November 2011



Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

are open to all people without regard to socioeconomic level,

race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin.

Portions of the Texas Master Gardener Management Guide

have been liberally used throughout this Manual


The Guadalupe County Master Gardeners, Inc. (“GCMG”) Policies and Procedures Manual serves as the Operating Handbook for the organization. It is based upon the following documents:

-Guadalupe County Master Gardeners Bylaws as adopted on

October 20, 2011

-Texas Master Gardener Management Guide, rev. Feb. 2006


-A&M AgriLife Extension Youth Protections Standards


-A&M AgriLife Extension Best Practices Financial Resource Management

This Manual is intended to define and document GCMG policies, management guidelines and operating procedures. The Manual is designed to:

-Maintain a current and easily accessible guide to all GCMG policies and procedures.

-Inform the membership of GCMG policies and procedures.

-Facilitate continuity of GCMG operations regardless of changes in officers and committees.

-Ensure the periodic review and update of all GCMG policies and procedures.

Information regarding amendments to this Manual can be found at Chapter 3.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Mission Statement

Chapter 2 Goals and Objectives

Chapter 3 Policies & Procedures Manual

Chapter 4 Use of the Texas Master Gardener Title

Chapter 5 Membership

A. Student

B. Intern

C. Texas Certified Master Gardener

D. Associate

E. Leave of Absence

F. Reinstatement

G. Emeritus(a)

H. Honorary

I. Transfers

Chapter 6 Certification Standards

A. Annual Re-certification

B. Graduation from Student to Intern

C. Intern Certification as GCMG

Chapter 7 Volunteer Service Hours

A. Reporting Hours

B. Approved Volunteer Hours

C. Approved Continuing Education Hours

Chapter 8 Criminal Background Check

Chapter 9 Dues

Chapter 10 Meetings

Chapter 11 Board of Directors

Chapter 12 Officers

A. President

B. President Elect

C. Vice President

D. Secretary

E. Treasurer

F. Past President

Chapter 13 Standing Committees

A. Education Committee

B. Budget and Finance Committee

C. Master Gardener Training Committee

D. Publication Committee

E. Volunteer Committee

Chapter 14 Special Committees

A. Audit Committee

B. Awards Committee

C. Hours Reporting Committee

D. Membership Outreach Committee

E. Nominating Committee

F. Notification Committee

G. Project Evaluation Committee

H. Refreshment Committee

I. Socials Committee

J. Speakers’ Bureau

Chapter 15 Mentor Program

Chapter 16 KWED Gardening Show

Chapter 17 Library & Master Gardener Phone Line

Chapter 18 Special Reports

A. Chartering Documents

B. Texas Master Gardener Association Annual Dues Invoice

C. Texas Master Gardener Association County AssociationInformation

D. Hours Report

Chapter 19 Texas Master Gardener Association

Chapter 20 Specialist Training

Chapter 21 Junior Master Gardener Program

Chapter 22 Fund Raising, Solicitations and Donations

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Assist the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in providing

unbiased, high quality, relevant horticultural education

and service to the people of Guadalupe County

and the state of Texas through outreach, teaching

and demonstration projects.

Protect and conserve the natural resources of the state

by teaching safe, effective and sustainable horticultural practices

that promote the development of healthy gardens,

landscapes and communities.

Develop a strong Master Gardener organization

in Guadalupe County through education

and volunteer commitments.

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  1. To develop a group of well-informed volunteers who can provide education, outreach and service to Guadalupe County residents.
  1. To recruit new participants into the Master Gardener program and to coordinate and fund the best available training for those recruits.
  1. To assist and extend the reach of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service throughout Guadalupe County by providing educational programs in horticulture, gardening and other related topics to various groups and organizations.
  1. To answer horticultural questions and inquiries by phone, email, articles written for media publication and other methods of communication with the public.
  1. To develop and enhance community projects related to horticulture, including community and demonstration gardens.
  1. To identify and develop volunteer activities and projects that further the mission of both the organization and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
  1. To establish and maintain a Junior Master Gardener program.
  1. To maintain a viable Speaker’s Bureau responsive to the requests of community groups within Guadalupe County.
  1. To network with other Texas Master Gardeners to expand continuing education opportunities for Guadalupe County Master Gardener members.
  1. To provide an active Mentor Program to facilitate new recruits’ understanding of the Master Gardener program
  1. To recognize exemplary Guadalupe County Master Gardeners for their volunteer service and leadership.

