Social Studies 7th Grade

Post Assessment Review Sheet

1.  Land Bridge

a.  A piece of land that connected present day Alaska and Russia

2.  Adapting to the physical environment

a.  People adapt to the environment

b.  People change the environment

3.  European exploration

a.  Europeans wanted “Gold, God, and Glory.”

b.  Europeans wanted to trade for silks and spices in Asia.

4.  Reason for coming to colonies

a.  Religious freedom (new England colonies)

b.  Economic opportunities

i.  Many were debtors back in Europe

c.  Political freedom

5.  Cash crop

a.  A crop grown solely for profit

i.  Main cash crop was tobacco in the south

6.  Mayflower Compact

a.  First document written by the pilgrims on the Mayflower

b.  First form of self-government

c.  Colonists would do whatever is best for the colony and everyone would vote on issues concerning the colony

7.  Indentured servants

a.  People in the New World would pay for people’s journey to America. In return he/she would work for free for 5 years. Once the contract was completed he/she was free and was typically given a freedom bonus (land, money etc.)

8.  Albany Plan of Union

a.  Written by Benjamin Franklin

b.  Wanted the colonies to unite for a common defense.

9.  Mercantilism

a.  The “Mother Country” (England) expected the colonies to give them raw materials and markets for British goods.

b.  Makes the Mother Country wealthier and more powerful


10.  Patriots

a.  During the American Revolution

b.  “Americans” who wanted to their I ndepenace from Britain

11.  Loyalists

a.  During the American Revolution

b.  “Americans” who wanted to remain part of Britain

12.  Redcoats

a.  British soldiers during the American Revolution

13.  Stocks(as punishment)

a.  Type of punishment during colonial America (Virginia)

14.  Articles of Confederation

a.  First system of government in America

b.  Gave more power to the states

i.  Federal government had very little power

c.  No Chief Executive

d.  All state shad to agree to amend the constitution

e.  The Federal government could not tax the states

15.  Battle of Saratoga

a.  Turning point of the American Revolution

b.  France joined with the Americans and helped us win the Revolution

16.  Magna Carta

a.  Document that King John was forced to signed

b.  Limited the Kings power for the first time

17.  Federalism

a.  The separation between Federal powers and state powers

18.  Implied powers

a.  Powers that are not stated in the Constitution but are necessary for the federal government

19.  Separation of powers

a.  The division of power into three branches

b.  The legislative branch is Congress. Its primary role is to pass laws.

c.  The executive branch is the president. His primary role is to enforce the laws.

d.  The judicial branch is the Supreme Court. Its primary function is to interpret the constitutionality of laws.

20.  Precedent

a.  Usually in reference to George Washington

b.  Examples set for future generations

21.  Judicial review

a.  This is one of the most important powers of the Supreme Court.

b.  States that the Supreme Court has the final interpretation of the constitution.

c.  It is the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional.

22.  Marbury vs Madison

a.  This is the Supreme Court case that established the precedent of judicial review.

23.  “unwritten Constitution”

a.  Elements in the government that are not written in the constitution but are needed in the government.

i.  Cabinet, political parties, judicial review etc.

24.  Alien and Sedition Acts

a.  During John Adams presidency

b.  People could be fined or jailed for speaking against the government.

i.  That was one way to exile foreigners who typically voted republican

c.  They were passed to stop opposition to the government because of the XYZ Affair

d.  Violated peoples first amendment rights

25.  Embargo Act

a.  This law forbade Americans to export or import products in the early 1800s.

26.  Whiskey Rebellion

a.  This was caused by a federal excise tax on whiskey.

b.  Western farmers were forced to pay higher taxes than big distributors.

c.  Was put down by the Federal military.

27.  Lewis and Clark expedition

a.  Went Westward to explore the new land purchased from the Louisiana Purchase

28.  No taxation without representation

a.  Major cause of the American Revolution

b.  The British taxed the colonists heavily because of the size of their national debt from the French and Indian War but did not allow them to have a say in Parliament.

29.  “Second War for American Independence” (War of 1812)

a.  Britain was capturing of American ships and impressments of sailors

b.  US went to war with Britain, AGAIN!

c.  Results:

i.  Helped improve American Industry (goods made in America)

ii. American Pride is heightened (Old Iron side, Star Spangled Banner)

iii.  Returned all borders back to the original

iv.  Everything returned back to the way it was before

30.  Monroe doctrine

a.  This was done in order to keep European powers from establishing new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

b.  Stated if the European powers attempted to colonize the Western hemisphere the U.S would get involved.

c.  In return the US would not get involved in European affairs.

31.  “The Era of Good Feelings”

a.  Time period under President James Monroe

b.  Increased Unity of Political Parties

c.  Economic Prosperity

32.  “King Andrew”

a.  Andrew Jackson

b.  Many thought he ruled like a King because he ignored the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia

c.  Closed the Second Bank of U.S

d.  Followed a spoils system

33.  Erie Canal

a.  NY and the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes

b.  Created in order for people to trade westward easier

34.  Factories

a.  A result of the industrial revolution.

b.  New machinery was built to make more goods faster, as a result factories opened up to house these large machines.

35.  Manifest Destiny

a.  This was America’s desire/ responsibility to expand to the Pacific Ocean.

36.  Urban

a.  City Life

37.  Rural

a.  Country/Agricultural

38.  Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

a.  Women rights convention – beginning of women’s right movement

1.  Women demanded equality stemming from the declaration of Independence

b.  Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton

c.  Result: More and more schools/colleges opened up for women

39.  Abolitionist

a.  A group of people against slavery and for equal rights of African Americans

40.  Underground Railroad

a.  Underground Railroad: Series of secret stops and routes to the North.

41.  “Popular sovereignty”

a.  Control by the people

b.  Slavery is to be voted on by the people in the state

42.  Missouri Compromise

a.  Maine would separate from Massachusetts and be admitted as a free state; Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state; and the remaining territory of the Louisiana Purchase, which lay north of the 36-30 parallel, would be closed off to slavery.

b.  The Compromise of 1850 reversed it

c.  Kept slave and free states equal in congress

43.  Secession

a.  To pull away

b.  South Carolina was the first to secede from the Union when Lincoln was elected to the Presidency

44.  Emancipation Proclamation

a.  Freed all the slaves in the rebelling states and in the North

45.  13th amendment

a.  Abolished slavery

46.  14th Amendment

a.  Granted citizenship to slaves

47.  15th Amendment

a.  Forbid a state to forbid people voting rights based on race, or previous servitude.

48.  Literacy tests

a.  Must have the ability to read in order to vote

49.  poll taxes

a.  Must pay a tax in order to vote

50.  grandfather clause

a.  Your grandfather must have voted in order for you to vote