Name of Report / Program Subject / Frequency / Recipient / Authority / Due Date / Report Description
Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act (Pending renewal) / Transportation / Every Two Years / GSA / Pub.L. 103-72
Pub.L. 105-178
E.O. 13150 / 01-January / To improve air quality and to reduce traffic congestion by providing for the establishment of programs to encourage Federal employees to commute by means of other than single-occupancy motor vehicles.
Stewart B. McKinney
Homeless Assistance Program / RealProperty / Quarterly / HUD / Pub.L. 100-77
42 U.S.C. 11411
41 FMR 101-47
41 FMR 102-7
E.O. 12512 / 01-January
October / Excess property available for homeless assistance suitability determinations.
Foreign Gifts Received
And Decorations / Personal Property / Annual / DOS / Pub.L. 95-105
5 U.S.C.7342
31 U.S.C. 321
41 FMR 102-42
TD 73-01 / 15-January / Tracks gifts received by Treasury from outside governments.
Alternative Fuel and Inventory Reporting / Transportation / Quarterly / DOE/GSA / E.O. 13423 / 20-January
October / Measures new vehicle acquisitions, increase alternative fuel use, reduction in waivers, reduction in petroleum fuels, and low GHG vehicles status.
Home-to-Work Transportation Determination - OIG / Transportation / Every 5 Years / 31 U.S.C. 1344
TD 74-06 / 31-January / The use of Government motor vehicles to provide transportation between the residence of officers and employees and various officers and employees.
Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005 / Personal Property / Annual / United States Mint / Pub.L. 109-145
31 U.S.C. § 5112(p) / 30-May / All agencies and instrumentalities of the United States,..and all entities that operate any business, including vending machines, on any premises owned by the United States or under the control of any agency or instrumentality of the United States…shall…ensure…
(A) any business operations conducted by any such agency, instrumentality, system, or entity that involve coins or currency will be fully capable of accepting and depensing $1 coins in connection with such operations; and
(B) displays signs and notices denoting such capability on the premises where coins or currency are accepted or dispension, including on each vending machine.
Energy Policy Act of 2005
(EPACT 2005) / Personal Property / Annual / DOT / E.O. 13432 / 30-June / Requires all dual fueled AFVs to use alternative fuel unless waived.
Proposed Capital Projects / Real Property / Annual / OMB / OMB Circular A-11
E.O. 12072
E.O. 13423 / 31-July / To coordinate proposed federal agency capital projects with agencies’ long-range systems plans, Commission approved master plans, and Commission approved site and building plans for federal installations or single facilities.
Deferred Maintenance / Real Property / Annual / DCFO OAIC / Accounting Policy Memorandum 08-01 – Deferred Maintenance / 01-September / Tracks bureau compliance with Federal Accounting Standard 6 (Deferred Maintenance Reporting) for Treasury-own real property assets for OAIC annual financial statement reporting. For OTS, DO, BEP, and U.S. MINT. Due to OAM by September 30th .
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program / Real Property / Annual / DOE / 34 CFR 395
41 FMR 102-74.45 / 30-September / Tracks bureau compliance with requirement for concessions operations by blind stands and vending machines.
Home-to-Work Transportation Determination – IRS/CI / Transportation / Every 5 years / 31 U.S.C. 1344
TD 74-06 / 31-October / The use of Government motor vehicles to provide transportation between the residence of officers and employees and various officers and employees.
Home-to-Work Transportation Determination - TIGTA / Transportation / Annual / 31 U.S.C. 1344
TD 74-06 / 31-October / The use of Government motor vehicles to provide transportation between the residence of officers and employees and various officers and employees.
Federal Real Property Profile / Real Property / Annual
(submitted online) / GSA / 41 FMR 102.84
GSA Bulletin FMR 2008-B1
E.O. 13327 / 11-November / Tracks owned and leased bureau properties' use/value/control and accountability.
Gifts Given to Foreign Individuals / Personal Property / Annual / DOS / Pub.L. 95-105
31 U.S.C. 321(d)(4)
TD 73-01 / 01-December / Tracks Treasury gifts to foreigners in course of official duties.
Agency Report on Motor Vehicles [Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST)] / Personal Property / Annual / GSA / 41 FMR 102-34.345
E. O. 13149
TD 73-01 / 15-December / Tracks bureau vehicle inventory and fuel consumption costs. Tracks number of and fuel use in alternative-fueled vehicles by bureaus.
Personal Property Furnished to Non-Federal Recipients / Personal Property / Annual
(submitted online) / GSA / 41 FMR 102-36.295
41 FMR 102-36.300
40 U.S.C. 529
FMR Bulletin B-5
TD 73-01 / 29-December / Tracks Treasury personal property excessed or donated to non-government entities.
Exchange/Sale of Personal Property Transactions / Personal Property / Annual
(submitted online) / GSA / 41 FMR 102-39
FMR Bulletin B-5
E.O. 12999
TD 73-01 / 29-December / To exchange or sell non-excess, non-surplus personal property and apply the exchange allowance or proceeds of sale in whole or in part payment for the acquisition of similar property.
Public Transportation Program / Transportation / Annual / DOT / Pub.L. 102-486
Pub.L. 103-172
Pub.L 105-178
26 U.S.C. 132
E.O. 13150
TD 74-10 / 31-December / Tracks Department & bureau progress in employees’ use of transit benefits and assesses potential for a nationwide program.

Acronyms for Authorities: CFR-Code of Federal Regulations, E.O-Executive Order, FMR-Federal Management Regulations, Pub.L.-Public Law, TD-Treasury Directive,

U.S.C.-United States Code

Acronyms for Recipients: DOC-Department of Commerce, DOE-Department of Energy, DOS-Department of State, DOT-Department of Transportation,

GSA-General Services Administration; HUD-Department of Housing and Urban Development, OMB-Office of Management and Budge

Revised: 01/18/2012