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  1. The Guadalupe County Policies and Procedures Manual serves as the Operating Handbook for the GCMG. This Manual is intended to define and document GCMG policies, management guidelines and operating procedures. This Manual is designed to:
  1. Maintain a current and easily accessible guide to all GCMG policies and procedures.
  2. Facilitate continuity of GCMG operation regardless of changes in officers and committees.
  3. Ensure the periodic review and updating of all GCMG policies and procedures.
  1. The initial version of the Manual was submitted to the Board of Directors for section by section discussion and approval. The version of the Manual approved by the Board of Directors was sent to all GCMG members via email prior to the general membership meeting November 2011. At that meeting, the members present voted to adopt the Manual.
  2. Amending the Manual
  1. When a situation arises that requires a formal process for which no policy or procedure currently exists, GCMG will develop appropriate guidelines and amend the current Manual following the procedures listed below.
  2. Any GCMG certified member may present a new policy, procedure or a proposed change in writing to the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board of Directors may recommend approval of new policies, procedures or changes to the Manual at their regular meeting by a simple majority vote. The Board will email recommended policies, procedures or changes to the GCMG membership at least fivedays before the next regular membership meeting and present those policies, procedures or changes at the meeting for approval by the membership. A simple majority of members present may approve the policies, procedures or changes. However, the Board in particular and the membership in general should understand the policy and procedures are guidelines by which the organization is run. There may be instances of personal stress or conflict, natural or man made disasters, or outside influences that may call for the Board to act on their own initiative within the intent of the policies and procedures on a case-by-case basis. These actions will be made a matter of record in the Board meeting minutes.
  4. If the Board of Directors determines the Manual requires an editorial update, change or clarification, the board may approve the update, change, or clarification as long as it does not substantially change a current policy or procedure at their regular meeting by a simple majority vote without taking it to the membership. An example would be changing from the Texas AgriLife Extension Service to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The board will post the change to the GCMG website and notify the membership of the change via email.
  1. The Board of Directors will appoint a special committee to review this Manual every two years.
  2. If ever there is any conflict between the Manual’s policies and the existing GCMG bylaws, then the GCMG bylaws shall prevail.

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  1. The title of Texas Master Gardener or Guadalupe County Master Gardener is to be used only by individuals who have completed training in the Texas Master Gardener Program and who are actively participating in the program through the Guadalupe County A&M AgriLife Extension Service. When an individual ceases active participation in the Master Gardener program or does not meet re-certification requirements, the individual’s certification as a Texas Master Gardener becomes void.
  1. The title of Texas Master Gardener or Guadalupe County Master Gardener may not be used in advertising or for other business purposes and certified, active members may not display credentials or give the appearance of being a Texas Master Gardener or Guadalupe County Master Gardener at a place of business or in any form of advertisement where the individual is using the title for personal or business gain. The title is to be used only when doing unpaid volunteer work associated with and approved by Guadalupe County Master Gardeners. Violation of the policy concerning the use of the title is grounds for removing the certification of a member.
  1. Texas Master Gardeners may not imply endorsement of any product by either the Texas Master Gardeners or Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service unless that product has officially received endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
  1. Texas Master Gardeners or Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service may not imply endorsement of a place of business. Texas Master Gardeners may speak before groups at individual nurseries or other places of business and may also use business facilities for advanced education classes or for field trips. Appreciation to these businesses may be shown; however, recommendations for businesses that sell specific products or plants should be done by use of a list with at least three different names.
  1. At activities where information is distributed by the Guadalupe County Master Gardeners, literature, catalogs and flyers on different nurseries, seed companies and other vendors may be offered to the public as long as it is clear that no preferential treatment is being given and more than one business is represented.
  1. Texas Master Gardeners who speak to various groups on horticulture topics, may accept unsolicited reimbursements or nominal gifts or, if offered, suggest that a donation be made to the Guadalupe County Master Gardeners.
  1. It is also permissible to accept a “Master Gardener discount” on products and services offered by various businesses within the horticultural industry, as this is generally considered to be a method of showing appreciation for the volunteer time contributed by the Texas Master Gardener organization.

