

1.-READING COMPREHENSION. Read the story carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.

It's Dinner time

It's time to make dinner at Joey and Lucy's house. Lucy's Mom is making dinner. She is cooking chicken, rice, mashed potatoes and salad for dinner.

Lucy helped make the mashed potatoes.

Joey put tomatoes in the salad. Both Joey and Lucy helped set the table.

When dinner was ready, Lucy called for Dad to come to the dinner table to eat.

"Dad, dinner's ready," said Lucy. "Come eat."

Lucy, Joey, Mom and Dad all sat at the table to eat dinner.

Everyone finished all of their dinner except Joey, who wouldn't touch his salad. "I don't like salad," he said. "You should eat it," said Mom, "It's healthy for you." Then, Joey finally ate a few bites of his salad.

When dinner was over, Dad and Lucy did the dishes while Mom and Joey relaxed in the living room.

1  What did Mom cook for dinner?


2  Who helped make the mashed potatoes?


3  Who put the tomatoes in the salad?


4  Who called Dad to dinner?


5  Why does Mom want Joey to eat his salad?


6  What did Mom and Joey do after dinner?


2.-VOCABULARY. Choose the vocabulary words that best fit each sentence.

tossing strange saw laughter children

1  How many ______do you have?

2  The audience roared with ______.

3  I ______him eating a sandwich.

4  Tom heard a ______sound.

5  He is ______his dirty clothes on the floor.






1.-READING COMPREHENSION. Read the invitation card carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.

1  Who is having a party?


2  Where is the party?


3  When is the party?


4  Why are they having a party?


5  Can you bring a guest?


2.-VOCABULARY. Choose the vocabulary words that best fit each sentence.

found together wise angry tried

1  He was so ______he couldn't speak.

2  Bob ______a nice apartment for Mary.

3  Last Sunday, Katy and I went to church ______.

4  She ______to speak English to us.

5  Helen made a ______decision.






1.-READING COMPREHENSION. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.


I love to use Mom's camera.

Can I, Mom? Oh, please?

I want a picture of these bugs.

That butterfly! Those bees!

I took a hundred photographs

Of monkeys at the zoo,

And thirty of my mother--

She smiled for one or two.

I got some snapshots of my friends,

Ella, Jack, and Will.

And now I'm taking one of YOU--

Ready, now? Hold still!

Yes, I love taking photographs,

It really is a breeze--

'Cause when I take the pictures,

I don't have to say cheese!

1  Name four people who had their picture taken in the poem.


2  Line 14 of the poem says, "It really is a breeze."

What does this expression mean?

A It takes a long time.

B It is fun.

C It is easy.

D It is windy.

3  Which sentence about the child's mother is probably true?

A She wants to take pictures of her family.

B She wants to buy a new camera.

C She loved having her picture taken thirty times.

D She did not enjoy having her picture taken thirty times.

4  Draw three different photographs that were taken by the child in the poem. Below each frame, tell who or what is in the picture.


2.-VOCABULARY. Choose the vocabulary words that best fit each sentence.

thought instead necessity ceased fallen

1  The baby ______crying.

2  He picked up a bird's nest that had ______upon the ground.

3  ______of braids, she brushed her hair into a ponytail.

4  A computer is an absolute ______now.

5  I ______doing this would be easy.






1.-READING COMPREHENSION. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.


My dog and I take a walk down the street,

And we say "hello" to people we meet.

There's Mike the baker, outside of his shop.

He gives me a piece of freshly baked cake,

And out of his pocket a biscuit for Jake.

There's Mrs. McGinn, a teacher from school,

She has two children, a dog, and a pool.

Say "hiD" to Rory, who works on is truck.

It won't get started so we wish him luck.

Along comes Bridget who just learned to drive.

She gives Jake a pat and me a high-five.

We're back from our walk, the mail truck now parks.

I know that it's there since Jake always barks.

It's Bill the mailman who never comes late.

Arriving at noon, he opens the gate.

"Here is your mail now for house number three."

"Does Jake save that bark for when he sees me?"

Match each character from the poem to their description. Write the correct letter on each line.

____ 1. Mrs. McGinn a. a mail carrier

____ 2. Bridget b. a dog

____ 3. Jake c. a mother and schoolteacher

____ 4. Mike d. a girl who just got her driver´s license

____ 5. Bill e. a man who owns a bakery

6. What problem does Rory have?


7. Which fact about the mailman is true?

a. He comes before noon every day. b. He is usually running late.

c. He always gives Jake a biscuit. d. He sometimes forgets the house number.

8. Which piece of information is not mentioned in the poem?

a. where Jake and his owner are walking b. the first name of the mailman

c. the first name of Jake´s owner d. the house number where Jake and his owner live

2.-VOCABULARY. Choose the vocabulary words that best fit each sentence.

cheated broken bride agreed missing

1  All the students ______to go.

2  Every ______is beautiful on her wedding day.

3  You must have a proper excuse for ______an exam.

4  He ______at the game of cards.

5  Mom heard the sound of ______glass, and she was alarmed.






1.-READING COMPREHENSION. Read the selection carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.


The Amazon River is located in South America. It is the second longest river in the world. The Nile River is the longest. The Amazon River is 3980 miles long. It´s basin covers more than half of South America. In 1541 Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana gave the river its name and was the first European to travel the entire length.

