Job Title:Inclusion Manager

Main Pay Range / Leadership Scale: Pay to be discussed dependent on experience

Responsible to:Headteacher


  • The duties outlined in this job description are in addition to those covered by the latest School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. It may be modified by the Headteacher, with your agreement, to reflect or anticipate changes in the job, commensurate with the salary and job title.
  • To lead and actively promote the ethos of the school and to work closely with the Headteacher and members of the SLT to ensure the well-being of all pupils and staff supporting and developing the school’s standing in the community.
  • To ensure that school practice relating to inclusion is exemplary and the Resource for Pupils with Complex Needs is a Centre of Excellence.
  1. Leadership and Management
  • To model and actively promote inclusion across the school.
  • To lead and manage the Resource for Pupils with Complex Needs and act as the SENCO to the school.
  • To work in partnership with the Headteacher regarding staffing, curriculum and organisational matters relating to identified pupils.
  • To prepare the planning, evaluation and annual review of the action plan for SEND and PP and feed this into the SDP.
  • To lead the improvement and monitoring of standards and achievement of those pupils who are gifted and talented, have EAL, have additional needs or are in receipt of the Pupil Premium.
  • To work with those responsible for the managing of medicines to ensure that processes are in place and rigorously adhered to.
  • To assist the Headteacher in the organisation and delivery of performance management of identified staff.
  • To assist the Headteacher with the recruitment and appointment of new staff, as necessary.
  • To work closely with the Headteacher to ensure that pupils, governors, parents and other stakeholders are appropriately involved in the decision making process.
  • As deputy designated lead for Safeguarding, to be responsible for Safeguarding of pupils in the Resource.
  • External moderation is used effectively to drive improved standards and to validate judgements.
  1. Inclusion
  • To lead and manage the Resource for Pupils with Complex Needs and act as the SENCO to the school.
  • To manage the Resource and SEND budget.
  • To lead and manage the additional provision for pupils entitled to the Pupil Premium.
  • To work closely with teachers and support staff to ensure that all pupils have access to an appropriate curriculum.
  • To know, understand and implement any statutory duties relating to inclusion, particularly the SEND Code of Practice.
  • To work with class teachers, devising and implementing effective interventions, as necessary.
  • Promote good relationships with parents.
  • Actively pursue good links with external agencies.
  • Identify examples of good practice from other settings, research, literature and professionals and use to improve practice within Lambs Lane.
  • Disseminate good practice and give support both formally and informally.
  1. Leading and Managing Staff
  • Create and foster commitments and confidence among staff so meeting the needs of pupils with SEN, those who are eligible for PPG and those who are gifted and talented
  • Set standards and provide examples of best practice for other teachers in identifying, assessing and meeting the needs of pupils with SEN, PPG and those who are G&T
  • To lead through example, creating a positive learning climate where distributive leadership is encouraged.
  • To guide, coach, support and motivate staff.
  • To lead groups, provide and support staff development activities using external services to provide expert CPD, as necessary.

Last Reviewed: May 2018