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  1. Master Gardener Student. A Master Gardener Student is defined as an individual who has applied for and been accepted into the Texas Master Gardener Training Program, who has attended the Class Orientation, and who has applied for and passed a criminal background check.
  2. Master Gardener Intern. A Master Gardener Intern is defined as a member who has successfully completed the required Master Gardener Training Program but has not completed the fifty (50) volunteer hours and any other certification requirements, which are required to be accomplished within one (1) year from the end of the month of the class graduation. Interns are not GCMG voting members; nor can they hold office or serve on the Board of Directors. Interns can and are encouraged to volunteer for assistant positions with the various standing or special committees.
  3. Texas Certified Master Gardener. A certified Texas Master Gardener is defined as a member who is certified by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service after successful completion of the Student and Intern program and who has completed required volunteer and continuing education hours, paid annual dues and passed/maintained the required criminal background check. Certified Master Gardeners are voting members of the GCMG and can hold office or serve on the Board of Directors.
  4. Associate. A Certified member who is unable to meet the necessary requirements for re-certification and who is committed to staying with the GCMG program may request Associate status membership. It is the requesting member’s responsibility to apply in writing to the Board of Directors to move to Associate status if he/she has extenuating circumstances, such as injury or extended illness, a family member’s extended illness, or a call to active duty. The decision to grant Associate status for a specified time frame is made at the discretion of the Board. Normally, the member may hold Associate status for up to two (2) years, although the Board of Directors at its discretion may extend this time frame. Once granted Associate status, the Associate is not required to pay dues, do volunteer or continuing education hours and may not vote or hold office.
    It is the Associate’s responsibility to keep the Board of Directors informed of his/her desire to maintain Associate status for the timeframe approved. The member may reinstate his/her certified status by completing required hours and paying annual dues for the reinstated year. This member must also pay for and pass the criminal background check if it is out of date, prior to performing any volunteer activities. If the member has not completed reinstatement activities within the approved time frame, GCMG will automatically drop him/her from membership.
  5. Leave of Absence. On occasion, a Master Gardener Intern is unable to fulfill the requirements to obtain certification due to extenuating circumstances, such as injury, extended illness, a family member’s extended illness, call to active duty or other personal situation. In these cases, the County Master Gardener Coordinator may grant a Leave of Absence. It is the Intern’s responsibility to request the Leave of Absence in writing explaining the circumstances. The Coordinator will notify the Intern and the Board of Directors of the decision to grant/not grant a Leave of Absence and the specific time frame allowed to meet certification requirements.
    The Intern may obtain his/her certified status by completing the required fifty (50) volunteer hours and any other certification requirements, as well as paying annual dues, prorated at the current rate based on the month certified for the remainder of the calendar year. The Intern must also pay for and pass the criminal background check if it is out of date, prior to performing any volunteer activities.
    The Intern may hold Leave of Absence status for up to one (1) year, although the County Master Gardener Coordinator at his/her discretion may extend this time frame. If the Intern has not completed the certification requirements within the approved time frame, GCMG will drop him/her from membership.
  6. Reinstatement of a Lapsed GCMG Master Gardener Intern or Texas Master Gardener: On occasion, a Master Gardener Intern or Texas Master Gardener may allow their membership to lapse and later determine they would like to again become an active GCMG member. It is the lapsed individual’s responsibility to apply in writing to the Board of Directors for reinstatement. The decision to allow the individual to pursue reinstatement requirements is made at the discretion of the Board, providing the individual has been in a lapsed status for no more than two (2) years, although the Board of Directors at its discretion may extend this time frame. The Board of Directors may reinstate membership if the individual accomplishes the following requirements within one (1) year from approval to pursue reinstatement.
  1. Applies, pays for and passes a new criminal background check prior to volunteering time on any GCMG project.
  2. Audits a minimum of six (6) classes at the next Master Gardener class at no additional cost. Field trips are not considered classes for this purpose.
  3. A lapsed Intern is required to complete 50 (fifty) volunteer hours and any other certification requirements. A lapsed Texas Master Gardener is required to complete the current number of volunteer and continuing education hours required for re-certification. This may be done concurrent with or prior to attending the classes. Time spent in auditing class sessions is not counted as either volunteer service or continuing education credits.
  4. Pay prorated annual dues based on time of certification
  1. Emeritus(a). Texas Master Gardener Emeritus(a) is an honorary title awarded to a retired Texas Master Gardener volunteer for distinguished service to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. County Master Gardener programs may bestow this title on any Master Gardener who is permanently retiring as an active Master Gardener and who has served the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service with distinction. A retired Master Gardener is defined as an individual who chooses not to retain certification through the re-certification process as established by State and County guidelines.

