802.21 Ad Hoc

Oct 31, Nov1, Nov2 , 2006 New Jersey

Contribution Status

No / Contribution
Number / Authors / Related Comments in LB#1, Issue# / Ad Hoc Recommendation / Comments
1 / 21-06-0656-01-0000-WLAN_WMAN_HO_Procedures_update / Xiaoyu et al / To be updated once the template is agreed upon.
2 / 21-06-0778-00-0000-Network_Standards_v1 / Yoshi et al / Deferred / Define characters for each standard 802.11/802.16. When you include TLV value, the TLV value should come from the standard.
3 / 21-06-0779-00-0000-PoA_IP_Address_IE / Yoshi et al / Deferred / Not all PoAs have IP addresses. This is optional. Can we keep IP address without PoA and in which container should we add this?
4 / 21-06-0780-00-0000-MIH_Protocol_State_Machine / Subir et al / 348 / Deferred / Do we need ACK in spec?
ACK (as part of MIH protocol) is useful for unreliable transports for L3. Other cases it may not be that useful since it may already exist implicitly (L2 transports and reliable L3 transports). Should the sender be allowed to decide on use of ACK? This flexibility increases complexity.
State Machine is required and gets complicated once ACK is included in spec. Need more discussion/evaluation of this document to ascertain which parts need to be included in spec.
5 / 21-06-0781-00-0000-MIH_Protocol_Error / Alice/Subir et al / Deferred / Further contributions/updates may be submitted for Dallas meeting.
Clarify use cases where these errors would occur and show what are the errors that occur under these cases. What are fatal/unrecoverable errors, etc. May need ways to terminate a transaction, session or entire registration.
6 / 21-06-0783-00-0000-centralized_NIHO / Albert Vidal
7 / 21-06-0784-00-0000_MIH_LINK_SAP_clarification / Kentario Ishizu et al
8 / 21-06-0785-00-0000_MIH_NET_SAP_additional_primitives / Kentario Ishizu et al
9 / 21-06-0786-00-0000_MIH_NMS_SAPclarification / Masahiro et al
10 / 21-06-0787-00-0000_QoS_Clarification / Kentario et al
11 / 21-06-0793-00-0000_NAI_primitive_clean_up / Ronny et al
12 / 21-06-0794-00-0000-Reference_Model_text_5_3_2 / Peretz Feder
13 / 21-06-0795-00-0000-ES_CS_Proxy / Albert Vidal et al
14 / 21-06-0796-00-0000-MIH_Protocol_States / Xiaoyu et al / 330 / Deferred / Need transport even to register and probably even to discover other MIHF entities. Discovery is optional and may not imply a state change. There may be static configuration files that help with this. Transactions/Exchange of MIH messages may take place with/without registration.
Are there really four states here?
The transaction state could be expanded more.
The MIHF in MN has to be in one of these states.
15 / 21-06-0797-00-0000-MIH_Registration_Amendments / Xiaoyu et al / 215, 267 / Deferred / When PoA changes does the MN need to register again? Why? The serving MIHF in network may or may not have changed. How is the lifetime of a registration decided? Does MN really need to re-register? When transport address of MN changes re-registration may be required. Registration is valid only for a session.
Errors in draft:
Page 68 of D2.0 has an error. Section 6.4.4 has an error.
Page 156, does not mention that Session-Id is optional
16 / 21-06-0799-00-0000-Suggestion about link parameter threshold configuration / Guo Junxiang
17 / 21-06-0801-00-0000-LB-Issue-74-Comment-568 / Guo Junxiang
18 / 21-06-0737-01-0000-SwitchCommand / Ulises / 278, 308 / Multiple logical links mentioned in same primitive and multiple different concurrent actions on these links can become infeasible. The name of the primitive is misleading as well.