more happens together / 222c Belsize Road
London NW6 4DJ
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Office use only
Candidate number

Job application form

Please return your application form to

  • Closing date: Monday 4th July 2016 at 10am
  • Notification of interview date: Thursday 7th July 2016
  • Interview date: Monday 11th July 2016

Section A
This section of the application form is for your personal information and is not provided to the Shortlisting Panel.
Post applied for:
How did you find out about this vacancy?
Your first name:
Surname/family name:
Post code:
Best contact telephone number:
Email address:

Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes No

Interview date availability
Please confirm you can be available on Monday 11th July 2016 for an interview if you are shortlisted.
Please give details of two people we can contact to help us establish your suitability for the post and employment with us – one should be your most recent line manager. We will contact them only if we offer you the position.
First referee
Position/Job title:
Email address:
Phone number:
Relationship to you:
Second referee
Position/Job title:
Email address:
Phone number:
Relationship to you:
DBS check
The nature of this role requires working unsupervised with some adults who are considered to be vulnerable, therefore the successful candidate may be required to undergo a criminal record check with the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Are you willing to have a DBS check?
Yes No
Your right to work in the UK
Are there any restrictions upon your residency in the UK which may affect your ability to take up employment with us?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details.
Unexpected absences from work
How many days in total have you taken off work in the last two years which were not agreed in advance with your employer/s? What were the reasons?
If you have not been employed throughout all of the last two years, please state for how much of this period you have been employed:
Ensuring equal opportunities
Do you require any adjustments / special arrangements to enable you to take part in the interview process? Our centre is a fully accessible building.
Yes No
If yes, please give details.


I declare that the information I have provided on this form is accurate and true. I understand that false or misleading information may disqualify my application or if appointed may result in my dismissal.

Signed* / Date

*you can type your name here and we will accept your email submission as your signature. If you are successful in your application, you will be asked to sign your form in person.

Equal opportunities monitoring

This section of the application form is used solely for monitoring purposes and will be detached from your application. It will not be seen by the Shortlisting Panel.

Please show your answers by underlining or otherwise highlighting them.

Your gender

Female / Male / Transgender / Other / Prefer not to say

Your age

18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55+ / Prefer not to say

Your ethnic group

Asian / Asian British / Black/Black British / Mixed / White/White British / Other / Prefer not to say

Sexual orientation

Bisexual / Gay man / Gay woman / Heterosexual / Other / Prefer not to say

Religion or belief

Please give your religion or belief:

Caring responsibilities

Do you care for a child under 18 or an adult? Yes No


Do you regard yourself as having a disability? Yes No
If yes, please give details:

Position: CHAPS Coordinator

more happens together / 222c Belsize Road
London NW6 4DJ
/ /
Office use only
Candidate number
Section B:
Your employment and education
This section of the application form is provided to the Shortlisting Panel and used to shortlist your application.
Your current employment (or most recent if you are not currently employed)
Job title:
Dates from/to:
Main purpose of role (please answer with one short sentence):
Summary of main responsibilities (please use short bullet points):
Reason for looking for a new position:
Other most recent employment
Job title:
Dates from/to:
Main purpose of role (please answer with one short sentence):
Summary of main responsibilities (please use short bullet points):
Job title:
Dates from/to:
Main purpose of role (please answer with one short sentence):
Summary of main responsibilities (please use short bullet points):
(optional) Other experience you’d like us to know about
You can use this space to briefly detailother experience you have whichyou believe may help support your application.
For example, related jobs you have had in the past not detailed above, volunteering positions, community activities you’ve been or are involved in, etc.
Role title:
Dates from/to:
Main purpose of role (please answer with one short sentence):
Summary of what you did or do (please use short bullet points):
Role title:
Dates from/to:
Main purpose of role (please answer with one short sentence):
Summary of what you did or do (please use short bullet points):
Formal education
Please provide details of your formal educational achievements, starting with your most recent qualification.
Qualification / subject(s)
Qualification / subject(s)
Qualification / subject(s)
(optional) Training and development
You can use this space to list any training and development activities you’ve undertaken of relevance to this post which you believe may help support your application.Use brief bullet points.
Section C:
Your suitability
This section of the application form, along with Section B, is provided to the Shortlisting Panel and used to shortlist your application.
Please be sure to answer every question and do not elaborate unless specifically requested.
Where asked youshould include examples to help support your answers.These can come from your experience, skills, and achievements from your current and previous employment, any volunteering you do or have done, any community activities you are or have been been involved in, your hobbies and interests, or fromyour home and social life.
This is your opportunity to show us why you are the best person for the job!
1a. Please confirm that you have achieved passes at A-Level standard, or have an equivalent vocational or job related qualification.
Yes No
1b. If you do not have formal qualifications but can demonstrate employment experiences and skills you believe are at a level in line with the grading of thisposition, we may accept these as your qualification.
I would like the shortlisting panel to consider my employment experiences and skills in place of formal qualifications:
Yes No Not applicable as I have selected ‘Yes’ above.
What days/hours would you be available to work with us?
  • Days available
  • Hours available

Can you work one Saturday every month (from around 10am to 3pm)?
If offered the job, when could you start?
How long would your journey from your home to the centre normally take you?
2. Please briefly list your computer skills. Say how you’ve used them; name the related apps or programmes.Use short bullet points.
3. Provide a list of what you consider to be your top threepersonal strengths. They do not have to be job-related. Use short bullet points.
4. Please briefly describe a time when your positive outlook and enthusiasm has helped you or others around you overcome a hurdle, or achieve a better than expected result.
5. Please briefly demonstrate your ability to get things done, especially those that make the most difference. Include one or two relevant examples in your response.
6. Please briefly describe a time when your ability to learn quickly has helped you accomplish an important goal.
7. Please briefly outlinethree of your most significant achievements. At least one should be work related.
8. What about working with us at Abbey Community Centre is most exciting to you?
9. What is your main reason for applying for this particular position?
10. What part of the job do you think you’ll be particularly good at? Please keep your answer to one sentence, no more than 20 words.
11. What part of the job might you find the most challenging? Please keep your answer to one sentence, no more than 20 words.
12. Please demonstrate your ability to act as the main point of contact for the CHAPS project. Include one relevant example in your response.
13. Please demonstrate you’ll be able to successfully undertake the publicity responsibilities of the CHAPS Coordinator post. Include one or two relevant examples in your response.
14. Please demonstrate you’ll successfully facilitate CHAPS activities, trips, events, opportunities. Include one or two relevant examples in your response.
15. Please demonstrate you’ll successfully encourage and support CHAPS members, volunteers, and project contributors. Include one or two relevant examples in your response.
16. Please demonstrate you’ll effectively record, report, and evaluate our CHAPS project. Include one or two relevant examples in your response.
(optional) Anything else?
If there’s something you’d like to highlight about your suitability that you feel this application form hasn’t given you the opportunity to, please use this space.
Do not feel obliged to write something here. If you do, please keep it brief.

Thank you for considering Abbey Community Centre as your next employer, and for your time completing this application form.

more happens together

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