexander Wood / Robt Beig Junr / William Law
John Smart Junior / James Thomson / Peter Henre
Jon Smart Jun / James Peter
Jon Smart Senr / James Yool
Thos Smart / James Milne
James Smart / William Stephen
James Stiven
George Mackie
Jam Bell
Patrick Howe Junr
Alexr Meall
David Thomson
Alex Petrie
Willm Petrie
Alexr Haliburton
Sederunt of the three united Trades of Masons, Wrights and Slaters in Dundee
Att Dundee the Twenty Second Day of November One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy years
Which day the saids three Trades being Conveened within the Old Church of Dundee and afterwards by Adjournment in the House of John Smart vintner there. There was laid before them some Memorials relative to a process presently Depending before the Court of Session at the instance of Ninian Alexander journeyman Mason in Dundee against the Deacon Boxmaster & other Members of the Mason Trade of the said Burgh. Which being Red to and Considered by the Meeting and they being of opinion that the issue of his process will not only affect the mason Trade but also the Interest of the Wright and Slater Trades. they therefore after voting Agreed and Resolved that the expence which the Mason Trade shall be put to in Defending the process raised agt them be paid out of the Publick funds belonging to the united trades of Masons Wrights and Slaters and Authorise their Collector from time to time to pay to the Visitor or Boxmaster of the Mason Trade which sums shall be wanted for that purpose upon granting Receipts for the same And Recommended to the Visitor or Boxmaster of the Mason Trade to Write Anthony Barclay writer to the signet their Agent to imploy Lawers one of more as he shall think proper And to do every other thing necessary for bringing the process to an issue And they appoint Thomas Baillie their present Collector and the Visitor to the Mason Wright and Slater Trades to Subscribe this Sederunt in their Name.
Thos Baillie Co: Thos Smart Mason: Jas Wright to Wrights: George Marshall of Scleaters: P Reachum: P Mack: P Elder
Sederunt of the three united Trades of Masons, Wrights and Slaters in Dundee
Upon Monday the first day of July One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy one
There was Laid before the Meeting a Resolution of the Kirksession of Dundee Bearing that after having for near to three years past used every means they could think of with the Magistrates and Town Council in order to obtain their Countenance and Aid to the very pious and necessary design of Supplying this Town and parish with a fourth Church or place of Publick Worship And an the other Minister or Preacher without having received any Decisive Answer Find after having Received no answer to a Representation and petition lately given in by the Kirksession and Nine Incorporated Trades to the provost to be laid before the Town Council relative thereto. We are of opinion it would be in Vain to make any further Application to them on that subject. And the Kirksession being fully convinced o the increasing Necessity and impracticability if such an undertaking Agreed to Contribute one third part of the Expence necessary for Erecting and Endowing a plain and commodious place for publick Worship for this Town and parish on Condition that the other two third parts of the said Expence be provided by the Nine Trades and the said three united Trades of any other Bodys or Body Incorporate within this Town and parish. Both they and the Kirksession being Aided by a Voluntary Subscription and Annuall Collection in all the Churches thereof until the Debt be fully Cleared. It being understood that each of the said Bodys shall have a share of power in erecting and Managing the said place of publick Worship And in Choosing a Teacher or Minister for the same Agreeable to the Share of the Expence they shall Contribute towards such Erection and Endowment.
Which Resolution being considered by the saids three united Trades of Masons Wrights ad Slaters They unanimously Agreed and Resolved to Contribute one fourth part of the share which shall be Agreed to be paid by the Nine Incorporate Trades towards the erection and Endowment before mentioned upon Condition That they Enjoy a proportionall Share of power in Erecting & Managing the said place of publick Worship and in choosing a Minister or teacher thereto. And they Appoint the present and Late Collectors with the present Visitors for the Masons Wrights & Slaters and their Successors in office as a Committee to Correspond with the Comittees of the Kirksession & Nine Incorporate Trades and to take such Measures with them as they shall judge necessary for carrying the said Design into Execution. At same time Recommend to their Committee to the Acquaint the saids other Committees that they are of oppinion it will be for the Interst of all concerned that a process be raised and Carried on at their Instance before the Lords of Council and Session as Commissioners for plantation of Kirks & valuation of Tiends for procuring such an Errection. And that they are willing to Pay a share of the expence of said Process conform to other interest before mentioned. And the saids Three united Trades further Recommend to their Committee to Inform the said other Committees That they expect them and their Constituents will take the oppinion of proper Tradesmen in the said unitted Trades relative to any plan or Estimate that may be wanted for building the said place of publick Worship. And that such Tradesmen will Execute the Work in a sufficient manner & upon reasonable terms. And the Meeting Appointed James Nicoll their present Collector to give a Copy of this Minute subscribed by him to the Convener to be by him Laid before the Nine Trades.
