French Revolution Part #1 and #2 Reading Guide
Pgs.386 - 391
Directions: Read the pages and answer the questions on a
separate piece of paper.Make sure you answers are text based and complete
Be sure to do the vocabulary!!!!

One eve of Revolution

French society divided
1. What was the ancien’ regime?
2. What and who made up the 3 estates?
3. Why was the Clergy so wealthy?
4. What estate held most government jobs?

Third Estate Vastly Diverse

  1. What percent of the people of France were of the Third Estate?
  2. Who were the Bourgeoisie
  3. What kind of professions did they hold
  4. Why did the First and Second Estates payed no taxes

Financial Troubles

  1. What is meant by deficit spending
  2. List several reasons why France in economic trouble
  3. Who wasJacques Neckerand what were his reforms?
  4. What happened to him as a result of his proposals?
  5. What is the Estates General? What were the goals of the Nobles

Delegates take the Tennis Court Oath

  1. Why did the third estate always lose when voting in the estates general?
  2. What was the National Assembly
  3. What was the result of the creation of the National Assembly
  4. Why did the Third Estate meet in the Tennis Court?
  5. What was the Tennis Court Oath? What did each swear to?

Parisians Storm the Bastille

  1. What was the Bastille? What was the purpose for “storming the Bastille?”
  2. What do the French people today call the storming of the Bastille
  3. What symbolic message was being sent by the destruction of the Bastille?

French Revolution Part #2 pgs. – 392 397

French Revolution Unfolds

  1. Make a time line of the different phases of the revolution
    Political Crisis Leads to Revolt
  1. How did food shortage lead to Crisis?
  2. (notice Woman’s March at top of the page) Why were the women upset? (more later in the chapter)
  3. What was the Great Fear? Who were the recipients of the violence?

National Assembly Acts

  1. During the National Assembly the Nobles agreed to give up their privilege why?
  2. Officially what form of government ended at this point?
  3. What was the enlightenment goal of the nobles giving up their privileges’?

Declaration of Rights of Man

1. What were the Declaration Rights of Man? What influence did they draw from?

2. What was the Revolution slogan?

3. Who was against the DROM and why?

Women’s March on Versailles

  1. What was the purpose of the WMOV
  2. What was the outcome?

The National Assembly Presses onward
1. What new controls were put on the Church?
2. Who opposed these measures and why?

Constitution of 1791 Creates a New Government
1. How did the new constitution limit the monarchy?
2. What powers did the legislature have?
3. How does a limited monarchy go against enlightenment ideals?

Louis Escape Fails
1. Why did Louis flee?
2. What was the result of him trying to escape?
3. What was the state of Louis and Marie’s popularity at this stage? How are they viewed by the public?

Radicals Take Over Rulers Fear Spread of Revolution
1. How did European leaders react to France’s problems?
2. What was the French Plague?
3. Who were the emigres? How did they influence other governments?
4. Why were considered radicals?
Threats from abroad
1. Why would the Radicals want to go to war with Prussia?
2. Who were the radicals? How did they, by dressing, show their oppositions?

Radicals fight for power and declare war
1. What kind of Government did the Sans-culottes want?
2. Who were the Jacobins
National Assembly Declares War on Tyranny
1. What countries did the Radicals declare war with?
2. What were their goals or desired outcome of war?
3. Why would this be both a positive and negative idea at the time?

Part Three to come. ….Reign of Terror, the rise and fall of Napoleon