Francis Howell Central High School
English II Syllabus
Ms. Moore
“Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow...” -Lawrence Clark Powell
Course Description: This skill-based course will focus on literary skills necessary to become an effective communicator in high school: reading, writing, listening/speaking and research. Emphasis will be placed on approaching reading and writing as processes. Expository, narrative, descriptive and persuasive writing will be addressed. Research will be integrated throughout the course. Students will read and respond to literature from variety of cultures. Throughout the course students will be preparing for the End of Course (EOC) Exam. The End of Course Exam will be given in April and replaces the MAP. The End of Course Exam counts towards 20% of fourth quarter grade.
Textbooks/Novels: You are responsible for any textbook or novel you check out from the room. All textbooks cost $75 and novels $10 if they are not returned. If they are damaged, fines will be assessed based on the damage.
Supplies Needed:
· (1) 1" 3-ring binder
· (5) Binder tab dividers (without pockets). These usually come in packs of 5 or 8, so you need 1 pack. Please label the dividers: literature, writing, vocabulary, grammar, goals/reflections.
· (1) Package of loose leaf paper
· (4) Writing utensils (pens and pencils)
· (1) Folder
If there is a major concern about attaining any of these supplies, please speak to me privately.
Teacher’s Wish list:
· Kleenex
· Hand sanitizer
· Markers
· Colored pencils
· Glue
· Scissors
Homework Policy: Homework provides an opportunity for you to practice the necessary skills and concepts. I will promise to give homework that is meaningful and/or helpful to your success in this class. “Busy” work will not be given as homework. To ensure busy work is avoided, an explanation for the purpose of the homework will be given. If assignments are not finished during class, then it will be completed at home as homework.
Grading Scale: Semester Grade
A 100-90 Quarter 1 40%
B 89-80 Quarter 2 40%
C 79-70 Final exam 20%
D 69-60
F 59 and below
Grade Components: Your grade will consist of essays, vocabulary, quizzes, bell-work (this will be completed everyday at the beginning of the hour so being on time is essential to succeeding), exams, projects, in-class assignments, constructed response, analyzing literature, classroom participation, and other various assignments. 20% of the fourth quarter grade will be the EOC Exam.
Extra-credit policy: Extra credit opportunities that relate to the curriculum but demands high critical thinking will be available, but sparingly. Extra-credit is not available to inflate student grades, so all work must be turned in and completed in order to receive extra-credit.
Make-Up Work Policy: Students with absences will be expected to make up missed tests and quizzes before or after school only. Projects and papers are still expected to be in on time unless an emergency has occurred, and this should be communicated with Ms. Moore as soon as possible. In-class assignments and homework will be due the following Monday. You are responsible for collecting your absent work. Assignments can be accessed from my website ( or from the bin located in the classroom.
Teacher’s Information: Conference Hour: 7:25-8:20am School Number: (636) 851-4581
E-Mail: or
(Voice mail and e-mail are checked each day and responded to within 48 hours)
Grades will be posted in classroom (by student number) every two weeks.
Progress Report Distribution Dates: 9/4, 11/13, 2/5, 4/23
Report Card Distribution Dates: 10/19, 1/11, 3/25, 5/26
Late or Missing Work: If you do not turn in a homework assignment on time, you will receive a “Z” in the grade book until you turn in the assignment. If late works becomes a habit, parents will be notified, and then detentions will be issued. 10% will be deducted off every day the assignment is late. I will not accept late work after we have finished a unit except for papers or projects where you will automatically lose 50%.
Classroom Interventions: I will regularly send e-mails to discuss students’ progress in class. Also, I will be making parent phone calls when necessary. Flexible grouping will be used to focus more on specific skills in which students need to improve upon.
Ms. Moore’s Classroom Norms/Expectations:
1. Stay in your assigned seat unless you are given permission to move.
2. Be an active and courteous listener. (Do not talk while someone else is talking, be prepared to ask questions about the topic, be prepared to respond to what the speaker has said, and do not interrupt each other or talk out in class. Always raise your hand if you need something.)
3. Always come prepared to class. Bring your supplies, homework and arrive on time (in your chair when the bell rings)! This also means if you need to sharpen your pencil, it should be done before the bell rings.
4. Do not line up at the door.
5. All materials not related to the topic at hand (purses, make-up, math or social studies work) should be out of sight…under your desk or in your backpack.
6. Keep your hands, feet, objects and impolite comments to yourself. (This means no throwing objects).
7. No sleeping or looking like you are “sleeping” (eyes closed, head down).
I’m looking forward to a great year with you!
-Ms. Moore