FOTA Vice President Debora Oliveira


Centennial Vision Element
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Action taken to address goal
I. Expanded Collaboration for success
Long term goal:
1.a. Identify and partner with representatives of organizations with similar interests for political, educational and advocacy issues. / 1.a.2 Enlist the identified groups for mutually beneficial continuing education opportunities especially the annual conference. / Florida Gulf Coast University to host the 2014 annual conference in Fort Myers, Florida November 7 and 8, 2014.
Plans for 2015 conference have begun. Conference to be held in Orlando, FL. Sites for conference being explored by Debbie Reber, Conference Convener, and Debora Oliveira, Vice President of FOTA. The whole conference will be at a hotel site as Adventist University of Health Sciences, the Orlando Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program, is not open on Saturdays.
Long term goal:
1.c. Improve internal collaboration and communication among and from FOTA leadership / 1.c.2. Develop communication system from the Continuing Education Committee about the approved courses in the Sanctioning program/Forums to disseminate information to members / Cathy Pierce continues to serve as chairperson of the Sanctioning committee for education programs.
The Vice President continues to process Forum applications, including submitting to CEBroker for the initial publishing and entering attendees who have completed courses. Only 11 to date for the year 2014.
II. Membership = Professional Responsibility
Long term goal:
3.d. Offer educational courses to occupational therapy practitioners that meet the current educational demands / Over 400 conference attendees at the Conference Fall 2014 at Daytona State College.
Four pre-conference Institutes registrations and 40+ roundtable, short course and workshops offered.
Continue to provide license mandated courses: Laws and Rules and Prevention of Medical Errors.
Cost of food main expense for the conference. The 2014 conference will have a cost attached to lunch for Saturday. Lunch on Friday only fro institute attendees.
3.d.1. Compile information from the course evaluations to determine the educational needs of the members / Conference survey tallied with the following results:
OTR response: 48
OTA response: 6
Student response: 18
Retired: 1
More than 83% of the respondents reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the conference overall.
IV. Well-prepared, diverse workforce
Long term goal:
4.b Inform the members and other OT practitioners about the continuing education available including the annual conference. / 4.b.1. Develop and implement a plan to market continuing education opportunities. Establish a method to measure effectiveness. / Annual conference announced in Spring Focus and is on the homepage of the website. Updated call for papers for conference continuing education. Will be utilizing Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest (with assistance of administrative assistant) to market conference.
Will consider cost of sending postcards to advertise the fall conference.
Leadership board continues to discuss the merits of sanctioning continuing education courses. Looking at options to increase revenue, such as providing links to continuing education courses in Florida on website.
V. Clear, compelling public image
Long term goal:
5.b. Design a long range plan for annual conferences / 5.b.1 Present a plan with location and dates for a 2-pronged annual conference – one associated with the business meeting, and the other a fundraiser / Planning for 2014 FOTA Annual Conference Nov. 2014. Site to be at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Planning for 2015 conference in Orlando, FL. Hotel sites being explored before June 2014 FOTA Board meeting.
5.b.2. Prepare a conference budget annually for approval / 2013 conference expenses tallied. Income and expenses in alignment with expectations except for increased cost of food and decreased number of vendors. The decrease in vendors may have, in part, been due to the AOTA Student Enclave hosted the following week in the same general geographic area. No competing conferences known for the for 2014 conference.
5.b.3 Coordinate all activities and involvement needed from the FOTA Leadership / Use of FOTA website Board Discussion page and e-mails to keep board members informed. Use of blast emails to members when needed.
5.b.4. Clarify expectations from volunteers and benefits they derive from involvement in conference planning and implementation / Need to designate a coordinator of volunteers for the 2014 conference. Ribbons for volunteers are already purchased.
VI. Evidence-based decision making
Long term goal:
7.a.3. Increase continuing education activities focused on EBP / 7.a.3. Include in each conference program continuing education activities related to EBP / Evidence-based practice to be encouraged for conference education sessions and for other continuing education activities.
IX. To meet the Elements, fiscal and operational excellence.
Long term goal:
9.e. Evaluate the operational structure for the continuing education efforts / 9.e.1. Determine and provide the support needs for the Sanctioning Program / Sanctioning committee still willing to volunteer as reviewers. Committee includes OT and OTA reviewers.
Sanctioning garners very little income for FOTA involves a fair amount of volunteer time.
9.e.2. Determine and provide the support needs for the continuing education provision during the annual conference / Coordinating with Debbie Reber, Conference Convener. Continued communication with venue contacts: LCC and hotel re: AV, accommodations, food / beverages, keynote, etc.
Coordinate phone and teleconferences with conference planners.
Consult with Conference convener, administrative assistant, student poster coordinator and webmaster re: call for proposals, dates/deadlines/schedule, and review process,
Communicate with webmaster, administrative assistant, and treasurer as needed.

Additional Activities:

  • Answered additional e-mails about conference volunteers, fees, schedule, program, etc.
  • Sent acceptance letters to all conference continuing education providers for 2013 conference.
  • Ordered lanyards and padfolios for the 2014 conference.
  • Developed schedule for all events at the 2014 conference.
  • Part of the Strategic Plan Committee.
  • Monthly leadership conference calls.

Goals for next year:

  • Continue planning and oversight for 2014 and 2015 Conference
  • Develop Educational Program for FOTA 2014 Annual Conference aligned with current strategic plan.
  • Assist and coordinate with conference convener planning for 2014 Conference and begin planning for 2015 conference.
  • Continue to work on other activities outlined in strategic plan.