AY 2011-2012

Program Rationale/Purpose Statement:
Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement:
Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes:
Students in ELAC and ESL courses will improve their English reading skills. Courses Involved: ELA101/102/109 / ENG140ESL/141ESL.
Students in ELAC will be expected to work on the RosettaStone program for 2 hours each week.
75% of the students enrolled in ENG 141-ESL will complete the course with a ‘C’ or better on their first attempt.
Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc.
Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year.
Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year.
Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcome 1:Students in ELAC and ESL courses will improve their English reading skills. Courses Involved: ELA101/102/109 / ENG140ESL/141ESL.
Assessment Criteria:Students in the listed courses will take the Accuplacer tests at the beginning and end of each semester. 75% of them will show an increase of at least 5 points between the first and second tests.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 2: Students in ELAC will be expected to work on the RosettaStone program for 2 hours each week.
Assessment Criteria:80% of the students assigned to use the RosettaStone program during Spring 2011 will complete the requirement.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Intended Outcome 3: 75% of the students enrolled in ENG 141-ESL will complete the course with a ‘C’ or better on their first attempt.
Assessment Criteria:Determine the number of first-time students enrolled in the ESL section of ENG 141 in fall and spring semesters. Establish the number of those students who earn a ‘C’ or better on their first attempt at the course.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2011-2012 / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:

Updated September 2011