WINGS 1998.txt

1998 program list

#1-98 Newscast

1. The Fence at Greenham Comn1on (winner 1998 DAWN prize)

by Margaretta D'Arcy (Ireland)

2. Women & the M.A.I.

by Elayne Clift (Washington, DC, U.S.A.)

3. Pesticide Action Network

by Dorothy Kidd (Vancouver, Canada)

4. Bianca Jagger, Rights Activist

by Mark Lynas (U.K.)

5. Beekeeping in Ghana

by Lydia Ajono (Ghana)

#2-98 Anti-Clearcutting Documentary Film

about Shelley Wine of British Columbia, Canada

interview by Kathe Forrest (Boulder, CO, U.S.A.)

#3-98 Philosopher Activists (Lesbian & Torti1lera)

Speeches by Chris Cuomo (U.S.) & Maria Lugones (Chile)

recorded & edited by Rebecca Bennett (Austin, TX, U.S.A.)

#4-98 Winnie Mandela at Million Woman March

Mandela (S.Africa) & Piola Butler-Davis,

recorded by Daa'iya Lomax (New York, U.S.A.)

#5-98 Media Myths of Russian Womanhood

Irina Jurna (Russia)

recorded by Piera Paine (New York, U.S.A.)

#6-98 Newscast

1. Butterfly in a Redwood Tree (U.S.A.)

by Joan BUffington, KVMR-FM (Nevada City, CA, U.S.A.)

2. Jerusalem Women Seeking Peace (Israel)

by Elaine Clift, ed. Rebecca Bennett (Austin TX, U.S.A.)

3. Corporations vs. Governments

featuring Maude Barlow (Canada)

produced by Maria Gilardin, T.U.C. Radio (San Francisco, U


with editing for WINGS by Anne Merrill (Austin TX, USA)

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4. The Bill They Called "Mobile Chernobyl"

featuring Winona Laduke, (Wisconsin, U.S.A./indigenous)

by Frieda Werden with tape from C-Span (Austin, Texas, USA

5 . Argentina's "Satellite Eve"

Gloria Bonder (Argentina)

by Frieda Werden (USA)

#7-98 Non-Defensive Communication

featuring Sharon El lison (USA)

by Sue Supriano, "Steppin' Out of Babylon," (Oakland CA, U


#8-98 & 9-98 Women's News Roundup

and D.A.W.N. award for hottest women's radio news of 1997

hosted by Lisa Hayes & Frieda Werden of WINGS

#10-98 Sami Woman

featuring Liv Inger Somby (Samiland/Lapland)

by Agnes Patak, KMUD-FM (California, USA/indigenous )

#11-98 Genetic Counseling & Disability

featuring Marsha Saxton (USA)

by Jean Parker, Disability Radio Worldwide (Denver CO, USA

#12-98 Newscast

1. Hat Tip to Bella

featuring Bella Abzug (New York, USA)

by Frieda Werden (USA)

2. Women's Liberty in Zimbabwe

featuring Barbara Bedont (Canada/Women in Law & Developmen



by Frieda Werden (USA)

3. Women in Symphony Orchestras

featuring Margaret Gage (USA)

by Wendy Nelson, Michigan Radio (USA)

4. Flowers for Kabul

featuring Emma Bonino (Italy/European Parliament)

by Linda Israel, International Women's Round Table, & Frie

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Werden (USA)

5. Domestic Protection in India

featuring Madhu Kishwar (India)

by Carol Stall, ed. Mary O'Grady (USA)

#13-98 First International Women's Roundtable

from the video conference linking the U.N. in New York wit


Iowa City,

Paris, France, and Peshawar, Pakistan

produced by Linda Hawken Israel, with Frieda Werden (USA)

#14-98 Lesbian Insemination: No Womb for Daddy

documentary by Helene Rosenbluth (San Francisco, USA)

#15-98 Deaf Women in Africa

featuring Mclaine Mucheka (Uganda) and Madeleine Albright


by Jean Parker, Disability Radio Worldwide (Colorado, USA)

#16 & 17-98 The International Criminal Court & Caucus for Gender


International Women's Roundtable recorded in New York by F



hosted by Lena Yacoumopoulou of UN Radio "Women," exec.


Linda Israel (Seattle WA, USA)

featuring Alda Facio & Ana Elena Obando (Costa Rica); Rhon



Kathy Hill Martinez, & Donna Axel (USA); Valerie Osterveld

(Canada) ;

Cristina Gates (Philippines); Eleonora Zielinska (Poland);

Angela Agoawike (Nigeria)

#18-98 Newscast

1. Women's Economics Conference in Africa (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

reported by Rose Lukalo, African Women & Child Information

Network (Kenya)

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2 . Canadians Inspect U .S . Weapons o f Destruction

reported by Karen Sawatzky (Vancouver , BC, Canada)

3. The "Mom-Bo " Sh ow

fea turing Nancy Olesen, KFAI -FM (Minneapolis , USA)