Masons / Wrights / SlatersJams Nicoll / James Thomson / Ritter P R mark
Thos Smart / George Mackie / Alexr Lesly
David Beath / James Peter / Pattrick McDougall
Alex Petrie / William Law
Thos Baillie / Geo Marshall
John Peter
David Peart
David Thomson
James Bell
Patrick Hou junior
Patrick How
Thomas Low
William Stephen
James Milne
James Yool
James Steven
Jas Wright
Samuel Paul
Sederunt of the three united Trades of Masons, Wrights and Slaters in Dundee
Upon Tuesday the sixteenth day of July One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy one
There was laid before the Meeting Resolutions of the Kirksession, Nine Incorporations and said Three Trades Relative to the building of a fourth Church or place of Publick Worship for the Town and parish of date the Eighth day of July Current . which being Read to and considered by the Meeting Together with their Sederunt of Monday the first current they adhered to the resolutions then taken by them and Recommend to their Committee Appointed at their last Sederunt to Concur with the Committees of the Kirksession and Incorporated Trades in making another Application to the Magistrates and Town Council to obtain their countenance to the design in supplying the Town and parish with a fourth Church or place of Publick Worship and another Minister or Preacher. But if a favourable answer is not received in due time they recommend to their Committee to Concur with the other Committees in taking the proper and Necessary Steps for Carrying on the said design with all Convenient Speed. And for that end to take the Oppinion of Lawers both with respect to the contracts to be Entered into betwixt the Several Partys . and the method for procuring Legall Erection. They further recommend to their Committee to concur with the other Committees in making Application to the fraternity of Seamen and other Societies in Town they shall judge proper to join in Carrying in the design before mentioned. But if no aid is received from them the saids united Trades are of oppinion That the one half of the whole Expence of the whole undertaking, be Contribute by the Kirksession of Dundee and the other half by the Incorporate Trades ad the said three united Trades Conform to the proportion Exprest in their Last Sederunt. And they Appoint this Sederunt to be entered in their Sederunt Book and Subscribed by the Members And their Clerk thereafter to Give an extract thereof Subscribed by him to be Delivered into the Committees at their first Meeting.
Masons / Wrights / SlatersJames Nicoll / Tho Baillie / William Low
Thos Smart / David Thomson / William Steuart
Andron Auhterlony / Jas Wright / Patrick McDougall
David Craick / Patrick Hou sener / Alex Lesly
James Thomson / George Mairshall
David Bruce / Peter P R mark
Patrick How Jnr
James Milne
James Yooll
John Peter
Samuel Bell
Robt Wilkie
Sederunt of the three united Trades of Masons, Wrights and Slaters in Dundee
Upon Tuesday the eleventh day of December One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy one years
The saids Trades having taken to o their consideration the design of Supplying this Town and parish with a fourth Church or place of publick Worship and another Minister or Preacher and caused Read over to them their Sederunt of the first and sixteenth days of July last and heard the Report of the Committee Appointed by them to Correspond with the Committees of the Kirksession and Incorporated Trades relative to the procedure of the Generall Committees find by the said Sederunt that it is provided that the opinion pf Lawers be had if or not a Legall erection of the said fourth Church can be obtained, they after deliberating thereanent are of opinion that the said there united Trades should have no further concern in Carrying on the Design before mentioned of Supplying this town and parish with a fourth place of publick Worship and another Minister or Preacher until there is laid before them a Signed opinion or Copys of an opinion of lawyers and or more if a legall erection of the said new Church or place of publick Worship can be obtained upon he plan proposed to be adopted for the carrying the said design into execution. And they Appoint James Nicoll their present Collector to intimate their Resolution to the Committee from the Kirksession and Incorporate Trades or give them a neet Copy thereof Subscribed by him.