The process for nomination to Emeritus(a) status and the privileges then conveyed are further detailed in the Texas Master Gardener Management Guide, which can be found at

  1. Honorary. The Board of Directors may approve Honorary membership as a Guadalupe County Master Gardener to any person not formerly a certified Master Gardener in recognition of his or her outstanding contribution to horticultural development or to activities of the Master Gardeners. Honorary members shall have none of the obligations of membership but shall be entitled to all of the privileges except those of voting and holding office. The Board will announce Honorary membership at either a regular meeting or at a special function of members.
  2. Transferring Membership from Another Texas Master Gardener Program. The Texas Master Gardener Program permits a person who holds Master Gardener membership in another Texas County to transfer membership from County to County. Upon determining all requirements for County to County transfers are met, the Guadalupe County Extension Agent approves the transfer and informs the Board of his/her approval.
  3. Current Active Members: A Certified Texas Master Gardener from another County may request a transfer to GCMG. The member should request the County Extension Agent in the County where membership is active to provide the Guadalupe County Extension Agent the current status of his/her membership. The losing County’s Extension Agent will notify the Guadalupe County Extension Agent whether the member currently holds certified status under the losing County’s guidelines, or if not, when the member was last certified and the effective date of the last approved criminal background check.
  4. Previous Active Members: If a person seeking a Texas county to county transfer once held active membership, and the membership has lapsed for no more than two (2) years, transfer will be approved if the following requirements are met:
  5. The agent in the last certifying County shall confirm that the person was certified and held active membership during the required time period.
  6. The transferring member must
  7. Apply, pay for and pass a new criminal background check prior to volunteering time on any GCMG projects.
  8. Audit a minimum of six (6) classes at the next Master Gardener class at no additional cost. Field trips are not considered classes for this purpose.
  9. Complete the current number of volunteer and continuing education hours required for re-certification. This may be done concurrent with or prior to attending the classes. Time spent in auditing class sessions is not counted as either volunteer service or continuing education credits.
  10. Pay prorated annual dues based on time of certification
  11. Transferring Membership from Another State Master Gardener Program.
  1. A Master Gardener holding membership in another state who desires a transfer to GCMG will request the Extension Agent in the State jurisdiction where membership is active provide the Guadalupe County Extension Agent the current status of the transferring member. This notification will include whether the member currently holds certified status under that state’s guidelines or if not, when the member was last certified and the effective date of the last approved criminal background check.
    The Guadalupe County Extension Agent will inform the GCMG Board of the transfer request and whether the process for completing the transfer may continue. The Board of Directors will make the final decision on State to State transfers.
  2. If the person seeking transfer holds an active membership, that person must meet the following requirements before becoming a certified GCMG.
  3. Purchase a copy of the Texas Master Gardener Handbook.
  4. Attend the next available GCMG Training course at ½ the full tuition rate, plus cost of a criminal background check.
  5. Apply, pay for and pass a new criminal background check prior to volunteering time on any GCMG projects.
  6. Complete the current recertification required number of volunteer hours. This may be done concurrent with or prior to attending the classes.
  7. Pay prorated annual dues based on time of certification.
  8. If the out of state membership has lapsed, the person must go through the normal application process and complete the Master Gardener training as a new student.
  1. GCMG will provide the following to persons who successfully transfer their membership either within Texas or from another state. Documents may be paper or electronic copies or both.
  1. Current GCMG Bylaws
  2. Current Policies and Procedures Manual
  3. Membership list
  4. Appropriate forms for submission of volunteer hours
  5. Name badge
  6. Membership card
  7. An introduction in the newsletter and at the next mutually convenient membership meeting.

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