Gathering music Chris Ruck

Welcome and Announcements Meg Whaley

Chalice Lighting

“May this flame kindle within in us the warmth of compassion, the glow of love, the fire of commitment and the light of truth. Here together we scatter and nurture seeds of spirit, service and community.”

*Greeting One Another

*Hymn #1014, Standing on the Side of Love

Story for All Ages

Sending Forth the Children #1057, Go Lifted Up

“Go lifted up, love bless your way, moon light, star light guide your journey into peace and the brightness of day.”

Joys and Sorrows

We invite you to share joys or sorrows of your life. Following the sharing, please join in our sung response:

“Walking, walking with you, walking with you is our prayer.”

Meditation and Prayer Meg Whaley

Interlude For the Beauty of the Earth Chris Ruck

Reading Faith, from Peter Morales Meg Whaley

Sharing of the Offering Adagio, W.A. Mozart Chris Ruck

Hymn (seated) #155, Circle Round for Freedom

Responsive Reading # 567, To Be Of Use, by Marge Piercy

Message SOPHIA – Our Faith in Action Bernie Gonzalaz

*Hymn #1028, The Fire of Commitment

*Closing Words

Extinguishing the Flame

Postlude Rondo, Dimitri Kalaevssky Chris Ruck

Welcome visitors and friends!

Please join us for fellowship downstairs after today’s service.

* You are invited to rise in body or spirit.

Welcome to United Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Waukesha. This church was founded in 1877 as part of a faith that holds to no creed, but believes that love goes beyond belief. All people are welcome here, whoever you are and wherever you are in your journey. May you find here hope, joy, wisdom, and grace.

OUR MISSION: We scatter and nurture seeds of spirit, service, and community.

OUR VISION: We envision a large progressive religious community growing in spirit and in service.


As a congregation,

We encourage children,

Preserve the environment,

Nurture spiritual enrichment,

Embrace authentic relationships,

And serve each other and the larger community.


506 N. Washington Avenue

Waukesha, WI 53188

(262) 544 – 1050


Questions? Want to learn more? We hope you’ll be in touch!

Rev. David Kraemer, Minister:

Katelyn Berken, Director of Religious Education:

Chris Ruck, Director of Music:

Patty Vanderpoel, Office Administrator:

Church Board:

Religious education, childcare and large print hymnals are available during this morning’s worship. Restrooms and water fountains are located through both sets of sanctuary doors. Special thanks to all those who helped with the service today: Meg Whaley, Bernie Gonzalaz

, Doug and Betty Coulliard, Mary Duerson and Cyd Fode

United Unitarian Universalist Congregation

“SOPHIA – Our Faith In Action”

Meg Whaley and Bernie Gonzalaz

February 19, 2017

All Are Welcome Here

Announcements and Upcoming Events

SOCIAL ACTIONS COMMITTEE MEETING: The SAC will meet today at 12pm.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: A reminder that we will hold a congregational meeting next Sunday, February 26, after services. We will discuss ideas of how to use the funds from our land sale in East Troy. This is advisory only and no vote will be taken yet. Snacks and childcare will be available. We hope you can make it!

YOGA IN THE SANCTUARY: Don’t forget that we have a yoga class here at United in the sanctuary every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 until March 8.

RACIAL JUSTICE: THE COURAGE TO ACT: Saturday, April 1, from 9 - 4pm, Alverno College. Register now for this exciting workshop featuring UU racial justice activist and educator Chris Crass. Cost: Early Bird till 3/15 - $20 Adult; $10 Student/Youth. Don't wait to register at https://racialjusticecourage.eventbrite.com/ or through the link at uucw.org.