Louisiana Team AgEd

Louisiana Agriscience Education Curriculum

Course: Agriscience I

Unit: Animal Science

Lesson: Animal Anatomy and Physiology


Learning Standards (LS):

·  AgEd/FFA students will understand the concepts and principles of animal science.

o  Anatomy and physiology of livestock, poultry, and other animals

Grade Level Expectations (GLE)

·  Analyze the interrelationships of organs in major systems (LS-H-F1) (LS-H-E3)

·  Compare structure to function of organs in a variety of organisms (LS-H-F1)

PERFORMANCE-BASED LEARNING OBJECTIVES. Instruction in this lesson should result in students being able to:

1.  Analyze the components and functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems.

2.  Identify the major parts of the skeletal system used in livestock selection.

3.  Diagram, identify and state the functions of the major parts of the animal cell.*

4.  Describe the process of cell division.*

5.  Identify the primary external parts of an animal.*

6.  Determine the primary muscle groups that form the essential external parts of the animal

7.  Analyze the components and functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems

8.  Identify the major parts of the skeletal system used in livestock selection

*Objectives in bold font are state approved objectives.

LIST OF RESOURCES. Teachers may find the following resources useful in planning and teaching this lesson:


·  Lee, Jasper S. & Diana L. Turner. Introduction to World AgriScience & Technology. Interstate Publishers, Inc. Danville, IL. 1997.

Web Sites

·  http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Agmania/

·  http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Agmania/Livestock/index.asp

·  http://aged.ces.uga.edu/Browseable_Folders/Curriculum/Lesson%20Plans/index.htm

·  http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Agmania/Interactive/index.asp

Other Resources.


TERMS. The following terms are presented in this lesson:

·  physiology

·  locomotion

·  voluntary

·  involuntary

·  central nervous system

·  autonomic nervous system

·  peripheral nervous system

·  receptors

·  systematic

·  inspiration

·  expiration


·  board

·  writing utensil

·  overhead

·  computer with Internet access


Conduct a classroom discussion to determine what students think should be the criteria for judging the various classes of livestock. List their ideas on the board to be compared to information presented at the end of the lesson.


Objective 1: Explain the major systems of animals:

·  skeletal system

·  muscular system

·  circulatory system

·  respiratory system

Anticipated Problem: What are the features and functions of the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, and respiratory system.


What is Anatomy?

Study of the form, shape, and appearance of the animal

What is Physiology?

Focuses on the function of the cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the body.

What are the features and functions of the skeletal system?

A. Skeletal system protects the delicate internal organs and helps keep them properly arranged in the body

B. Bones

* Hard parts of the skeleton

* Made of calcium, phosphorus, and other substances

C. Cartilage

* Found at the ends of bones

* Flexible material that lubricates the joints and cushion shocks

What are the features and functions of the muscular system?

A. The muscular system is the largest system in the body, making up about 45% of the body weight of hogs, cattle, and chickens.

B. Important in movement

* Locomotion

* Circulation

* Digestion

* Breathing

C. Two types of muscles

* Voluntary: controlled by the thinking part of the brain (cerebrum)

* Involuntary: automatically controlled by a lower part of the brain

What are the features and functions of the circulatory system?

A. Circulatory System moves digested food, oxygen, wastes, and other materials around the body. Systematic circulation is the movement of blood throughout the body.

B. Blood - liquid in the circulatory system

* Plasma - 90% water

* Solid materials - glucose, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (proteins)

C. Solids in the blood include:

* Red blood cells

a) Contain hemoglobin

b) Made in the bone marrow

* White blood cells

a) Help fight off disease

b) Pus that forms at wounds is a collection of white blood cells

* Platelets - Essential for blood to clot

D. System parts

* Heart - Pump that sends blood throughout the system

* Arteries - Vessels that carry blood from the heart

* Capillaries - Small branches from the arteries that carry blood to the cells

* Veins - Carry blood back to the heart

What are the features and functions of the respiratory system?

A. Respiratory System moves gases to and from the circulatory system.

* Internal respiration - exchange of gases between the cells and the blood within the body.

* External respiration - exchanges of gases in the lungs between the blood and the atmosphere

B. Parts of the Respiratory System

* Nostrils - openings near the mouth through which gases enter and leave the body

* Pharynx - connects the nose area with the mouth area

* Larynx - often called the voice box

* Trachea - known as the windpipe; connects the pharynx with the lungs

* Lungs - where gas is exchanged between the atmosphere and the blood

C. Breathing processes involves air entering and leaving the lungs

* Inspiration - process of taking air into the lungs

* Expiration - process of moving air out of the lungs

Objective 2: Identify the major areas of an animal used in livestock selection.

Anticipated Problem:

What causes the price difference in animals at market? What traits should be evaluated for selection?


Why is it important to select for sex character?

A. Sex characteristics are an indication that the female is producing enough hormones to cause the female to conceive efficiently.

B. Problems with sex character:

·  Pin nipples

·  Blind nipples

·  Inverted nipples

·  Infantile vulva

·  Testicles

·  Viable

·  Sheaths

Bulls should look like bulls and females should be feminine

Why is structural soundness so critical in the selection process?