4 . Lead Poisoning in Children

reported by Wendy Nelson, Mi chigan Ra d io (USA)

5 . Pol ice-Woman Promotions in Pakistan

reported b y Nafisa Hoodbhoy (Karach i , Pakistan)

#1 9- 9 8 Fasia

p o rtrait of the late Afro-German fo lksinger & peace act ivi

s t

featuring Ell e n Diederich (Oberhausen , Germany)

produced by Frieda We r d e n (USA)

#20 - 98 Gender Myths about Afric a

featuring Dr . Deborah Toler o f Fo o d Fi r s t (USA)

produced b y Kathe Forrest (Colorado , USA)

#2 1-98 World Cycl ist

featuring Danie l le Gavard (Quebec City, Canada)

produced b y Sue Supriano (USA) , recorded in Cuba

# 22- 98 The Ir ish Agreement

Featuring Rosemary Nel s on and Bernadette Devl in McAl iskey

(Northern I re land)

reported by Frieda We r d e n of WINGS and Maria Gi lardin , T.U

. C .

Radio (US )

edi ted b y Mary O'Grady (Aus tin TX, US)

#23-9 8 Feminist Books in t he Superstore Era

f e a t u r i n g interviews from U .S . and Australian publishers

p roduced by Frieda Werden of WINGS (Austin TX, USA)

#24-9 8 Ninotchka Rosca: The Gl obal Se x Indus try

speaker i s from Philippines/US

produced by Fr ieda Werden o f WINGS (US)

#25-98 News c a s t

1. J a n e Doe Rape Case i n Canada

reported by Punam Khos la (Toronto , Canada)

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2 . Women & the Bomb in Pakistan

reported by Nafisa Hoodbhoy (Karachi , Pakistan)

3 . African Women 's Workshop on Domestic Vio lence

(recorded in Et hi op i a, with speakers from Ugand a, Mauritiu



reported by Lena Yacoumopoulou & Fl o r e n c e Poblete-Enriquez

, UN

Radio "Wome n"

4. Domest ic Violence I n s u r a n c e

reported by Vickie Benitez (Aust in TX , USA)

5 . Th e Weather- Music Woman

reported by Wendy Nel s on, Great Lakes Radio Consortium

(Mich igan , USA)

#26 -98 African Women 's Health : TB & Fi s t u l a

reported by Rose Lu ka l o , African Women & Chi ldren Info rmat


Network (Kenya)

report ing from Addi s Ababa , Ethiopia

edited for WINGS by Mary O'Grady (Texas , USA)

#27 -98 Tropical Forests : Ba r b a r a Bernie

recorded & edited by Frieda Werden

#28-98 Get the Best of Your Boss

featur ing Carole Fung a r o l l i (USA)

produced by Mary O'Grady (Tex a s , USA)

#29-98 Silicone Implant Survivors

update of documentary from "Wome n on the Li n e" (Aus tralia)

#3 0- 9 8 Riffa t Ha s s a n, I s lamic Feminist Th eologian

recorded in Be ij i ng by Fri e d a We r d e n

edited for WINGS by Mary O'Grady (Austin , Texas , USA)

#31 -98 Newscast

1 . Th e Re s istance in Burma

f e a t u r ing Debbie Stothard (Malays ia)

reported by Ma ry Beth Brangan, Options 2000 (Ca l ifornia ,US


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2 . The Wea kness o f A.S .E .A .N.

featuring Gi gi Francisco (Phi l ippine s) & Debbi e Stot h a r d

(Mal a ysia )

r eported b y Mary Beth Brangan (US )

3 . Nuclear Madness in the Ukraine

featuring Maya Reminchi ts (Ukraine )

interviewed by Sue Supriano (California, US)

edited by Frieda Werden, WINGS (Ca l i fo r n i a , US)

4 . Jerry's Orphans

interview by Jean Parker , Disability Ra d io Wo rldwide, USA

5 . Ok i n awa n Women Ac t Against Military

featuring Kozue Akibayashi (Ok i n awa , J a p a n )

reported by Mary Beth Brangan (USA)

# 32-9 8 Or i g i n s of Western Feminism: Matilda J oslyn Gage

speech by Sally Roesch Wagne r (USA)

recorded & edited by Frieda Werden (WI NGS, USA)

#3 3- 98 Beyond t he Sex Wars

speech by Wendy Chapki s (USA/Netherlands )

rec orded & edited b y Frieda Werden (WINGS, USA)

#34-98 Greenham Women Put Nukes on Trial

Sarah Hippers on (U.K . ) interviewed b y Mar garetta D'Arcy

(I r e l a n d )

song b y Welsh Soci a l i s t Red Choir

edite d f or WINGS by Suz e t t e Cullen & Frieda Werden

# 3 5-9 8 South Af rica : Vi o lence Against Women

f eaturing Ma ts i lo Mutsei & Na omi Webster (South Africa)

produced b y Di bet le Lydia Mas emol a (Joh a n n e s b u r g , South Af

rica )

