The Chinese University of Hong Kong ENT 2012 Conference

Head and Neck Surgery – Updating Current Management and Refining Essential Surgical Skills Through Video Instruction

Dates: Friday 16 – Sunday 18 November 2012

Venue: Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong.

Organizer: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Conference Chairman:

Alexander Vlantis Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Organizing Committee:

Andrew van Hasselt Chairman, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Michael Tong Head of Academic Divisions, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Siu Kwan Ng Consultant, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Eddy Wong Associate Consultant, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

International Faculty:

Johan Fagan University of Cape Town, Groote Schuur

Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa

Han De Min Beijing Tongren Hospital, China

Wei Xiong Chen The First People’s Hospital of Foshan, China

Ming Hua Ge Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, China

Zhu Ming Guo Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Hospital, China

Hiroya Kitano Tottori University Hospital, Japan

Zhen Kun Yu Beijing TongRen Hospital, China

Local Faculty:

Victor Abdullah Anil Ahuja Amy Chan Hing Sang Chan

Michael Kam Dennis Lee S.F. Leung Siu Kwan Ng

Donald Tang Victor To Raymond Tsang Alexander Vlantis

Eddy Wong Brian Yu Edmund Yuen

Please refer to conference website for full updated lists of faculty


16 November / 17 November / 18 November
Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists / 9.5 CME pts
(cat 2) / 6.5 CME pts
(cat 2) / 3 CME pts
(cat 2)
Hong Kong College of Surgeons / 6 CME pts
(Passive) / 6 CME pts
(Passive) / 2 CME pts
MCHK CME Programme
(Accredited by HKAM) / Pending / Pending / Pending


16 November (Friday)

Selective neck dissection / Johan FAGAN
Surgical management of oral cavity tumor / Eddy WONG
Reconstruction of oral cavity and mandibular reconstruction / PWH PRS
Surgical management of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumor / Alexander VLANTIS
Laser surgery for carcinoma of larynx / Zhen Kun YU
The application of precervical skin flap in repairing defeat following vertical partial laryngectomy / Wei Xiong CHEN
Reconstruction of laryngeal/hypopharyngeal defect / PWH PRS
Tips & trick of head and neck reconstruction / PWH PRS
Experience sharing - My journey of establishing a Head and Neck Surgery unit / Donald Tang
Principles and basic radiotherapy that a surgeon needs to know / Michael KAM
Organ preservation therapy for head and neck cancer – an update / Brian YU
Wilson T.S. Wang Visiting Professorial Lecture in Otorhinolaryngology
Developing World Otolaryngology: A global responsibility / Johan FAGAN

17 November (Saturday)

ATA management guidelines for thyroid nodules and well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma / Chi Keung MAK
Japanese guidelines of management of thyroid carcinoma / Hiroya KITANO
Cytology of thyroid nodules / Amy CHAN
Imaging of thyroid nodules / Anil AHUJA
Hemithyroidectomy / Siu Kwan NG
Surgery for retrosternal goiter / Siu Kwan NG
Level 2-5 selective neck dissection / Ming Hua GE
Level 6 selective neck dissection / Ming Hua GE
Endoscopic thyroidectomy- BAHA approach / Victor TO
Ansa cervicalis- RLN anastomosis / ZHENG Hong Liang
Submandibular sialadenectomy / Alexander VLANTIS
The management of parotid tumors / Johan FAGAN
Partial parotidectomy – retrograde facial nerve dissection / Wei Xiong CHEN
Endoscopic assisted parotidectomy / Wei Xiong CHEN
Botox for Frey’s syndrome / Hing Sang CHAN
Sialendoscopy / Siu Kwan NG
Invited lecture: Widening of nasal cavity as a treatment for OSAHS / HAN De Min
Conference Dinner

18 November (Sunday)

Imaging in NPC / Edmund YUEN
Recent update on managing advanced NPC / Sing Fai LEUNG
Surgical management of recurrence NPC – Maxillary swing/ transpalatal approach / Alexander VLANTIS
Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy / Victor ABDULLAH
Dennis LEE
Robotic nasopharyngectomy / Raymond TSANG
Anterior skull base tumor / Hoi Tung WONG
Transnasal Endoscopic approach to skull base / HAN De Min
How to manage skull base defect / Hoi Tung WONG

The Chinese University of Hong Kong ENT Conference 2012

Head and Neck Surgery – Updating Current Management and Refining Essential Surgical Skills Through Video Instruction

Registration Form

Complete this registration form in BLOCK LETTERS and return it with the appropriate registration fee to the Secretariat (we accept fax and on-line registration for credit card payment).

Title □ Prof □ Dr □ Mr □ Mrs □ Ms

Surname ______Name ______

Institution ______

Mailing Address ______


Tel ______Fax ______

Email ______

Registration category

CUHK ENT Conference (16-18 November)
On/Before 15 August / After 15 August
¨ / ENT Specialist / HK$2,500 / HK$3,000
¨ / Trainee (Proof required) / HK$1,500 / HK$2,000
Fellow and Member of the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists and the Hong Kong Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
On/Before 15 August / After 15 August
¨ / ENT Specialist / HK$2,250 / HK$2,700
¨ / Trainee (Proof required) / HK$1,350 / HK$1,800
¨ / Accompanying person/s
(fee includes conference dinner) / HK$600 per person x _____
Grand Total / HK$

The above fees include Conference Dinner (17 November).

Payment Method

□ A bank draft for USD/HKD made out to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” is enclosed.

(Personal cheques are acceptable for HK residents ONLY)

□ Please debit my credit card: Type: Visa / Master* (*delete as appropriate)

Name ______

Card Issuing Bank ______

Card No ______-______- ______-______Expiry date ____/____

Amount USD/HKD ______

Signature ______Date______

Payment, Cancellation and Refund Policy

Ø  Please note that full payment must be received with completed registration form.

Ø  All cancellations must be made in writing to the Secretariat. The following refund policy will be observed:

Postmarked, faxed or email on or before 1 September / Refund of registration fee less an administration charge of HK$450
Postmarked, faxed or email after 1 September / No refund

Should the Conference scheduled have to be cancelled due to unforeseeable circumstances, the organizer shall try to reschedule the programme whenever possible. There will be no refund if the delegate cannot attend the re-scheduled programme. If, for reasons beyond the control of the Organizing Committee, the Conference is cancelled, registration fees will be refunded after the deduction of conference expenses already incurred.

Conference Secretariat

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital

Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2632 1277 Fax: (852) 2145 8876