A. Structural soundness refers to skeletal design and how well the bones support the animal’s body.

B. Breeding animals must be sound structurally to reproduce

C. Boars and bulls that have structural problems are less likely to be interested in breeding than sound males.

D. Majority of the hogs in this country are raised in confinement - this makes structure problems more critical.

E. Cattle and sheep must have the correct set to their legs.

What are the physical characteristics of growing animals?

A. With today’s modern industry much emphasis is placed on capacity and depth of body.

B. Animals should be wide-based and have a wide chest floor to give them more dimension of size. This also adds to feed efficiency and growth.

C. Long cannon bones usually mean that animals will be larger framed and later maturing.

D. Long-necked animals have also shown more growth potential.

What should the modern beef animal look like?

A. Many factors must be combined to produce modern beef cattle.

B. The consumer wants beef that is tender, favorable and affordable.

C. Consumers do not want meat with excessive fat.

D. Consumers are choosy about the size of the cuts of meat.

E. Ribeyes larger than fifteen inches may be too large for the average consumer.

F. Packers usually want a carcass that weighs between 600 and 700 pounds.

G. Cattle should be medium framed, heavy muscled, and with approximately 1050-1250 pounds at slaughter

REVIEW/SUMMARY. Review the criteria for judging livestock and have students think about how their knowledge base changed. Compare what they know now with what they knew at the beginning of class.

APPLICATION. Using the knowledge gained about skeletal and muscle groups students will complete a livestock judging activity online at http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Agmania/Livestock/index.asp

Students should make notes to justify their choices.

EVALUATION. Online interactive livestock anatomy activity at http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Agmania/Interactive/index.asp

Student will complete activity while teacher monitors and records scores.

Answers to Sample Test

Animal Systems


Directions: This section is Multiple Choice. Circle the correct letter for the appropriate answer to each test item. (3 points each)

1.  Provides food and oxygen to cells in the body

a.  Circulatory system

b.  Respiratory system

c.  Skeletal system

d.  Muscular system

2.  Lean meat of animals

a.  Endocrine system

b.  Circulatory system

c.  Muscular system

d.  Skeletal system

3.  Made of calcium, phosphorus, and other substances:

a.  Endocrine system

b.  Circulatory system

c.  Muscular system

d.  Skeletal system

4.  Composed of voluntary and involuntary

a.  Respiratory system

b.  Circulatory system

c.  Muscular system

d.  Skeletal system

5.  The study of the form, shape, and appearance of the animal is

a.  Anatomy

b.  Physiology

c.  Animal science

d.  None of the Above

Directions: Write the word “True” or “False” in the blank to the left of the number. You must correct the statement if it is False to make it a true statement. You may re-write the statement or cross-out and change words if appropriate. Use the back if necessary. (3 points each)

False__ 6. Physiology is the study of form, shape, and appearance of the animal.

True___ 7. Cartilage is found at the ends of bones.

False___ 8. Bones are made of calcium, magnesium, and other substances.

True____ 9. The muscular system is the largest system in the body.

False___ 10.The Plasma includes 50% water.

Directions: This section is Constructed Response. Answer the questions completely in the space provided.

11.  What are two types of muscles found in the muscular system? (5 points)

A. Voluntary

B. Involuntary

12.  It important to have the two types of muscles present in an animal. Using what you have learned, choose an animal that this applies to and explain the reason for that animal having the two different types of muscles.

(15 points)

Answers will vary.

Sample Test

Animal Systems


Directions: This section is Multiple Choice. Circle the letter in front of the best answer to each test item. (3 points each)

6.  Provides food and oxygen to cells in the body

a.  Circulatory system

b.  Respiratory system

c.  Skeletal system

d.  Muscular system

7.  Lean meat of animals

a.  Endocrine system

b.  Circulatory system

c.  Muscular system

d.  Skeletal system

8.  Made of calcium, phosphorus, and other substances:

a.  Endocrine system

b.  Circulatory system

c.  Muscular system

d.  Skeletal system

9.  Composed of voluntary and involuntary

a.  Respiratory system

b.  Circulatory system

c.  Muscular system

d.  Skeletal system

10. The study of the form, shape, and appearance of the animal is

a.  Anatomy

b.  Physiology

c.  Animal science

d.  None of the Above

Directions: Write the word “True” or “False” in the blank to the left of the number. You must correct the statement if it is False to make it a true statement. You may re-write the statement or cross-out and change words if appropriate. Use the back if necessary. (3 points each)

____ 6. Physiology is the study of form, shape, and appearance of the animal.

____ 7. Cartilage is found at the ends of bones.

____ 8. Bones are made of calcium, magnesium, and other substances.

____ 9. The muscular system is the largest system in the body.

____ 10.The Plasma includes 50% water.

Directions: This section is Constructed Response. Answer the questions completely in the space provided.

13.  What are two types of muscles found in the muscular system? (5 points)



14.  It important to have the two types of muscles present in an animal. Using what you have learned, choose an animal that this applies to and explain the reason for that animal having the two different types of muscles.

(15 points)