#36-9 8 Marsha Gome z : Swe et Responsibility

speech b y a leader o f Indi genous Women 's Ne t wo r k (USA)

r ecorded & edited b y Frieda Werden (USA)

#37-9 8 Newscast

1 . Anti-Abortion Activists Fight the Pill

f eaturing Mr s. J u d i e Brown , American Life League (USA)

p roduced by Mary O'Grady (Te x a s , USA)

2 . A He lping Hand for Pro stitut es in the Philippines

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i n t e r v iewe d b y Sue Suprian o (US)

#4 2- 98 Non-Defensive Communi cation fo r Activists

Sh a ron Ellison (US) i n terviewed by Sue Supriano (US)

#43-98 Newscast

1 . New Women Saints Old Women Priests

Karen J o Torjeson & Sally Cuneen, interviewed by Mar y O' Gr



2 . Schoo l o f t he Americas under Siege

Ca r o l Ri chardson, School of the America Watch (US)

interviewed by Maria Suarez (Costa Rica )

3 . Rape Con v ict ion in Rwanda

Isabel Hallal , Coalition on Women's Human Righ t s in Con fli


Situations (Canada )

from the CD "Mo r e than Just a Dozen" (Can ada )

Script by Frieda Werden, WINGS (USA)

4 . Red-Green Government i n Europe

Ellen Di e derich, Feminist Peace Archive (Oberhausen, Germa

n y)

produced b y Frieda We r den, WINGS (USA)

5 . Arthri t i s & High Heels

Dr. Kas e y Kerr i gan, Ha rvard Medical School (US)

i n tervi ewed by Mary O' Gr a d y , WINGS (USA)

#44 - 98 Afghan Women's Roundt abl e

Sima Wa l i, Dr. Zieba Shorish-Shamley, Suraya Sadeed, & Zoh


Rasekh (Af gh a n/Amer )

j oin International Women 's Roundtable in Washington DC

produced b y Lin d a Hawken Israel with Frieda Werden (US)

#45-98 Maria Suarez o f F. I .R .E .

Suarez , of Feminist I n ter n a t iona l Ra dio Endeavour (Costa R


talking with Sue Sup ri a no (US)

#46-98 Hot Money & The Global Ec onomy

Nicola Bullard (Aus tralia/Tha iland)

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Sr. Mary Soledad Perpinan & "Ruth" (Phil ippines)

report by Mary Beth Brangan, Options 2000 (California USA)

3. Colombia's Proxy Army

featuring Cecilia Zarate-Laun (Colombia/USA)

interviewed by Esty Dinur, "A Public Affair" (Madison WI,


editor: Mary O'Grady; script: Frieda Werden

4. Women Struggle for Native Title in Australia

featuring Lois O'Donohue, Women for Wik; Amanda Bangmar,


Western Australian; Shirley Peasley, Ngarrindjeri from Sou



Gladys Timpingupa, Wik woman.

Produced by Andrea Baker, Women on the Line, Australia, wi



Guest & other contributors.

5. The Tunnels of London's Eco-Park

featuring anonymous young woman London activist

interview by Margaretta D'Arcy, Radio Pirate Woman (Galway


edited for WINGS by Mary O'Grady

#38-98 Sister Sol

Sr. Mary Soledad Perpinan, Third World Movement Against

Exploitation of Women

produced by Mary Beth Brangan & Jim Heddle, Options 2000

#39-98 The Lambi Fund of Haiti

Josette Perard (Haiti)

recorded by Sue Supriano & edited by Mary O'Grady (USA)

#40-98 Algeria: Frontline of Resistance

Nedjma Boucheloukh (Algeria)

interviewed by Maria Suarez (Costa Rica) (at a conference



Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden

#41-98 Women's Rights in U.S. Prisons

Widney Brown, Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Division (

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produced by Mary Beth Br angan, options 2000 (California, U


#47 -98 Newscast

1 . First Swiss Woman Pres ident

produced by Imogen Foulkes , Swiss Radio International


2 . Why Women Defend Cl inton

featur ing u .S. women pol i ticians

produced by Frieda Werden (US)

3. Jul ia Wri ght' s Le t t e r to the Prosecutor o f Mumia Abu-Jamal

Julia Wright (of France) speaking at t he Mil l ion Woman Mar


(Philadelphia , US)

recorded by Daa 'iya Lomax (New York, USA)

4 . Galina Starovoitova Assass i na ted in Russ ia

interview with Sarah Harder of I nternational Assoc . o f

University Women (US)

by Fri e da Werden (US)

5 . 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women

Es t h e r Broner (US) , poet

produced by Lena Yacoumopoulou , UN Radio "Women"

#48 -#52 -98 Fr om t he Back Alleys to the Supreme Court & Beyond

a history o f abor t i on rights in the U.S .

p r oduc ed by Dorothy Fad i man o f Concentric Me d i a (Californi

a ,


adapted for radio by Frieda Werden o f WINGS (Texa s, USA)

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