Mount Pearl Intermediate

Welcome to Grade Six Intensive Core French!

Intensive Core French is a new approach to earning a second language. The focus of the program is on learning French as a means of communication rather than an academic subject of study.

We do not have any prescribed French texts that we use for the Intensive French component. The only prescribed texts that the class is currently using are the mathematics book – Math Makes Sense 6 and science – The Sky is the Limit (Flight). A variety of resource materials recommended by the Eastern School District and the Department of Education will be used with the class. When the class starts the English component in February, the prescribed texts will be used in all subject areas.

The language of instruction is French for approximately 60% of the children’s day until the end of January. The primary focus will be communicating information about themselves. At the end of the school year the students should be able to carry on a general conversation in French about day to day, familiar topics.

In Intensive French, your child is exposed to many resources to aid in their French language development which will enrich their speaking, reading, writing and listening experiences. Examples that will be used throughout this school year include:

·  Children’s Literature * Group Stories

·  Anthologies * Home Reading

·  Poetry * Chart Stories

·  Personal Writing * Role Play

·  Class Made Books * Listening to Tapes/CD’s

·  Posters * Activities/Games

In our Language Arts program we will be using this variety of materials to provide enriching reading and learning experiences.


Reading is the process of constructing meaning from a variety of texts. It is much more than being able to read words on the page. The students will be provided with a wide range of reading experiences, in French, using a variety of approaches.

We will be using:

·  Read Alouds- reading to the children

·  Shared Reading- reading with the children

·  Guided Reading- instructional reading

·  Independent Reading- students will read authentic French materials individually, either silently or orally with a parent/guardian

·  Buddy Reading - students sharing the experience of reading with one another

Please encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes every night in French.

Sit with your child and listen to him/her read the assigned selections. Discussing the story, asking questions or even making comments about what you liked or disliked about the story will help with your child’s understanding of what he/she has read. Please ensure that your child completes his/her reading log.


The students are involved in a variety of writing activities, which include, but are not limited to:

·  Journal writing

·  Individual stories and books

·  Poetry/Rhymes

·  Group story writing

·  Illustrating/Representing

The students are encouraged to use charts around the classroom and dictionaries to help them spell accurately.


Listening is more than hearing. It is hearing, understanding and responding to what has been said. Listening forms the basis of comprehension. Information may come from a variety or resources:

·  Stories which are read aloud or taped

·  Oral directions and instructions

·  Other media such as video tapes/movies

·  Games/Songs

·  Teachers

·  Other students

It is of the utmost importance that your child develops excellent listening skills this year. Looking at whoever the speaker might be is very important in learning a second language. Students are encouraged to look at a speaker during instruction and classroom interactions, as facial expressions, gestures and movements will all greatly aid in their comprehension.


In their classroom, students are given many opportunities to further develop their oral communication skills on a daily basis. These include:

·  Small and large group discussions

·  Morning Routine - Opening classroom activities-calendar, weather, information about self, questions

·  Games

·  Interaction with teacher

·  Student-Teacher Interviews

Intensive French Themes:

·  Tout Sur Moi – All About Me ( likes, dislikes, interests, physical description, etc)

·  Family, School, Food, Clothing, Animals, Hobbies/Leisure Time Activities

·  Celebrations such as Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas

·  Communication

·  Canada

·  Francophone Culture, including the Carnaval de Québec


At the grade six level, students can be given up to 40 minutes of homework each evening. In Intensive French, homework usually consists of:

·  French vocabulary/verb review

·  French Spelling

·  French home reading (baggie books) / Les livres que j’ai lu

·  Projects

·  Les medias

·  Unfinished class work

I am providing you with a basic outline of homework routine. This is subject to change as test/ evaluations/ projects are approaching.

L’orthographe (Spelling): Each Friday or Monday, the students will be given a list of 10 vocabulary words and will be given a quiz on the following Friday. In addition to learning the words, they are to complete the activities that accompany the word list. Initially, we will do examples in class with the first two or three units. This will ensure their level of comfort to complete them independently at home.

Livret de sac ( Baggie Books): Each week the students will be given several books to read and record in their reading log. They should read the book several times at home, to themselves and also aloud to their brother, sister, mom, dad or even their pet. They will need to complete their log, Les livres que j’ai lu and they will also have to do an Appréciation du Livre form a couple of times each week.

Les Media (The Media): Two or three times each week, I would like for the students to spend ten to fifteen watching French television or listening to French radio. This can be a sports broadcast, news, cartoons or a weather report. They are to complete the log in their duo-tang for this activity. Please note that their Livret de sac, Média and Appréciation du livre forms are all in the same duotang labeled Livret de Sac/Média

Duo-tangs: Because we do not have text for the ICF program, keeping students organized is very important. Therefore, the students have about six duotangs to help keep things in order. Most of the material we use is photocopied and when distributed, students are instructed to place it in a specific duotang. This needs to be established and made routine at the beginning of the school year.

Novel: Students will be bringing home their first English novel study in a couple of weeks. They will be expected to read a novel from the Grade 6 assigned novel study list.

They will be given approximately 4 weeks to complete each novel and the assigned questions/activities that accompany the novel. It is highly recommended that students manage their time wisely, both to read the novel for its literary merit, and to complete the required assignment by its assigned due date.

I look forward to a great year working with your child as they begin this wonderful language learning experience. Should you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact me at school or by email at: .


Here is a list of French websites that your son/daughter may enjoy. Accessing these sites is a great way for your child to practice his/her French skills and to expand his/her vocabulary independently.

Vive le français!

Un jour sans français …

est comme une nuit sans les étoiles!