Terms of Reference for individual consultants to support the Lao PDR Trade Portal management team
Second Trade Development Facility
Trust Fund No. TF091201
Project ID No. P106165
- Background to the assignment
The Second Trade Development Facility (TDF-2) is a multi-donor program financed by Australia, the European Union, Germany, Ireland and the World Bank focusing on improving trade and private sector development in Lao PDR. The development objective of TDF-2, which is implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, is to support the implementation of government’s trade and integration priorities outlined in the 2012 Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Roadmap, and in particular to contribute to improved competitiveness and diversification, focusing outside the natural resource sectors. TDF-2 has three main components[1]:
(a) trade facilitation, trade policy and regulations;
(b) diversification and competitiveness; and,
(c) mainstreaming aid for trade.
The appraised value of the project is US$ 14.0 million, with implementation to take place over a period of four years, starting in April 2013. Technical responsibility for implementation of the Trade Development Facility lies with the National Implementation Unit (NIU), based within the Planning and Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
The trade facilitation, trade policy and regulations component of TDF-2, which builds on the success of trade facilitation and trade policy activities under TDF-1, consist of a number of inter-related activities aimed at improving transparency, predictability and lowering compliance costs associated for traders.
Lao PDR became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in February 2012. During 2011, as part of the various activities under TDF-1 aimed at gaining WTO accession, Lao PDR began the development of the Lao PDR Trade Portal (LTP), a website that aggregates, integratesand publishes in an easily accessible manner all the trade related information relating to and originating from all agencies and ministries that play a regulatory role in the import, export and transit business.The LTP fulfills the commitment to transparency of trade information required by Article 10 of the GATT Agreement as well as the agreement on trade facilitation reached at the Bali Ministerial Conference in December 2013 that such information should be published on the Internet. Furthermore, the LTP also acts as the National Trade Repository (NTR) which is a requirement under Article 13 of ATIGA[2] and that will eventually lead to integration with the future ASEAN Trade Repository (ATR).
Development took place over 2011-12 and the website was publicly launched in June 2012. The LTP has been successfully operating since and it is now seen as the most authoritative source of trade related information in Lao PDR. The website has been operating 24/7 with near 100% availability and it currently has an established regular traffic base from a high number of visitors both from Lao PDR and abroad.
Contributing to the reliability and high performance of the website, as well as its reputation as a source of fresh, accurate and relevant information, is a robust technical architecture and strong provisions for its on-going management, maintenance and support.
Day-to-day management and maintenance of the website is an essential task in order to ensure that the information published on the LTP is always accurate and relevant to the trading community. DIMEX has therefore formed a team of qualified individuals to support the management of the LTP on an on-going basis. Thus, under the Trade Facilitation component of TDF-2, the National Implementation Unit is seeking an individual consultant to act as the “Content Coordinator”, a key role within the team that provides support to DIMEX inthe management of theLTP.
- Objective of the assignment
The objective of the assignment is toperform the key task of coordinating the collection of trade related information and data from all ministries and agencies involved in the import, export and transit business and ensure that such information is published promptly and accurately on the LTP website as well as providing support to DIMEX in terms of the overall management and policy implementation relating to the on-going operation of the LTP.
The duties and responsibilities of the Content Coordinator shall be as follows.
LTP Content Coordinator – estimated[xx] person months, to be delivered full-time over the course of the assignment
- Scope of work: This position involves working with the small, dynamic team that is in charge of the operation of the Lao PDR Trade Portal (LTP) using advanced technology to keep the website operational and up-to-date. The Content Coordinator will be the key point of contact for colleagues in DIMEX and counterparts in other Government ministries for collecting and analyzing information (laws, regulations, measures, news, announcements, tariff, etc.), and uploading it for public viewing in a timely manner.
- Detail of responsibilities:The LTP Content Coordinator is expected to:
-Liaise with agencies’designated contacts (“Focal Points”) in order to collect information and data on a regular basis to ensure that LTP is kept up to date;
-Work very closely with DIMEX management to structure and design the way information is presented in the various search and display facilities that the website offers to the public;
-Keep informed about the various developments taking place in Laos in terms of trade facilitation which will require new or updated information to be published and will need to pro-actively identify the potential sources of information.
-Research and maintain a library of stock pictures to be used on the website’s pages from time to time
-Edit pictures to create still and animated graphics;
-Prepare and format documents that require uploading to the LTP by scanning, converting or, when necessary, keying them in
-Upload data to the website;
-Monitor queries received from the public and route to relevant department;
-Follow up queries to ensure that they are duly fulfilled
-Extract periodic traffic statistics from Google Analytics and format and distribute regular usage reports
-Recommend to LTP Manager improvements or new facilities for inclusion in the LTP
-Support DIMEX with organization and delivery of LTP awareness seminars or other promotional activities
-Report to LTP Manager on weekly basis or as necessary on tasks performed;
-Closely work with other DIMEX staff assigned by management on dailyoperations and management of the TP.
-In conjunction with the TP team, develop a capacity building plan for transfer of knowledge in the system;
-Monitor performance and availability of the website on a regular basis and report any technical issues encountered to LTP Manager and to the company contracted to provide technical support for the hosting and for the system
-At such time as arrangements are in place for an exchange of information between LTP/NTR and the ATR maintain liaison with counter-parts in ASEAN Secretariat and assist with activities connected to the implementation and operation of the exchange.
-Perform other tasks and duties as requested by LTP management team;
- Key Qualifications
-Since this is a key position in a project of national significance which is an important element of Lao PDR’s progress in terms of trade facilitation and a key requirement for WTO membership, the candidate is required to have a broad understanding of the issues relating to transparency of trade information and how these would impact on the operation of the LTP.
-Having as a minimum a bachelor degree, preferably in Business, Economics, Law or a Trade related discipline
-Should be able to work under pressure and take initiative;
-Have a high degree of competency in IT office automation products such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and a reasonable familiarity with graphic editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop, etc.
-Experiences in public policy related projects in the Government offices will be advantage;
-Good understanding of Trade and business procedures in Laos will be advantage;
-Have good analytical skills;
-Good English skills all in writing, reading and speaking are essential;
-Able to use Internet for communication and research purposes;
-Basic experience in using image editing software such as Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, etc;
-Good inter-personal skills.
- Institutional arrangements
On the technical level, the selected individual consultants will work under the day to day supervision of the Head of the Trade Facilitation Division, Department of Imports and Exports, Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Office space and facilities will be provided in the Department of Imports and Exports.
Contractual arrangements will be managed by the National Implementation Unit, Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
[1] Fuller details on the scope of the TDF-2 are outlined in the Project Appraisal Document, November 1, 2012.
[2]ATIGA: ASEAN Trade In Goods Agreement