Subject:Meeting prior to USGA Meeting

Date, Time, Place:

Tuesday February 24th, 2009

Country Club of Virginia, Westhampton Course

Attendance: Eric Spurlock, Jeff Berg, Matt Boyce,Peter McDonough, Kim Garnett, Chris Petrelli, Jeff Van Fleet, John Libassi, Ed Eagle and David Norman

  1. Call to order at 9:07 Am
  2. Everyone introduced themselves
  3. Minutes from Annual Meeting
  4. Approved (McDonough/Garnett motion)
  5. Treasurer’s Report (Boyce/ Norman)
  6. Is in good order, cash flow looks good
  7. Came within $1 of budget for GCSAA Social
  8. McDonough reminded External V.P.’s to push dues payments in and on time!
  9. External Vice President’s Report
  10. SVTA - Eagle – Has sent out a list of meetings which highlights events on March 26 at Spotswood, May 5th at Gypsy Hill, June 8th VTF, joint meetings with GWGCSA in the fall and a joint meeting with the VTA in August.
  11. VTA – Garnett- the schedule is set which includes Woody Outlaw at Hidden Valley CC, PGA Agronomist Jeff Haley at Vista Links and Keith Happ from the USGA at the Goodyear CC. Garnett reported there are just a small number of turf students at Virginia Tech, and she will try to stay linked to the VT program.
  12. TTA – Petrelli – The transition to Travis Creech is going well, the DickCake Tournament will be in June; need a date for the Wee One and they are discussing topics for future meetings.
  13. GWGCSA – Van Fleet – VP John Burke has resigned due to issues outside of the GWGCSA, and they are looking to fill that position, there is a joint meeting with MAGCSA at Stonewall in April, in June there will be a joint meeting with ODGCSA at Washington CC, July will be the annual Maintenance Open at Forrest Greens which is open to the whole state.
  14. ODGCSA – McDonough – Tollie Quinn not set but will follow up, Norman noted concern over sponsorships
  1. Recap of Recent Events
  2. Virginia Golf Council – Spurlock
  3. Discussed economic study, appointed Exec. Sect. from CMAA-VA
  4. McDonough discussed BMP issues
  5. H2B issues
  6. “Get ready for golf” explained
  7. Annual Meeting - Spurlock
  8. Good awards, good event,
  9. Recommended to send a press release to acknowledge VGCSA elected officials.
  10. GCSAA Social Event - Spurlock
  11. Huge success, great event, laid back feel, great networking
  12. Issues w/ ESAGCS but a learning experience
  13. McDonough thought it was good to get all Associations together to fight issues in the future
  14. Partner Program update –
  15. Norman asked for help retaining last year’s partners
  16. Norman projected revised budget of $67,500 vs $83,300 and a net negative effect of around $8,000 vs budget
  17. Spurlock asked Board members to make calls to partners, withNorman to compile assignment list
  18. Libassi expressed the emphasis to say “Thank You” to our partners
  19. Motion to spend an extra $100 an issue to make the newsletter color – (McDonough/ Garnett motion) approved
  20. 2009 Committee Assignments – Spurlock
  21. Two new committee’s – Assistant Superintendent & Associate
  22. Spurlock encouraged Chairs to add members to build relationships for the future
  23. McDonough is trying to encompass members from all areas of the State to work on the BMP issues
  24. Due to the Foundry hosting the Joe Saylor, Scott Mauldin has been added to the Golf Committee
  25. Survey is due this year and the Association hopes to go electronic
  26. Old/ New Business
  27. Boyce update everyone on Joe Saylor, Foundry will host, still working out details whether it will be small or large event (entails getting more golf carts), Board agrees that a larger event will encompass more members and raising the fee is not the way to go
  28. McDonough updated everyone on the Government relations, fertilization Bill, Go Golf Green Iniative and will communicate with DEQ
  29. Meeting Adjourned 10:58

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Boyce, Secretary/Treasurer VGCSA