1  Where is the Amazon River located?


2  What is the name of the longest river in the world?


3  How long is the Amazon River?


4  Who was the first to travel the entire length of the river?


5  What year was the river named?


6  How much of South America does the basin cover?


2.-VOCABULARY. Choose the vocabulary words that best fit each sentence.

disappointed disobeying stared suffered waited

1  Everyone ______at Tom.

2  The bus driver ______minor injuries.

3  I am ______that my friend is not here.

4  Tom is ______a direct order from a superior officer.

5  They ______a long time for Natasha to come to dinner that day.






1.- READING COMPREHENSION. Read the story carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.


When you hear the word bird I bet one of the first things you think of is flying. But did you know there are almost 40 different birds that can't fly?

Most scientists believe flightless birds had ancestors that did fly. However, over time they developed alternatives to flying. Penguins, with wings more like flippers, are fast swimmers. And long-legged ostriches, are fast runners.

Some birds may have become flightless because they live on islands or other places where they have few predators. New Zealand, for example, has more flightless birds than any other country. Six are different kinds of penguins. New Zealand also is home to the small kiwi, two kinds of non-flying ducks and the heaviest parrot in the world, the endangered kakapo.

Near New Zealand is Australia, a country that has two other famous flightless birds. These are the large and fast running emus and cassowaries.

What is the largest living flightless bird? If you said ostrich, you're right. In fact, the ostrich is the largest living bird, flightless or not. Some even weigh over 300 pounds. But ostriches live in Africa, where lions, leopards, cheetahs and hyenas live, so how do they survive? Well, ostriches can run over 40 miles an hour, faster than any other bird and most other animals, as well. They also have long, sharp claws on feet that kick with tremendous strength.

Ostriches are ratites. Ratites are birds with a reduced keel or no keel at all on their breastbone. The keel part of the breastbone is what anchors the muscles needed for wing movement. No keel means no flying. Other large ratites include emus, cassowaries and the rheas of South America. All of them have sharp claws and run at fast speeds. And like many other flightless birds they have solid bones, instead of the lightweight hollow bones of flying birds.

Perhaps one of the more unusual-looking flightless birds was the Dodo bird. The dodo lived on the island of Mauritius, off the coast of Africa. It was discovered in the year 1602. Early settlers found that the Dodo was not afraid of humans, which make it easy to hunt. It wasn't long before all the dodos on the island had been killed by hunters. Unfortunately, by the year 1680 this bird was gone from the world forever.

The largest and heaviest bird of all time is also extinct. The flightless elephant bird of Madagascar. It stood nearly 10 feet tall and weighed as much as three large ostriches. This bird has been extinct since the year 1700.

Even though they cannot fly, all flightless birds do have feathers. In fact, some have feathers all over their body. While other birds soar through the air, flightless birds thrive by walking, running, and even swimming.

1  Where do emus and cassowaries live?

a.  New Zealand b. Austria

c.  Africa d. Australia

2  How are an emu's bones different from a seagull's bones?



3  According to the article, what are two ways an ostrich can protect itself?



4  About how much would a full-grown elephant bird weigh?

a.  100 pounds b. 300 pounds

b.  900 pounds d. 1,200 pounds

5  How do penguins use their wings?



6  About how long ago did the dodo bird become extinct?

a.  90 years ago b. 130 years ago

b.  230 years ago c. 330 years ago

Fill in the missing letters to create a word from the article. Then, write the full word on the line. Be sure you spell each word correctly.

7 _ _ n _ u ______

clue: Antarctic bird

8 _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ e d ______

clue: in danger of becoming extinct

9 _ _ _ p _ _ _ s ______

clue: paddle-like limbs for swimming

10 _ l _ g _ _ l ______

clue: not able to fly

11 _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ e d ______

clue: found for the first time

12 _ i ______

clue: help

13 _ o _ _ o ______

clue: unfilled, not solid inside

2.-VOCABULARY. Write the letter of the vocabulary word next to its correct meaning.

A. declined
B. deed
C. doubted
D. dazzled
E. golden
F. grief
G. embraced
H. fair
I. hovering
J. leaping
K. length
L. mocked
M. pomp
N. refurnished O. remorse
P. though
Q. ungrateful
R. weep / ------a beloved woman
------accept willingly
------an act
------considered questionable
------deep and painful regret for wrongdoing
------exceptionally valuable
------expressed courteous refusal
------impressed deeply
------in spite of the fact that
------mental suffering over affliction or loss
------moving or acting quickly or suddenly
------resupplied with necessary appliances
------splendid display
------the longest extent of anything as measured from end to end
------to express overpowering emotion by shedding tears
------to hang suspended in the air
------to ridiculed by mimicry of action or speech






1.- READING COMPREHENSION. Read the story carefully and answer the questions with complete sentences.


Peru's Inca Indians first grew potatoes in the Andes in about 200 B.C. Spanish conquistadors brought potatoes to Europe, and colonists brought them to America. Potatoes are fourth on the list of the world's food staples -- after wheat, corn and rice. Today, Americans consume about 140 pounds of potatoes per person every year while Europeans eat twice as many.

One of our favorite ways to eat potatoes is in the form of potato chips. While Benjamin Franklin was the US ambassador to France, he went to a banquet where potatoes were prepared in 20 different ways. Thomas Jefferson, who succeeded Franklin as or French ambassador, brought the recipe for thick-cut, French-fried potatoes to America. He served French fries to guests at the White House in 1802 and at his home, Monticello.

On August 24, 1853 at Moon Lake Lodge in Saratoga, NY, a native-American chef, George Crum, created the first potato chips. He became angry when a diner complained that his French fries were too thick, so he sliced the potatoes as thinly as possible making them too thin and crisp to eat with a fork. The diner loved them, and potato chips were born. In 1860 Chef Crum opened his own restaurant and offered a basket of potato chips on every table.