LIVING GREEN – Resident Survey

(Tenant questions will vary based on building and Staff Survey responses)

BUILDING: ______

DATE: ______

RESIDENT (if they want to give name)______

Section One: Energy and Water Habits

  1. If you have control of your apartment heat or cooling, do you leave your heat or air conditioning on while you’re out of your room for longer than an hour?

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

If so, why? Select all that apply:

  1. I forget to turn it off or don’t notice that it is on
  2. I like coming home to a room that is already warm (in the winter) or cool (in the summer)
  3. I don’t know how to turn off the heat/air conditioning
  4. Other
  1. Do you ever leave your room without turning off your:
  2. Lights

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

b. T.V.

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

  1. Do you use water in any of these ways? Select all that apply.
  2. I run the water while I’m brushing my teeth

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

  1. I run cold water hoping that it will cool down the room

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

  1. I do my laundry in the shower or bath

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

  1. I flush my trash down the toilet

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

If so, why?

  1. Do you report leaks in your room? (Leaks in the sink faucet, the shower/bath, or the toilet?)

Always UsuallySometimes Rarely Never

If not always, why not? Select all that apply:

  1. I forget to report them
  2. Repair process is invasive or inconvenient
  3. I don’t know how to tell if my toilet is leaking
  4. Other:
  1. Do you have other comments about how you or others use energy or water?

Section Two: Energy Awareness

  1. In the past, have you ever paid energy or water bills?


  1. Are you familiar with climate change and how it relates to the use of energy?


  1. Did you know that it wastes energy to leave heat or air conditioning on when you are out of your apartment?


  1. Did you know that running hot water uses water and energy?


  1. Did you know that it wastes water to let leaks run without reporting them?


  1. Did you know that the building has to pay the city for the waterthat is used?


Section Three: Activities

  1. Would you consider participating in a group activity where you can learn about how to take actions to save energy and water?


  1. Would you like to learn more about how energy use affects the environment and public health?


  1. Would you like to learn more about how to save energy or how to save water?


  1. Please list any other activities or programs you would like to participate in related to energy and water use.

The Supportive Housing Network of New York – Tenant Conservation Education Program