Every classroom should have a map with your escape route posted near the primary exit door. If you don’t see one, please let Lois know. When the alarm rings, the children are to file out to the playground area quietly, using the primary route marked on the map. The last person out should turn out the lights and close the door. Make sure all doors to your classroom are closed. This lets rescue workers know that the classroom is empty.

Every teacher has a red/green attendance card with your class list on it. Please put this card at the door of your primary exit route so it is easily accessible as you leave for the fire drill. Teachers take this card with them outside and hold it up so the fire drill team can quickly see that all students are accounted for (green), or that a student is missing (red). David and Mark will check with all the teachers. When all children are accounted for, they will signal everyone to return to the building.

Individual or small groups of children who are not near their classroom teachers should report to the nearest staff member. That person will escort them to the Safety Circle in between the gate and the swings. Lois will supervise the Safety Circle.

Children who are in PE, Music, or Library will go outside with that teacher. The specialists will have class lists. The classroom teacher should make his or her way to where the specialist is standing with the class.

The adults in Creative Corner and Speech should walk children back to their home classrooms.

Please review fire drill safety procedures, emphasizing that a calm, quiet response is very important.Once outside, all children are to remain silent, stay in line, and face away from the building. Make sure your class knows exactly where they will be going. A map is on the back side of this letter.

Teachers with classrooms near bathrooms or IA’s near a bathroom should take a quick moment to check that no one is in the bathrooms.