Fall 2016

Drumline for Fall 2016 will begin October 3rd. So far, Churchill Road has held 6 years of the Drumline Club, and students have enjoyed learning technique and basic rudiments of drumming.

Who can join drumline and who is the teacher?

Drumline is open to Churchill Road students between grades 3-6 and is instructed by Mark Reilly of the Top Secret Drum Corps and the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. He earned his bachelor’s from Northwestern State University and master’s degree in Music Education from Boston University. Mark joined “The Old Guard” Fife and Drum Corps in 2003 where he became the corps’ percussion arranger and currently serves as the drum group leader. The Old Guard is the Official Ceremonial Unit and Escort to the President of the United States. Mark is an active clinician and educator often presenting internationally and is the chairman for the Marching Percussion Committee for Percussive Arts Society.

What is a drumline?

A Drumline is an ensemble that allows students to enjoy learning the rhythmic building blocks of the art of music. The marching percussion ensemble or Drumline normally consists of four sections: Snare drums/ Bass Drums/ Tenor Drums/ the Front Ensemble (typically includes marimbas, xylophones, bells, and auxiliary percussion). Here at Churchill all students will begin on the snare drum.

How will drumming enrich my child’s musicality?

The Drumline promotes a structured approach to learning music in a groups setting where your child will learn the fundamentals of percussion through the vehicle of the snare drum. Through these fundamentals your child may then use these skills within future ensembles in middle school and eventually in high school.

Where and when will drumline be held?

After school class sessions will be held on Mondays directly after dismissal on the school stage from 3:20-4:20. Parents are to pick up students on the stage at 4:20.

October: 3rd, no class on the 10th (Columbus Day), no class on the 17th (Mr. Reilly out of country), 24th (Second class), no class on the 31st (Halloween and Mr. Reilly will be out of town)

November: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th (Class every Monday)

December: 5th, 12th, 13th (performance during CRS Band concert), 14th (performance during school), no class on the 19th or 26th (Holiday break)

January: no class on 2nd(still Holiday break), 9th, no class on the 16th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), last class 23rd

Please print this second page and return to the front office with payment (checks written to Mark Reilly) by October 3rd

I give my child ______(student name) in grade ______permission to participate in the Drumline Club. I understand that...

…theclub starts on October 3rd and ends on January 23rd and runs from 3:20-4:20

• There is no club on student holidays

• The club has 10 sessions plus two performances all taking place on the CRS stage.

Drumline rules:

1)Only students enrolled in Drumline can participate.

2)CRS rules and policies of behavior apply to Drumline.

3)Participants are expected to attend all of the classes, unless they are sick.

4)Participants will meet in the gym at dismissal.

Student Allergies:______Student Current Medications:______

Student Special Needs or Concerns: ______

Parent Name:______

Parent Phone: (home)______(work)______(cell)______

Emergency Contact Name:______Emergency Contact #______

E-mail (work):______E-mail (home)______


Signature of parent/guardian Date

______Option 1: My child already has a drum pad and sticks, so I’ve included $275 for instructor fees

______Option 2: My child does not have a drum pad and sticks, so I’ve included $300 to include the cost of the equipment and the instructor fees. (Equipment includes a pair of Innovative Percussion snare drum sticks, an Offworld Percussion drum pad for practicing, and drumline music packet that will throughout the school year contain various drum solos and exercises, and a tee shirt.)

Please make checks payable to Mark Reilly. Teachers, please direct all enrollment slips and payments to the front office.

Contact information: email: Mobile number: 703-975-5517