I will need Part 1 within the next 7 hours. Please respond to let me know how much time you will need to complete the rest of the sections. Thank you.
For Part 1, prepare an integrative paper that addresses a specific topic related to advanced HR and compensation and governance (see below for specifics).Please develop pieces of the project along the way. For this entire assignment (the entire paper that is due in Part 5), your responsibility is to pull together this information into one integrated paper reflecting the knowledge of the readings that has been provided for each section, and the intermediate work from Part 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Please select a topic from this list.
- Health Care Costs
- Leadership Development
- Performance Management
- Retention
- Strategic HR
- Succession Planning
- Benchmarking and Metrics
- Future Employee Shortage
- Best Practices in Recruitment
- Effective Use of Technology - Enabling HR
Each of these topics can be argued to be related to compensation and governance in the private sector, the major focus here.For the paper (as an entire project, due in Part 5), write a report on what you've uncovered as major issues that are important for HR and for managers in general.
For Part 1, please provide a 1 page double spaced paper that identifies your chosen topic (from the list above (1-10), discuss why you chose that topic, and how you think it relates to a class on compensation and governance, as an advanced HR student.Use references as necessary to support your explanations.
*References within text citations should be like this:
- Smith (2003) says that ... OR
- HR should be involved in setting organizational policies related to risk management (Adams, 2004).
Remember to use quotation marks and add a page number or paragraph number for any materials that you directly quote (like this: (Adams, 2004, p. 45)), and provide citations for any paraphrased or non-quoted reference work.
Readings. Read only what is needed
AFL-CIO.(2004). Executive paywatch [web-site]
Baker, Thomsen Associates. (2004). Salary [web-site].
Chernish, B., Terry, J., & Chisholm, J. (2003).Human resource management computers in the humanities honors.PowerPoint presentation.
Downer, P. (1999). Employee compensation. PowerPoint presentation. compensation.ppt
Doyle, A. (2004). How much are you worth?
Johnson, N. B. (1997). Compensation. PowerPoint presentation.
McNamara, C. (1999). Employee benefits and compensation.
Salary information and resources.(2004).
Salary surveys and calculators. (2004).
In Part 2start your "research" for your project.Please:
- Provide a 3 page double spaced paper that identifies your chosen topic (from Part 1)and
- Provide a bullet list of web-sites, readings, and articles used.
- Identify the reference (provide a "citation" listing) and then list two to five points (themes, contributions, important statements) from each of the articles you've selected that will help you understand the major issue that you've chosen.
- In conducting your research, make sure that you look for "Trade Publications"
- In selecting the articles for this segment of the project, look for articles that are specific to HR Managers. You may find other articles that address the issues within a specific industry or job type (i.e., HR issues for small business owners, or the medical professions) but save those for future work (in Part 3, 4). For your list for Part 2, just report on the specific articles that you find related to HR Managers or HR administrators.
- For Part 2, you must have a minimum of 5 references that you have read and bulleted, that is not on the list of readings I have provided.When you pick your topic, please contact me so that I can provide you with another list you can choose from.
Readings. Read only what is needed
Anonymous. (2001). Managing employee benefits. 14 Managing employee Benefits.ppt
Employee Benefits Research Institute. (2003, May). EBRI research highlights: Health benefits. EBRI Issue Brief, No. 257, Executive Summary.
Employee Benefits Research Institute. (1999, April). Prescription drugs: Issues of cost, coverage, and quality. EBRI Issue Brief, No. 208, Executive Summary.
Johnson, N. B. (2002). Employee benefits. PowerPoint presentation.
Kickul, J. (1997). Employee benefits and services. PowerPoint presentation.
VanDerhei, J., & Copeland, C. (2003, Nov). Can America afford tomorrow's retirees: Results from the EBRI-ERF retirement security projection model. EBRI Issue Brief, No. 263.
For Part 3, I'd like you to continue your "research" for your project. Please provide:
A 3 page double spaced paper that identifies your chosen topic (from Part 1) and
Provide a bullet list of at least five more web-sites, readings, and articles I will be providing to you once I know the topic you select.
Identify the reference (provide a "citation" listing) and then list two to five points (themes, contributions, important statements) from each of the articles you've selected that will help you understand the major issue that you've chosen.
In conducting your research, make sure that you look for "Trade Publications"
In selecting the articles for this segment of the project, look for articles that are related to general management (i.e., CEOs, business strategy, or line managers enacting HR practices) or industry issues (specific to any industry of your choosing - law, medical, banking, etc.).
You must have a minimum of 5 references (in addition to those that you read for Part 2) that you have read and bulleted, that is not on the list of readings I have provided. When you pick your topic, please contact me so that I can provide you with another list you can choose from.
Readings. Read only what is needed
Anonymous. (2002). Chapter 13 Variable pay and executive compensation. Chapter%2013%20Variable%20Pay%20&%20Executive%20Compensation.ppt
Fleischer, R., Jorgensen, K., & Meek, C. (2004). Building a plan to attract, reward and retain top performers: The changing world of compensation. TEC Best Practices: Compensation.
Owen, B. (2003, Nov). Stock-based compensation. PowerPoint presentation. 2350d02b048cf5ff85256de5003954d1?OpenDocument
In this section, I'd like you to start your writing for your project.Start by pulling together your work from Parts 1, 2, and 3.
* Prepare a 1 page double spaced outline of the paper.
You should also begin to work on writing your final paper based on your outline. Please read through what is required in Part 5 so that you can work on the 1 page outline.
Readings. Read only what is needed
Legal Information Institute. (2004). Workers compensation: An overview.
McNamara, C. (1999). Risk management.
McNamara, C. (1999). Business insurance.
Risk Management Internet Services. (2004). Workers compensation [web-site].
In Part 5, you should continue and complete your analysis and writing for the project from Part 4. Please make sure that you've proofread and are satisfied with the final product of this project, as if it were to be turned in to your supervisor in your current job.
Your paper should answer the following questions:
1) Which of the "Top 10 Things That Keep HR Up At Night" did you research?
2) In your assessment, as an educated advanced HR student, why does your topic concern HR managers?
3) In your assessment, what does ____x (your topic)____ mean to businesses and organizations? How does it influence management practices? What are the implications of a "failure" or poor HR management of _____x (your topic)____ mean?
4) As you complete this, what recommendations would you make to a friend or family member that was an HR manager in terms of managing _____x (your topic)____ more effectively and/or more efficiently?
For Part 5, you will need to cite at least five pieces of work from the readings I have provided in each section, and other readings I will be sending your way once I know your topic. Each source should be cited both within the text of your work, and the full reference provided in a reference section at the end of your paper.Use the APA-styled reference listing.
Please write a 6 pages double spaced paper for Part 5.
Readings. Read only what is needed
BBC. (2004). Health, safety, and security net [web-site].
Lyon, B. (n.d.). Human resource management: Health, safety, and security. Lecture notes.
Siobhan Robinson, K. (2003, Sept 11).Survey shows Americans need to Be More prepared for emergencies. HR News.
U.S. Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (1993, July 1). Improving workplace protection for new workers. Fact Sheet No. OSHA 93-07. p_table=FACT_SHEETS&p_id=145&p_text_version=FALSE
Web-World, Inc. (2001). Good hygiene on the job.
Web-World, Inc. (2001). Saving lives with lockout/tagout.